Archive for Religious Fanatics

Conservatives Are Gearing Up For Fight Of Their Lives After Gay Marriage Ruling

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 30, 2015 by sheriffali

NEW YORK (AP) — Now that same-sex marriage is legal nationwide, religious conservatives are focusing on preserving their right to object. Their concerns are for the thousands of faith-based charities, colleges and hospitals that want to hire, fire, serve and set policy according to their religious beliefs, notably that gay relationships are morally wrong.


The Republican Party’s 2016 presidential candidates are already campaigning on the issue. And Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is urging President Barack Obama and the nation’s governors “to join me in reassuring millions of Americans that the government will not force them to participate in activities that violate their deeply held religious beliefs.”


The religious liberty fight isn’t about what happens inside the sanctuary. First Amendment protections for worship and clergy are clear. Potential conflicts could arise, however, over religious organizations with some business in the public arena. That category ranges from small religious associations that rent reception halls to the public, to the nation’s massive network of faith-based social service agencies that receive millions of dollars in government grants. Some groups, such as the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, also want protections for individual business owners who consider it immoral to provide benefits for the same-sex spouse of an employee or cater gay weddings.


U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy raised the issue in the majority opinion Friday granting gays the right to marry. He said First Amendment protections are in place for religious objectors, who “may continue to advocate with utmost, sincere conviction that, by divine precepts, same-sex marriage should not be condoned.”


But in his dissent, Chief Justice John Roberts predicted a clash ahead between religious freedom and same-sex marriage. He specifically noted the dilemma for religious colleges that provide married student housing, and adoption agencies that won’t place children with gay couples.


“There is little doubt that these and similar questions will soon be before this court,” Roberts wrote.


Conservative religious groups have for years been on watch for potential clashes over religious liberty and gay rights, and have been lobbying for religious exemptions in statehouses and Congress. But conservative anxieties intensified over an exchange during April’s oral arguments in the gay marriage case between Justice Samuel Alito and Solicitor General Donald Verrilli.


Alito noted the high court’s 1983 decision to revoke the tax-exemption of Bob Jones University in South Carolina because it barred interracial dating. Alito asked if the government would take such action against religiously affiliated schools that oppose same-sex marriage. Verrilli said, “It is certainly going to be an issue. I don’t deny that.”


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Jim Bob And Michelle Duggar’s Interview On Fox News Kelly File Is Self Evident That The GOP, Fox And The Duggars Republican God doesn’t Have A Problem With Incest And The Sexual Abuse Of Children.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 4, 2015 by sheriffali

But Apparently The Republican God Does Have Big Problems With Gays {LGBT} Minorities And The 50% White President.

Fox News Interview Backfires Instead Shows Why Duggars Should Never Be Allowed Back On TV


The Duggars interview on Fox News backfired. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar showed no remorse, claimed that they were victims of the police and media, and revealed to the world why they should never be allowed back on television.



The interview intro featured Megyn Kelly referring to Josh Duggar’s admitted child molestation as “allegations.” Megyn Kelly’s intro sounded like it came directly from the Duggars agent.



The interview began with Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar repeating their press release. The Duggar parents said that they were devastated. Jim Bob said that Josh was just curious about girls and the girls didn’t even know that he did it. (Jim Bob and Michelle are working hard to whitewash their son’s crimes.) Jim Bob said, “Looking back, we did the best we could under the circumstances.” The Duggars claimed that this happens in a lot parents’ homes. Jim Bob said, “Again, this is not rape or something like that.”




Jim Bob Duggar claimed that they didn’t send their molesting son for real help, because real programs don’t have a good success rate. Jim Bob hinted that God cured Josh Duggar’s habit of molesting his sisters; Michelle Duggar said that her son knew in his heart it was wrong.



Megyn Kelly’s “tough questions” involve asking a lot of, ‘what was that like for you?’ Job Bob repeated that Christian based non-professional counseling turned his molester son’s life around.



Michelle Duggar was asked if she feared for the safety of her daughters, and she answered that they put safeguards in place, but she expressed no fear for her daughters. Jim Bob Duggar admitted that they didn’t try to protect their daughters as much as, “Josh’s heart went astray.” Jim Bob tried to explain it away again by saying that none of the girls knew about it or understood what he had done. Duggar was claiming that Josh Duggar’s child molestation was a victimless crime.



In the next segment, the Duggars denied that they covered up their son’s crimes. Jim Bob said that the selection of the trooper was random. The Duggars said that the child pornography convicted cop put the fear of God into Josh. The Duggar parents said that Josh Duggar and all of their kids received professional counseling.




Jim Bob Duggar claimed that his family had nothing to hide by the time the TLC show began. Jim Bob said that God has forgiven Josh Duggar, and then the Fox News witch hunt against the police chief who leaked the report began. The Duggars speculated that the chief was bribed. The Duggars said that they want to be advocated for protecting juvenile records. The Duggars claimed that they are the victims in the situation because the sealed Josh Duggar police report was leaked. Jim Bob Duggar quoted Mike Huckabee saying that Josh should be forgiven.




If this interview was intended to get the Duggars their television show back, it backfired. In the entire hour, there was no apology from the Duggars who denied that there is any hypocrisy in their behavior. Michelle Duggar claimed that there is an agenda and Josh Duggar’s actions are being twisted to hurt and slander the family.



Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar showed no remorse and argued for the rest of the family not being punished for what Josh did. It is obvious that TLC and the Duggars are working together, and this interview was designed to get them back on television, whether it be as 19 Kids and Counting or a spinoff.



The Duggars claimed that they were victimized by the police, and their trust was betrayed.



Fox News thought they were helping to save the Duggars, but in reality, they did the public a favor by showing the world why this family should not be allowed on national television. The Duggars think that they are the victims, which is why this twisted family should never be on television again. [Politicususa]


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By The Skillful And Sustained Use Of Propaganda, One Can Make A People See Even Heaven As Hell Or An Extremely Wretched Life As Paradise. Adolf Hitler, And That Is What The Republicans Have Been Doing;

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 10, 2015 by sheriffali

Republicans Manifesto: More Religion, More Guns, More Wars, More Tax Cuts For The Rich And Nothing For The Middle-Class, Students And The Poor.


Agenda, Increase The Age To 70 For Social Security Benefits, Privatize Medicaid And Medicaid, Repeal Obamacare, Cut Food Stamps And Other Social Services For The Needy. Why Do Middle Class And Poor People Vote Republican?




Jeb Bush delivered a forceful defense of religious freedom from a secular government during a speech at an evangelical university on Saturday, deploring the rise of “coercive federal power” under President Obama that he said was seeking to impose progressive dogma on the country’s faithful.


But in an intriguing omission at a school known for its long-time opposition to same-sex unions, Mr. Bush did not mention the raging debate over the legalization of gay marriage, or express his opposition to it, even as he touched on the environment, sex trafficking and abortion.



In his commencement address to students at Liberty University, a Virginia school well known for hosting Republican presidents and presidential candidates, Mr. Bush bemoaned that “federal authorities are demanding obedience, in complete disregard of religious conscience — and in a free society, the answer is no.”



Mr. Bush suggested that, were he to return to office as an elected official, his Christian faith would be an inevitable force in his decision-making.


“It can be a touchy subject, and I am asked sometimes whether I would ever allow my decisions in government to be influenced by my Christian faith,” he told the students. “Whenever I hear this, I know what they want me to say. The simple and safe reply is, ‘No. Never. Of course not.’ If the game is political correctness, that’s the answer that moves you to the next round.”


But Mr. Bush called that flawed thinking. “The mistake is to confuse points of theology with moral principles that are knowable to reason as well as by faith,” he said.


He deplored a “false narrative that casts religious Americans as intolerant scolds, running around trying to impose their views on everyone.”


His speech made a pointed but affirmative case for Christianity as a positive force for freedom and compassion. There is, he said, “no more powerful or liberating influence” and praised its “most dynamic, inclusive and joyful message.”


Mr. Bush spoke against the “hostile caricature” of Christians and seemed to implore the audience to treat him as an ambassador to skeptical outsiders who are misinformed about the faithful.


Intriguingly, Mr. Bush made no reference to his own Catholicism. He converted to the faith from Episcopalianism in the 1990s.


The Bush family has a long history with Liberty University. Both his father and brother — presidents both — have spoken there. The current president of the university, Jerry Falwell Jr., made light of that tradition on Saturday.


“Please tell your mother,” he told Mr. Bush, “I still don’t believe we’ve had enough Bushes speak here at Liberty.”


Mr. Bush came armed with a joke of his own. Mr. Falwell’s brother Jonathan, who attended the speech and spoke with Mr. Bush on Saturday, shares a distinction with Mr. Bush: Both his father and brother are presidents (albeit of a university).


“Somehow,” quipped Mr. Bush, “I don’t know what it was –  we really hit it off.”


Twitter @sheriffali


While Israel Terrorize Christians Republicans, Fox News And Evangelicals Accuse President Obama of Persecuting Christ!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 23, 2015 by sheriffali

There are a few things Americans have learned over the past couple of years about the evangelical right. Among their many claims is that they are under heavy assault and face persecution because they are not allowed to rule by theocratic edict. They also persist in accusing President Obama, a Christian, of leading a ferocious assault on not only Christianity, but the religion’s namesake Jesus Christ.


They have also demonstrated their primary loyalty is to Israel, a nation they claim President Obama hates and throws under the proverbial bus because Benjamin Netanyahu is not allowed to dictate America’s foreign policy. If one believed everything Christian extremists claimed, they are being viciously slaughtered at home and abroad for their religion as well as their devotion to Israel because it is opposed to their shared religious enemy Islam.


What the evangelical right never, never ever, talks about is the persecution, barbarism, and hatred targeting Christians at the hands of Israeli Jews in the Holy Land and it leads one to wonder if America’s neo-Christians are using President Obama as a surrogate for the Israelis targeting Christians for persecution.


Recently, the evangelical right’s claim that President Obama persecutes them was due to his historically accurate claim that Christians should temper their hatred and war-rage against the Muslim religion because throughout greatest human atrocities in throughout world history was done in the name of Christ.


Specifically President Obama said that as Christians, “We have no right to get on our high horse and think persecution is unique someplace else,” and that “we should remember that people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.” The President’s remarks were not well-received by the evangelical right and he incited more rage when he said he was “concerned about less than loving” Christians during the White House Easter breakfast. That was twice in a very brief period of time that the President violated an unspoken American law prohibiting anyone, pundit or politician, from uttering a negative word about American neo-Christianity; even if it is truthful and historically verifiable.


The Christian right attacked the President for “throwing Christ under the bus” and inciting a war against Christians with the same intensity they accuse him of attacking and throwing Israeli Jews under the bus. Their twisted religious logic is that Obama attacks Christians and Israel to prop up the Islamic religion Islam because both groups consider all Muslims a deadly enemy.


It is curious then, that a coalition of Muslims and Christians have called on the United Nations and the World Court to intervene and prosecute Israeli Jews for religious hate crimes, persecution, and terrorist attacks on both Christians and Muslims while the evangelical right condemns Obama for not supporting Israel.



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Sick Bastard Pastor John Hagee Living Off The Collection Plate Says: “‘Nasty’ Welfare Recipients Don’t Deserve To Live.”

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 7, 2015 by sheriffali

All Religions were created by fallible men and carried out by fallible people that use self righteousness and fear to bilk the vulnerable out of every penny they can squeeze, while they Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, Paula White and others, live like Kings and Queens in Multi Million Dollar Mansions; Fly on Private Jets; Ride in Limousines, as they suck the blood out of their followers.


For those that believe I have no problem with that, however, as for me “I personally reject “all” Religions for they are nothing short of the world’s largest scams for Mammon and Power.


San Antonio, Texas – Pastor John Hagee of the Cornerstone Church delivered an impassioned speech decrying the evils of welfare dependency. While prefacing his remarks with an acknowledgement of the need the disabled, infirm, and elderly have of receiving social support, he made it clear that he has little tolerance for able bodied individuals who are living off the taxes of the working people.


Pastor Hagee cited that statistic that the welfare population of the United States exceeds to population of Spain. He believes that many of these people do not actually need welfare and should instead reap the rewards of their actions according to Biblical counsel.

Referring to 2 Thessalonians 3:10 “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.”, he insists that such people as are found gaming the system must get off the proverbial couch and work. His comments are certainly well-intended even if they came across as somewhat derogatory. The problem is that the sectors of the economy which product mid to high wage income, have not recovered from the 2008 banking crisis.


The main sectors of the economy which have thrived are those producing low-wage jobs which is what makes it very difficult from even working people to make a living. Coupled with the disincentive that a person can fare better on welfare than they can to work, and the picture becomes clearer. Yes, people need to work, but the economy isn’t the rising tide lifting all the ships that it needs to be either.


Twitter @sheriffali


Ted Cruz And Adolf Hitler, Factually, Are Indivisible! Using Propaganda; Willfully Lying; Religious Fanaticism; Extreme Obsession; Bigotry; Racial Prejudice And The Likes. “Don’t Confuse Education With Intelligence.”

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 24, 2015 by sheriffali

Speaking at the Heritage Foundation in September 2013, he lavishly praised former Senator Jesse Helms. “The willingness to say all those crazy things is a rare, rare characteristic in this town, and you know what? It’s every bit as true now as it was then. We need a hundred more like Jesse Helms in the U.S. Senate,” Cruz said.


While both Helms and Thurmond were known for their opposition to the civil rights movement, the Washington Post’s David Broder made the case that Helms was far worse in a 2001 column entitled “Jesse Helms, White Racist”:



Many of the accounts of Helms’s retirement linked him with another prospective retiree, Sen. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina. Both these Senate veterans switched from the Democratic to the Republican Party when the Democrats began pressing for civil rights legislation in the 1960s. But there is a great difference between them. Thurmond, who holds the record for the longest anti-civil rights filibuster, accepted change. For three decades he has treated African Americans and black institutions as respectfully as he treats all his other constituents.



To the best of my knowledge, Helms has never done what the late George Wallace did well before his death — recant and apologize for his use of racial issues.



In the 1960s, Helms supported apartheid. He was elected to the Senate in 1972 “as an opponent of integration, interracial marriage, and civil rights laws.” Cruz said his first political donation was a $10 donation to Helms when he was a kid.



Once in office, Helms filibustered the legislation creating the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday for 16 days and called the Civil Rights Act “the single most dangerous piece of legislation ever introduced in the Congress.” Helms was notorious for exploiting racial animus in his political campaigns, most famously running an ad featuring “a pair of white hands crumpling a rejection letter” while the narrator said “You needed that job and you were the best qualified. But they had to give it to a minority.”


While Lott’s comments in 2002 drew extensive media coverage, Cruz’s comments were quickly forgotten. There is no record of Cruz apologizing for his comments or even being asked about them. This isn’t particularly surprising since at the time Cruz was a recently elected freshman Senator from a deep red state.



But now that Cruz is running to be the Republican Party standard bearer in 2016, he has a Jesse Helms problem.


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