Archive for Michelle Bachmann

Fox News Hosts and their Republican Guests contracted Political Mouth Syphilis!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 21, 2014 by sheriffali

Fox News’ Hosts and their Republican Guests certainly have Political Mouth Syphilis and is the result of their political environmental influences; hence the congeniality of their infection was acquired from their collective possessiveness of being obsessive with President Obama.


The exploding and imploding Middle East is the direct result of Bush and Cheney’s Invasion of Iraq and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to ascertain that fact. Republicans and Fox News have and continue to blame President Obama for the disarray that has festered in the Middle East since our invasion of Iraq.


However, let us deal with facts and not phantasmagoric rationales and internecine narcissism. Illinois State Senator Barack Obama in 2002 position about invading Iraq, is certainly one for the History Books and it should be viewed very objectively, because whether you are Pro-Obama or Anti-Obama, what he said in 2002, has come to full fruition.


“I know that even a successful war against Iraq will require a U.S. occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences. I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without strong International support will only fan the flames of the Middle East, and encourage the worst, rather than the best, impulses of the Arab world, and strengthen the recruitment arm of al-Qaida. I am not opposed to all wars. I’m opposed to dumb wars.” Illinois State Senator Barack Obama 2002.


In that very short paragraph as articulated by then State Senator Obama, we would have to be profoundly dishonest to say that what Obama stated in 2002 has not only come to pass, but we that it continues with no end in sight. And, for those that are hell-bent on President Obama sending American troops into that civil and religious fracas, they haven’t learned anything from the devastation we brought unto ourselves and to the world, when we invaded Iraq in 2003.  


Twitter @sheriffali



Republicans “racism” against President Obama has reached fever pitch in planned Lawsuit!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 26, 2014 by sheriffali

Rather than do their jobs, John Boehner and his Republican Colleagues is planning to sue President Obama for doing his Job. The GOP openly “racism” against the President is self evident how farther yet we must travel to end discrimination in America.  


“WASHINGTON — Speaker John A. Boehner announced Wednesday that he would introduce legislation next month allowing the House to sue President Obama over his use of executive actions.


In a letter to lawmakers, Mr. Boehner expressed concern with what he — and many in the Republican conference — considered the president’s unconstitutional overreach.


“The Constitution makes it clear that a president’s job is to faithfully execute the laws; in my view, the president has not faithfully executed the laws,” Mr. Boehner told reporters. “And when there’s conflicts like this between the legislative branch and the administrative branch it’s, in my view, our responsibility to stand up for this institution in which we serve.”


Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the Democratic leader, called Mr. Boehner’s move “subterfuge,” and Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, said that “it seems that Republicans have shifted their opposition into a higher gear.”


Mr. Boehner said the bill would allow the House to file suit through the House general counsel and at the direction of the chamber’s Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group. In 2011, Mr. Boehner convened the group after the White House decided it would stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act, which prevented same-sex couples who were married under their state’s laws from receiving federal marriage benefits. The House eventually spent $2.3 million defending that law, but the Supreme Court struck it down as unconstitutional last year.


The president has used his executive authority to carry out key elements of his second-term agenda, like halting the deportation of young illegal immigrants brought to the country by their parents as children, raising the minimum wage for employees of federal contractors, and allowing the Environmental Protection Agency to curb carbon emissions from coal plants.


Mr. Boehner said the lawsuit would not be a prelude to impeachment proceedings, and was not an attempt to rally the Republican base before the midterm elections.” [NYT]


Twitter @sheriffali

Twitter @POTUShalfwhite



Satan’s Son Dick Cheney went on Fox Hades and denounced Obama’s Afghan Troop Withdrawal!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 29, 2014 by sheriffali


We lost 6,781 Soldiers and 50,159 were wounded, when George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld were in Office and, Dick Cheney had the nerve to go on Fox News and denounce Obama’s planned troop withdrawal from Afghanistan at the end of 2014. [We have been in Afghanistan for 13 years; lost over 2,000 precious lives; spent trillions and yet, Cheney and the warmongering right wing doesn’t only want to remain in Afghanistan, they want to start wars, almost everywhere. Just listen to John McCain and Lindsay Grahm!]


Cheney should be wearing an Orange Jump Suit with a Number on the back along with the rest of Bush’s Vulcans [gods of fire], for their criminal negligence in truncating the Afghanistan Justified War to Invade Iraq.


Why can’t the followers of these inept people see the truth? The malfeasance of these pernicious people and uselessness of the GOP House and Senate is so self evident, one has to be totally uninformed, ignorant and brainwashed, “to defend what was once called “The Grand Old Party,” the GOP!”


Twitter @sheriffali


Everybody is an “expert!” The Right-Wing blames Obama for not intervening enough while the Left-Wing claim Obama is intervening too much – Ukraine – Crimea – Russia.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 18, 2014 by sheriffali


Unlike President Obama or any other United States President that are subject to the Constitution, Congress, The U S Supreme Court and the American people, Vladimir Putin answers to no one except Mr. Putin. All the Dog and Pony show coming out of Putin’s Russia with claims that the Russian Parliament voted for this or for that, “it is just a farce.”



Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Russia’s billionaire that opposed Putin’s Dictator-Ship was imprisoned for ten years; all of his assets seized and just before the Sochi Olympics, Putin had him released. Mr. Khodorkovsky is presently living in Germany. Putin used Mr. Khodorkovsky’s assets and created one of the world largest Oil Companies, Rosneft. Prior to Rosneft, Exxon Mobile was the largest Oil Company.


However, Exxon Mobile and Rosneft executed an agreement in December 2013 that together, the collaboration of the project is approximately 500 Billion Dollars for the Arctic Research Centre (ARC). With companies like Exxon Mobile and others tied into Putin’s Russia, Vladimir knows that he is playing with a marked deck in his favor. With such leverage and the great Political Divide in America, Putin’s challenges would be fast and furious. Most of the talking heads in the Media and the self indulgent Politicians do not stop to think, much less see that “everything is not just black and white.”


It’s been interesting to observe the large numbers of people who suddenly think they’re experts on the ongoing crisis in Ukraine-both those on the left who blame it on Obama for intervening too much and those on the right who blame it on Obama for not intervening enough.


On the right, you have political figures claiming that Obama’s supposed “weakness” somehow emboldened Moscow to engage in aggressive moves against Crimea. Sarah Palin, for example, claims that Obama’s failure to respond forcefully to Russia’s bloody incursion into Georgia in 2008 made Russia’s “invasion” possible, despite the fact that Obama wasn’t even president then and therefore couldn’t have done much. Even some Democrats, like Delaware senator Chris Coons, claim that Obama’s failure to attack Syria last fall made the United States look weak.


In reality, there seems to be little correlation between the willingness of Moscow to assert its power in areas within its traditional spheres of influence and who occupies the White House: The Soviets invaded Hungary in 1956 when Eisenhower was president; the Soviets invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968 when Johnson was president; the Soviets successfully pressed for martial law in Poland in 1981 when Reagan was president; the Russians attacked Georgia in 2008 when Bush was president.


In each case, as much as these administrations opposed these actions, it was determined that any military or other aggressive counter-moves would likely do more harm than good. Washington cannot realistically do any more in response to Russian troops seizing Crimea in 2014 in the name of protecting Russian lives and Russian bases than Moscow could do in response to U.S. troops seizing Panama in 1989 in the name of protecting American lives and American bases.


In the final analysis it is self evident that The GOP extreme right-wing megalomaniac torrent is fratricidal to America, both foreign and domestic! Their 24/7 individual and collective outlandish tongues, emboldens the Putins’ of this world! John McCain just returned from Ukraine and one day later, went on Television and said; “Obama is weak and timid.” A tartar may be more at home on Cheapside than the rant against Obama from the “know it all Republicans!”




Dick Baal Cheney, Satan’s great grandson 73rd Birthday celebrated inside the Gates of Hades by BEELZEBUB!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 30, 2014 by sheriffali

Today, January 30, 2014 is Dick Cheney’s 73rd Birthday. Being the great grandson of Satan, Cheney has a big birthday bash with all the trimmings of the fires of retribution by Beelzebub, who spares nothing in the celebration of his great grandson egregious machinations.


Beelzebub only released a few photos of some of the special guests who are very dear friends of Baal Cheney. Cheney’s daughter, Liz, is the special guest speaker. Complete Media Black-Out is fully enforced.


It is not Politically Correct, so the News wouldn’t admit it, but Cruz, Palin, Perry, Bachmann and the extreme right wing will never accept…

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 15, 2013 by sheriffali

The fifty percent African American President! Obama will never mention it because he is too much of a dignified gentleman; however, I strongly believe that Obama is fully cognizant that even if he came up with a cure for cancer, these wretched racists’ mortals would still have hate in them, even in their graves.


Bush and Cheney spent the five trillion dollar surplus; on top of that they added five trillion dollars worth of new debt and if that wasn’t bad enough, they left trillions of dollars in debts, for the unpaid wars they started and never completed.


In 2008 the country and the entire financial system was in a free fall; 800,000 jobs were being lost monthly; banks were crashing by the dozens every month wiping out peoples’ savings; scheming Goldman Sachs and the Banks with their derivatives derived from American Home Owners Mortgages collapsed the real estate market and millions of hard working honest people lost their homes and their life savings. Our financial system was on the verge of collapse with the Auto Industry in the tank; AIG Insurance were on the brink of bankruptcy that would have cost the tax payers 1.5 trillion, had it not been for Obama’s 180 Billion Dollars intervention, for which all of the 180 billion were repaid with interest.


The ill advice war in Iraq cost in excess of 1.7 trillion dollars; our occupation in Afghanistan has crossed over 1.2 trillion and the saddest of all; 4,500 soldiers were killed; thousand of amputees, some of them paraplegics and fifty thousand plus have mental problems, and despite their unwavering service to their country, those that returned home thus far, most of them cannot find work.


The Republicans blocked every attempt to jump start the economy that could have provided jobs for our returning heroes with positive and productive projects, such as totally rebuilding America’s infrastructure. This would have provided millions of jobs to the American people, but, for them, it is about protecting the 2% at the top and screwing the 98% at the bottom, but more than that, trying to obstruct and demean the President at every turn.


This is what President Obama inherited and do you think for a moment that the Republicans in Congress weren’t aware of the ditch that Bush threw us into? And what did they do from the very inception of Obama’s Presidency? Mitch McConnell swore that his main objective wasn’t what was good for the American people, but rather, he said he was going to make certain that Obama was a one term President.


Just look at the House Republicans how they have shut down the Government in their failed Obamacare (ACA) coup d’etat, and have subsequently resorted to playing Russian Roulette with the debt ceiling.


The American people can overcome all of this madness because they have their say at the ballot box. The questions are; would they allow themselves to be placated from hate; being brainwashed or uninformed or both, when they cast their vote again in 2014?


When ever I post articles such as these, the brain-dead, brainwashed and the uninformed comments amount to a few words; “Yawn;” “Liberal;” and, even with a flash light and two pens and paper, it is real hell for them to string a coherent sentence together!