Archive for Robert Muller

Once Upon A Time America Had A Choice To Make!

Posted in Hillary Clinton with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 19, 2018 by sheriffali

A Loyal Public Servant that spent her life toiling for equality for children, women and men in America and the World, Hillary Clinton; or


A Notorious Coyote that spent his life being a racist, con man, a liar and fraud, stealing and corrupt to the core, Donald Trump.


Well the woman did win by approximately 3,000,000 votes, but Fraud, Lies, Deception, Suppressing and Purging Minority Voters, the con man illegally made his way into the Oval Office. And since then, he has been dragging America through the mud, same as he did with his own Private Life. The Funny part is that The Founding Fathers foresaw a crooked President and entrusted the safety of America in the hand of Congress, but, as it turns out, the Party of the illegitimate President, well, they are lying and are as crooked as he is and they are enabling the demise of the United States with America’s known enemy Russia.


These people the Republican Party, well they control both Houses of Congress, the White House with the Crook and they are actually protecting this dead-beat, as the country goes into more and more chaos day after day. What are the decent American people supposed to do? Especially that the Crooked GOP Party also controls the majority in the last bastion of Americans defense, the US Supreme Court.


I see the problem and I am frustrated like hell, but I am at a lost and just don’t know where to turn. The Republican Scam Investigation is going nowhere, but my only hope lies in a good and decent man, Special Counsel, Robert Muller, but even then, Mr. Muller still needs the Republican Congress to impeach crooked Trump and it is anybody’s guess what the GOP would do, because as you see, many of the Republicans also conspired with Russia that attacked America’s Democracy – “USA Free And Fair Elections.” Wow!


Twitter @sheriffali

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Pathological Liar, Corrupt, 5TH Grader, Despicable Donald Trump, Has Been A Bigoted, Fascist, Racist, Misogynist, Money Swindler, All Of His Life And He Is Never Going To Change:

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 15, 2017 by sheriffali

No right thinking, educated person should be surprised of Donald Trump’s awful Leadership as the questionable President of the United States. In all likelihood, Trump is America’s First Illegitimate President. It is difficult not to come to any other conclusion that the 2016 Election was stolen from Hillary Clinton, considering the Fraudulent Republicans Suppression and Purging of the Minority Votes and Trump’s Russian conclusion with Vladimir Putin.


The only thing worse than Donald Trump in the White House is the Republicans Controlling the House and Senate, that are actual enablers of Trump’s egregious machinations against America. As of the present time we are cognizant of the following Members of Congress that have taken Russian Money in the 2016 Election from Leonid Blavatnik, a close Ally of Vladimir Putin.


Mitch McConnell 2.5   Million Dollars

Marco Rubio        1.5   Million Dollars

Scott Walker        1.1   Million Dollars

Lindsay Graham   0.8 Million Dollars

John Kasich          0.25 Million Dollars

John McCain        0.20 Million Dollars


There may be many other Republicans; however, published Reports have disclosed the above people and the monies they took.


The simple question is that when Special Counsel Robert Muller discloses Impeachable criminal evidence against Donald Trump, are Republicans going to stand with America, or with the Treasonous, Traitor Trump?


America is in the worst situation it has ever been since its inception 241 years ago. How and if the United States could possibly climb out of these unforgiving waters, is anyone’s guess. The Constitution foresaw a Crooked President but it failed to imagine a Major Political Party enabling an American Traitor, Donald Trump


Twitter @sheriffali

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Former Marine And Special Counsel Robert Muller’s Message To Donald Trump!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , on August 10, 2017 by sheriffali

Every Move You Take

Every Tweet You Make

Every Promise You Break

Every News You Fake


I’ll Be Watching You


Twitter @sheriffali


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Republican Legislators In Congress And Other GOP Office Holders That Are Still Supporting Donald Trump Are Traitors To America And The Constitution

Posted in Politics, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 24, 2017 by sheriffali

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From All That Is Known Thus Far, Trump Is A Treasonous, Corrupt To The Core, Literally Decimating America’s Democracy, Electoral Process, US 17 Intelligence Agencies And Americans Freedom And Liberty. Republicans Are Enabling In All Of These Egregious Machinations Against America And Its People.



The Base Supporters of Donald Trump and the Republican Party are perhaps mostly just common folks that are uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and most likely, brainwashed, and they are Voting and Supporting their emotions as Dictated to them by Republicans and Trump.



Settling the fierce academic debate over whether or not a president can pardon himself would probably require a president to pardon himself for certain federal crimes and then, presumably after his term, challenge efforts to try him for those crimes, his self-pardon notwithstanding. The mere fact that the current president is putting the question to his lawyers, though, speaks volumes not just about his culpability, but about where his priorities lie.



The pardon power stems from the Constitution’s stipulation that the president “shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.” While the legal question would turn on whether a “grant” can be directed inward or only outward, the act itself would concede to the commission of “offenses against the United States.” By pardoning himself, Trump wouldn’t be inoculating himself against political jeopardy, only attempting to keep himself out of prison.



A president who claimed to be a tribune for law and order is mulling ways to immunize himself from prosecution for crimes, while showing no comparable mercy to anyone outside his immediate family or circle of conspirators. The Justice Department’s investigation of Russian influence in the 2016 election—and of the Trump campaign’s assistance in those efforts—is exposing as a sham Trump’s claim to loyalty to anyone other than himself.



Trump’s famously ghoulish campaign trail boast that he “could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and [not] lose any voters” was a slight exaggeration, but it spoke to something true and profound. The GOP base’s indifference to Russian election interference, and to Trump’s complicity with it, shows the strength of the bond Trump forged with a certain segment of the electorate through his unconventionally nasty and dishonest style on the stump. 



Twitter @sheriffali



Full Article By New Republic

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Donald Trump Is Being Investigated For “Obstruction Of Justice,” Not The Firing Of FBI Director James Comey

Posted in Politics, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 16, 2017 by sheriffali

Donald  Trump’s own words, verbal and written, his behavior and intent, he Trump may have very well convicted himself; as defined in the omnibus clause of 18 U.S.C. § 1503


“Obstruction of justice is defined in the omnibus clause of 18 U.S.C. § 1503, which provides that “whoever . . . . corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice, shall be (guilty of an offense).” Persons are charged under this statute based on allegations that a defendant intended to interfere with an official proceeding, by doing things such as destroying evidence, or interfering with the duties of jurors or court officers.


A person obstructs justice when they have a specific intent to obstruct or interfere with a judicial proceeding. For a person to be convicted of obstructing justice, they must not only have the specific intent to obstruct the proceeding, but the person must know (1) that a proceeding was actually pending at the time; and (2) there must be a nexus between the defendant’s endeavor to obstruct justice and the proceeding, and the defendant must have knowledge of this nexus.


  • 1503 applies only to federal judicial proceedings. Under § 1505, however, a defendant can be convicted of obstruction of justice by obstructing a pending proceeding before Congress or a federal agency. A pending proceeding could include an informal investigation by an executive agency.” [Legal Information Institute]


Twitter @sheriffali

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