Archive for Orthodox Jews

While Israel Terrorize Christians Republicans, Fox News And Evangelicals Accuse President Obama of Persecuting Christ!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 23, 2015 by sheriffali

There are a few things Americans have learned over the past couple of years about the evangelical right. Among their many claims is that they are under heavy assault and face persecution because they are not allowed to rule by theocratic edict. They also persist in accusing President Obama, a Christian, of leading a ferocious assault on not only Christianity, but the religion’s namesake Jesus Christ.


They have also demonstrated their primary loyalty is to Israel, a nation they claim President Obama hates and throws under the proverbial bus because Benjamin Netanyahu is not allowed to dictate America’s foreign policy. If one believed everything Christian extremists claimed, they are being viciously slaughtered at home and abroad for their religion as well as their devotion to Israel because it is opposed to their shared religious enemy Islam.


What the evangelical right never, never ever, talks about is the persecution, barbarism, and hatred targeting Christians at the hands of Israeli Jews in the Holy Land and it leads one to wonder if America’s neo-Christians are using President Obama as a surrogate for the Israelis targeting Christians for persecution.


Recently, the evangelical right’s claim that President Obama persecutes them was due to his historically accurate claim that Christians should temper their hatred and war-rage against the Muslim religion because throughout greatest human atrocities in throughout world history was done in the name of Christ.


Specifically President Obama said that as Christians, “We have no right to get on our high horse and think persecution is unique someplace else,” and that “we should remember that people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.” The President’s remarks were not well-received by the evangelical right and he incited more rage when he said he was “concerned about less than loving” Christians during the White House Easter breakfast. That was twice in a very brief period of time that the President violated an unspoken American law prohibiting anyone, pundit or politician, from uttering a negative word about American neo-Christianity; even if it is truthful and historically verifiable.


The Christian right attacked the President for “throwing Christ under the bus” and inciting a war against Christians with the same intensity they accuse him of attacking and throwing Israeli Jews under the bus. Their twisted religious logic is that Obama attacks Christians and Israel to prop up the Islamic religion Islam because both groups consider all Muslims a deadly enemy.


It is curious then, that a coalition of Muslims and Christians have called on the United Nations and the World Court to intervene and prosecute Israeli Jews for religious hate crimes, persecution, and terrorist attacks on both Christians and Muslims while the evangelical right condemns Obama for not supporting Israel.



Twitter @sheriffali



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