Archive for Republicans Fear

Republicans Fear Of Removing Trump is “If Donald Trump Cheated With Russia To Obtain The Presidency And Is Forced To Resign, The Rightful President Is Not Mike Pence, It Is Hillary Clinton!”

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 10, 2017 by sheriffali

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Firing James Comey, Donald Trump is a Dollar short and Months late. Comey has already impaneled two Grand Juries and there are already 12 Sealed Indictments. There are 48 Targets thus far. Trump firing Comey changes nothing. His excuse for firing Comey is as lame as Trump’s Larceny Lying Con Man Brain.


[Palmer Report] “Donald Trump hit the panic button today and fired FBI Director James Comey, in a last ditch bid to fend off the investigation his own Russia scandal. It’s a Nixonian level move, and one which will bring overwhelming pushback against Trump on a level never before seen. But it was also a foolish move, because it comes too late; Comey already put indictments in motion before his firing, taking the investigation out of the hands of the FBI.


Over the past weeks, the FBI has already had federal grand juries in motion, in cooperation with the Eastern District Court of Virginia. This means the investigation is already in the hands on the DOJ, and more importantly, Attorney General Jeff Sessions has already recused himself from being able to meddle in that DOJ investigation. Here’s what Democratic insider Claude Taylor, who was the first of the pundits to break the grand jury story, is now sharing:


“This is admission of Trump’s guilt and since the Assistant United States Attorney has had Grand Juries in place-firing Comey does nothing. This will no more save Trump than Nixon’s Saturday Night Massacre saved him. Firing Comey will hasten Trump’s removal. God bless America. Everyone who is panicking right now-Comey anticipated this. A dozen or more indictments have been handed down. Comey’s firing stops nothing” (link). And he’s correct, because there was a window where Trump could have stopped all of this by firing Comey, but it’s already passed.


Donald Trump is either too clueless to understand that today’s firing of James Comey will do nothing to stop the advancement of the Russia investigation, or he’s too egomaniacal and petty to care that the firing won’t help his cause. Either way, this move won’t change anything – other than embolden those working to take him down.” 


Twitter @sheriffali

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