Archive for Mexican Wall

Sociopath, Liar, Traitor, Crook And Thief, Donald Trump, Promised His Deplorable Supporters He Was Going To Build A Wall And Mexico Was Going to Pay For It. Essentially, Mexico Told Trump To Drop Dead. Now The Con Man Wants American Taxpayers To Pay For The Wall Or He Would Shut Down The Government!

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 29, 2017 by sheriffali

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Donald Trump whether or not he is a legitimate or illegitimate President, we would soon find out as Robert Muller’s Investigation into Trump Russia Collusion intensifies, but apart from everything, Donald Trump is the “Worst Person To Have Ever Occupied The White House Since America’s Inception as an Independent Country in 1776.”


Donald Trump, The Treasonous Traitor; has brought more scorn and derision, embarrassment, lying, corruption and racism to America by supporting White Supremacy, Neo Nazis, The Ku Klux Klan and Racism, from America’s most “Sacred Buildings – The White House.” Trump and his family have Bankrupted The Secret Service in seven months. The Trump Organization has billed the Tax Payers $59 Million Dollars for 44 Golf Trips and yet, not one word from the Republican Congress that complained about President Obama’s annual vacation that cost Taxpayers $4 Million annually.


Donald Trump has violated perhaps every law imaginable as provided by the Constitution and the Amendments to the Constitution and yet, The Republican Congressional Leadership continues to enable Donald Trump in Trump’s take down of America. What has happened to America? How did we get here? The answer is simple, The Republican Party is the Cause and Donald Trump is the Symptom. Let us hope that the Republican Congress would put America over Party and Impeach this Parasitic Parasite, Donald Trump that is sucking the life blood out of America.


Twitter @sheriffali

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Donald Trump Blackmail To Shutdown The Government If Taxpayers Did Not Foot The Bill For His Conned Job Border-Wall Backfires!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 25, 2017 by sheriffali

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Just how dumb are the people that voted for Donald Trump, to believe that he would build a Wall along the Mexican Border and get Mexico to pay for it? The chances of being hit by lightning is far greater than Con Man Trump accomplishing what he knew was another “Huge Lie” just for votes. The people that voted for Trump isn’t really crooks like Trump is, but they are most certainly Racists, just as Trump is. But let us not forget that Trump Voters are dumber than Door Nails!


In the past 97 days as President Donald Trump hasn’t done a single thing for America or the American people, except embarrass and drag America through the mud, exactly as he has done with his fraudulent businesses over the past 50 plus years.


This is the worst President in American History; Donald Trump is a Pathological Liar, Con Man, Embezzler and his only qualification is Larceny, hence the reason why he cannot manage the Presidency.


[WAPO] “The White House sought Monday to calm a jittery Washington ahead of a showdown with Congress over spending, and President Trump softened his demand that a deal to keep the federal government open include money to begin construction on his long-promised border wall.


Despite one-party control at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue, the brinkmanship that came to define spending battles in the Obama years has tumbled into the Trump era, as have the factional divisions over strategy and priorities that have gripped the GOP for a decade.


But with a Friday deadline looming to pass a new spending bill, the Trump administration projected confidence that a shutdown would be avoided. In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall’s construction, White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.


Trump showed even more flexibility Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed. Open WAPO link for full article:


Twitter @sheriffali

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