Archive for Republican Traitor

Republican Legislators In Congress And Other GOP Office Holders That Are Still Supporting Donald Trump Are Traitors To America And The Constitution

Posted in Politics, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 24, 2017 by sheriffali

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From All That Is Known Thus Far, Trump Is A Treasonous, Corrupt To The Core, Literally Decimating America’s Democracy, Electoral Process, US 17 Intelligence Agencies And Americans Freedom And Liberty. Republicans Are Enabling In All Of These Egregious Machinations Against America And Its People.



The Base Supporters of Donald Trump and the Republican Party are perhaps mostly just common folks that are uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and most likely, brainwashed, and they are Voting and Supporting their emotions as Dictated to them by Republicans and Trump.



Settling the fierce academic debate over whether or not a president can pardon himself would probably require a president to pardon himself for certain federal crimes and then, presumably after his term, challenge efforts to try him for those crimes, his self-pardon notwithstanding. The mere fact that the current president is putting the question to his lawyers, though, speaks volumes not just about his culpability, but about where his priorities lie.



The pardon power stems from the Constitution’s stipulation that the president “shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.” While the legal question would turn on whether a “grant” can be directed inward or only outward, the act itself would concede to the commission of “offenses against the United States.” By pardoning himself, Trump wouldn’t be inoculating himself against political jeopardy, only attempting to keep himself out of prison.



A president who claimed to be a tribune for law and order is mulling ways to immunize himself from prosecution for crimes, while showing no comparable mercy to anyone outside his immediate family or circle of conspirators. The Justice Department’s investigation of Russian influence in the 2016 election—and of the Trump campaign’s assistance in those efforts—is exposing as a sham Trump’s claim to loyalty to anyone other than himself.



Trump’s famously ghoulish campaign trail boast that he “could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and [not] lose any voters” was a slight exaggeration, but it spoke to something true and profound. The GOP base’s indifference to Russian election interference, and to Trump’s complicity with it, shows the strength of the bond Trump forged with a certain segment of the electorate through his unconventionally nasty and dishonest style on the stump. 



Twitter @sheriffali



Full Article By New Republic

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A Group Of 30 U.S. Specialists Including Robert Einhorn And Former US Ambassador Thomas Pickering [Republican] Endorsed The Iran Framework

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 7, 2015 by sheriffali

[Politico] In one statement, a group of 30 U.S. specialists on nuclear security endorsed the framework as a “vitally important step forward” that will “strengthen U.S. security and that of our partners in the region.”



“We urge policymakers in key capitals to support the deal and the steps necessary to ensure timely implementation and rigorous compliance with the agreement,” wrote the signatories, who included Robert Einhorn, a former State Department official and past negotiator on the Iran talks and former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Thomas R. Pickering.



Pickering and Einhorn also were among 50 former diplomats, defense officials and political leaders who signed a separate statement which, in more cautious language, urged Congress to stay patient and “to take no action that would impede further progress or undermine the American negotiators’ efforts.” The statement was released by The Iran Project, an independent organization that tries to improve U.S.-Iran ties.



Rushed action by Congress could derail negotiations, “creating the perception that the U.S. is responsible for the collapse of the agreement; unraveling international cooperation on sanctions; and triggering the unfreezing of Iran’s nuclear program and the rapid ramping up of Iranian nuclear capacity,” declares the statement, which listed former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former GOP Sen. Richard Lugar, a foreign policy mentor to Obama when he was a senator, among its signers. “Such a situation could enhance the possibility of war.”



Twitter @sheriffali


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