Archive for McCain Vietnam Prisoner Swap

Republicans Have Institutionalized Dishonesty!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 8, 2014 by sheriffali

Politicians lie. We all know this. There are lies of omission and lies of commission and lies that are the result of willful ignorance and lies that are the result of simple ignorance in its purest form. But only one party has institutionalized dishonesty, and that is the Republican Party.


They have lied about everything, from Obamacare to Benghazi to the economy, like these, And Republicans obviously think that’s okay, as the recent bruhaha over the prisoner exchange that returned Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl to his family:



Rep. Duncan D. Hunter (R-CA) flip-flopped.



Republicans deleted comments they made previously in support of freeing Bergdahl so that they can accuse Obama of doing what they had previously supported.



They claim Obama did not discuss the exchange with them but it turns out Obama did discuss it with them as far back as 2011.



And they are sure as shooting not going to bring up the 500+ GItmo prisoners released by President George W. Bush. For the math challenged, that’s 100 x as many prisoners as Obama exchanged for Bergdahl.




The Cuban anarchist, Ted Cruz, falsely claimed until Obama no American president had ever negotiated with terrorists

Sarah Palin condemned Obama’s action yet in 2008 prayed for his release.




John McCain flip-flopped: he was for a prisoner swap and then suddenly against it. And not only did he flip-flop, but he then lied about having flip-flopped.



And perhaps the most egregious example of dishonesty and hypocrisy comes from Oliver North. North, deeply involved in the Iran-Contra scandal and convicted on multiple counts after engaging in trading 2000 missiles to Iran in exchange for seven Americans being held in Lebanon, then gave the money from that missile sale to Iran Contra death squads…well; let’s just let a photo do the talking:



Of course, the mainstream media is more than willing to let North get away with this without reminding viewers of Iran-Contra, but Jon Stewart was not. As Stewart put it, “You’re saying it now like it’s a bad thing.”



Open the link for the full story and numerous photos:




Twitter @sheriffali