Archive for Obama’s Resolve

Buoyant In Defeat, President Obama Ascends To The Mountaintop To Throw Thunderbolts At Republicans [Maureen Dowd NYT]

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 24, 2015 by sheriffali

WASHINGTON — THE talk up in Boston is all about deflation while the talk down here is all about inflation.


Our sleek, techie president, whose battery dies faster than an iPhone’s, was fully charged Tuesday night for the State of the Union.


He was so puffed up, with such a bristling sense of self, that it was hard to believe this was the same guy who spent the last year clenched like a fist, beset by ISIS, beheadings and Ebola, shunned by his own party and slammed by the other party in the fall election.


The murmur went up from grateful Democrats gathered at the Capitol: “Wow, he’s got a pulse.”


Proving once again that he is a different kind of cat, Barack Obama is oddly pumped by his party’s defeat. Even in the House chamber, surrounded by hundreds of people and watched by millions, he seemed to delight in his detachment as he laid down his own markers to drive up his own numbers.


He doesn’t mind splendid isolation. He really thinks it’s splendid. He’s free to revert to being the consummate outsider who doesn’t see himself in the context of a system.


He likes the game better when he’s up against an opposing team. To him, Harry Reid was as big a problem as Mitch McConnell.


Now it’s easier for him to see who he is and where he stands vis-à-vis the Republicans because he doesn’t have to make intellectual compromises or negotiate the jagged shoals of the old-school Democratic Party. Now he can define himself against modern conservatives such as Rand Paul and Scott Walker.


President Obama feels he will be able to finally float above it all, more singular and more interesting and more separate, debating enlightened progressive topics like criminal justice reform and child care infrastructure while those off-kilter conservatives fight it out for 2016.


Unlike F.D.R., Obama was not determined to give Americans heart and courage at times of crisis. Instead, his White House tended to take on the coloration of his funks and the clouds spread worldwide.


He only began to really brag on the economy Tuesday night, when he felt certain of the numbers, rather than before the midterms, when it might have helped his party. He could have done a better job all along explaining where we stood and where we were hopefully headed. As one top White House official says about the Obama inner circle, “They’d rather be right than win.”


He’s alone on the stage — always his preferred setting. As an isolato, he can say what he thinks and define himself on his own terms. He can ascend to the mountaintop and ignore us when we pester him to come down.

He doesn’t have to negotiate with Republicans anymore. He doesn’t have to stroke Democrats anymore. He doesn’t have to hawk himself to voters anymore. He isn’t concerned about Hillary, as he yanks the party to the left. He has forged no lasting links to foreign leaders. And he can have the “vacation from the press” that he told NBC News’s Chuck Todd he yearns for.


“Barry got his groove back,” as Larry Wilmore, the droll host of Comedy Central’s “The Nightly Show,” put it.


We got the guy we’ve been yearning for only when he was able to blow us all off. He can finally do and say whatever he wants.


One Democrat who saw Obama in the White House said the president was so buoyant he had an air of “senioritis.”


It seemed a shame, the Democrat said, that Obama couldn’t have a third term, now that he was, at long last, fired up and ready to go. Of course, if there was a third term, he would be waiting another four years to show the mojo.


Thrilled to sidestep the press, he felt liberated enough, even as Yemen spiraled, to go on YouTube and make his case to the appealing GloZell Green, a YouTube star wearing glowing green lipstick who got famous eating cereal out of a bathtub.


Remarkably, The One has ended up in the same place the unpopular W. found himself at the end of his two terms: casting his lot with history.


Now that it’s all about him, he doesn’t get languid and reflective. He rolls up his sleeves and crisscrosses the country.



Twitter @sheriffali



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President Obama Critics Wrong Again; Middle Eastern Allies, ISIS, Syria, Iraq!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 23, 2014 by sheriffali

It takes more courage for an American President to use restraint rather than be capricious with the use of Military Force. Obama is cautious and for some too cautious, however, looking back at how former President George W Bush recklessly use the Military and the consequences that follow us to this day, Americans should be proud that the man that presently sits in the White House, are careful with America’s most precious commodity; “The Men and Women in Uniform. “


Critics and those with disdain for President Obama literally questioned as to whether or not the Obama Administration could assemble powerful Allies to take down the ISIS Psychopaths! However, looking at some of these same critics on Television since the inception of the Air Strikes inside of Syria, they grudgingly give the Obama Administration credit for being able to have “only” Middle Eastern Allies to attack inside of Syria. Obama’s hesitancy seems to have always been, “he didn’t want the people of the Middle East to think; there goes the West again attacking another Moslem Country.” For any meaningful resolve, military action is necessary, however, the people of the Middle East working together to resolve their own indifferences, is truly the answer to slow down the terror madness.


The United States with Five Middle Eastern Allies; Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, Bahrain and The United Arab Emirates launch massive military Air Strikes against the ISIS Psychopaths inside of Syria.


With the use of F -16’s F -18’s F-22’s Tomahawk Cruise Missiles, Drones, The US Carrier George W H Bush and other Navy Vessels, The US Military and its Middle Eastern Allies attacked ISIS in Syria and The US also attacked Al Qaeda in Syria.


Twitter @sheriffali