Archive for Republican Enablers

Sociopath, Liar, Traitor, Crook And Thief, Donald Trump, Promised His Deplorable Supporters He Was Going To Build A Wall And Mexico Was Going to Pay For It. Essentially, Mexico Told Trump To Drop Dead. Now The Con Man Wants American Taxpayers To Pay For The Wall Or He Would Shut Down The Government!

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 29, 2017 by sheriffali

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Donald Trump whether or not he is a legitimate or illegitimate President, we would soon find out as Robert Muller’s Investigation into Trump Russia Collusion intensifies, but apart from everything, Donald Trump is the “Worst Person To Have Ever Occupied The White House Since America’s Inception as an Independent Country in 1776.”


Donald Trump, The Treasonous Traitor; has brought more scorn and derision, embarrassment, lying, corruption and racism to America by supporting White Supremacy, Neo Nazis, The Ku Klux Klan and Racism, from America’s most “Sacred Buildings – The White House.” Trump and his family have Bankrupted The Secret Service in seven months. The Trump Organization has billed the Tax Payers $59 Million Dollars for 44 Golf Trips and yet, not one word from the Republican Congress that complained about President Obama’s annual vacation that cost Taxpayers $4 Million annually.


Donald Trump has violated perhaps every law imaginable as provided by the Constitution and the Amendments to the Constitution and yet, The Republican Congressional Leadership continues to enable Donald Trump in Trump’s take down of America. What has happened to America? How did we get here? The answer is simple, The Republican Party is the Cause and Donald Trump is the Symptom. Let us hope that the Republican Congress would put America over Party and Impeach this Parasitic Parasite, Donald Trump that is sucking the life blood out of America.


Twitter @sheriffali

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The Larceny Of Donald Trump And The Republicans Dishonesty, Is A Disgrace To The Human Race, As Their Lying And Corruption Explodes All Over The Place!

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 10, 2017 by sheriffali

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After 240 Years of great sacrifices by so many to create a Country, America, to being the “greatest Nation on the face of the Earth,” just how did Donald Trump ended up in the Oval Office, breaking every law imaginable and a Party, the GOP, not only supporting this Parasitic Parasite, but as Paul Ryan has just done, they, the Republicans are making excuses for this Bigoted, Fascist, Racist, Bankruptcy Swindler, Groper and Con Man, enabling Trump to continue his assault on the United States, while at the same time, elevating Vladimir Putin in all of his egregious machinations.


Republicans spent 5 years and tens of millions of dollars of Taxpayers money investigating one horrible incident, Benghazi, but yet these same despicable and deplorable, unprincipled and unpatriotic plagues obstruct and openly hinder any and all investigation into the Trump Russia Collusion and every other illegal Act, that Trump continues to perpetuate on America and the American people.


Perhaps, just perhaps, good will come out of this evil; “The Impeachment Of Donald Trump And The Destruction Of The Republican Party,” thus giving America a new and more legitimate path forward.” “Let us keep Hope that this shall be so.”


“What Oxygen Is To The Lung, Such Is Hope For The Meaning Of Life.” Don’t ever give up on hope that we can have better tomorrows.”


Twitter @sheriffali

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Donald Trump – MOAB= “Mother Of All Bankruptcies, 4.7 Billion Dollars.” Trump Has Spent His Whole Life As A Public Racist, Pathological Liar, Con Man, Racist And Certified Embezzler And As President, Nothing Has Changed!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 16, 2017 by sheriffali

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There really isn’t anything good to say about Donald Trump because his “Public” life of Scandals has been before America and the world for all of Trump’s adult life, 50 plus years and how and why Trump sits in the Oval Office is solely due to America’s Education Problem, people voting against their own interest.


Donald Trump’s own words and deeds prove he has been and continues to be a “vulgar, nasty, hateful, ongoing liar and crook. In Trump’s 85 days as President he has taken 17 Trips to his Properties and has had 14 Golf Vacations. Republicans that always screamed when President Obama seldom took a vacation or played Golf, they have turned a blind eye to Donald Trump, enabling him to violate and shame the Office of the Presidency.


Trump has violated the Nepotism, Emolument, Conflict of Interest Laws and just about everything when it comes to the Constitution of the United States and with each passing day, Donald Trump and the Republican Congress are destroying the very Foundation that made America Great – “American Democracy.”


 At 70 Trump has gone from Embezzling Investors to Embezzling The American Tax Payers and the Democrats are helpless in stopping him being the minority Party in both the Senate and the House. Republicans who control just about every aspect of the Federal Government and 32 States, they the GOP and Donald Trump is – “Indivisible.”


America’s biggest problem is not Donald Trump and the Republican Party, but the 62 Million people that voted Trump and the GOP in 2016. Most of them are uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and brainwashed. When you as a person vote against that of your own interest and your children, this proves America’s real problem is Education. The only assistance Republicans give to their constituents is “A Gun In One Hand And The Bible In The Other.” Just how different are the Republican Legislators from the Mullahs in the Middle East and the fanatics that kill in the name of their Religion?


How we stop this Run Away Train from going off the cliff and turning America into a Banana Republic, is anyone’s guess!


Twitter @sheriffali

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