Archive for Lunatic Trump

Donald Trump Shows Every Sign Of Dementia By His Constant Lying And The Lunacy World He Lives In. For Trump “FACTS” Are “FAKE.”

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 21, 2017 by sheriffali


[WAPO] “President Trump’s speech over the weekend along Florida’s Space Coast — effectively a campaign rally staged just one month into his term — served, more than anything else, as an illustration of the extent of the political polarization now gripping the United States.


Trump had already declared open war on his country’s media, describing the mainstream press as the “enemy” of the American people. The 9,000-strong crowd of supporters seemed to agree.

“It was hilarious to see him give it to the media,” said Tony Lopez, 28, a car dealer from Orlando who spoke to my colleagues covering the event. “The media’s problem is that they keep wanting to make up stories so that he looks bad. It doesn’t work. He’s talking right through you guys.”


Since Trump entered the White House, he has lashed out at supposedly negative stories about his presidency as “fake news.” Many of his supporters, who largely subscribe to a steady diet of right-wing talk radio, television and websites, share this assessment.


“If he hadn’t gotten into office, 70,000 miners would have been put out of work,” said Patricia Nana, a 42-year-old naturalized citizen from Cameroon. She was referring to a bill Trump approved on Thursday that scrapped an Obama-era regulation preventing mines from dumping debris in nearby streams. “I saw the ceremony where he signed that bill, giving them their jobs back, and he had miners with their hard hats and everything — you could see how happy they were.”


Such was her view. Here was the reality: “The regulation actually would have cost relatively few mining jobs,” my colleagues explained, “and would have created nearly as many new jobs on the regulatory side, according to a government report — an example of the frequent distance between Trump’s rhetoric, which many of his supporters wholeheartedly believe, and verifiable facts.”


In other words, the rallygoers were the perfect audience for the president, who has continued his campaign habit of insisting his version of reality is the only one that exists or matters.


Behold some of the problematic falsehoods circulated by Trump just this weekend, from his fear-mongering over immigrant criminals in Sweden to his insistence that he inherited “a mess” in January. (A cursory glance at the numbers reveals that the Obama administration bequeathed Trump a far rosier picture than what it inherited eight years ago. On Sweden, read my colleague Rick Noack below.)”

Donald Trump will be removed from Office, but it is going to take some time for the Republican to do so, because it is self evident Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Mike Spence and many other Republicans are directly connected to Trump’s Treasonous Acts and the Republicans Domestic Fraud of Suppressing and Purging the Minority Votes in Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan and in other States.


Sooner rather than later, Trump will go to Prison for Treason, but he would not be alone. The Long Arm Of Justice Strikes Even The Most Powerful!



Twitter @sheriffali



Open Washington Post Link For Full Article:





Hillary Clinton Comforted The World While Donald Trump Frightened It During Presidential Debate!

Posted in 2016 Presidency, Bush's Policies, Democrats, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, Extreme Views, GOD'S GRACE, God's love, God's Spirit, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, HIllaryClinton2016, HOPE, KKK, LGBT, Michelle Obama, Native Americans, New York City, Politics 2016, President Obama, Racism, Republican Legislators, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States, Vote Hillary, White House 2016, Women, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , on September 28, 2016 by sheriffali


[WAPO] THE PRESIDENTIAL debate Monday did not absorb just Americans; it was closely followed by adversaries and allies of the United States across the globe. Many of the latter will have new cause for alarm as they reflect on a string of ignorant misstatements and irresponsible assertions by Donald Trump.


Start with Japan, the closest U.S. ally in Asia, bound to Washington by a mutual defense treaty. Mr. Trump declared:  “We can’t defend Japan” because “they do not pay us.” That will be news in Tokyo, which annually budgets some $4Billion  to cover the costs of American bases — so much that some analysts estimate it is cheaper to keep 54,000 military personnel in Japan than it would be to return them to the United States. That’s not to speak of the contribution Japan makes to defending vital U.S. interests, such as checking aggression by China and North Korea. The government of Shinzo Abe recently fought to modify the constitution so as to make deeper defense cooperation with the United States possible. Yet Mr. Trump suggests that his administration would not continue this vital alliance because “we’re losing a fortune.”



The same goes for the NATO alliance, which has kept democratic Europe secure for 65 years. Mr. Trump made some cavalier comments about an “obsolete” transatlantic alliance earlier this year, at a time when, as he conceded Monday, he hadn’t “given lots of thought to NATO.” Remarkably, with six weeks to go until the presidential election, he seems to have done no more thinking, or learning. He said NATO countries “should at least be paying us what they are supposed to be paying by treaty and contract.” But there are no such treaties or contracts; NATO is a mutual defense pact.


Mr. Trump also claimed that after he said that NATO should devote itself to terrorism, it set up a “major terror division.” (He said he learned this from a newspaper article.) Could he really be unaware, as Hillary Clinton pointed out, that the only time NATO’s mutual defense article has been invoked was after Sept. 11, 2001, and that NATO has been fighting terrorism in Afghanistan ever since? Apparently so!


The GOP candidate’s flights of fancy must have prompted some amusement as well as alarm in foreign capitals. Take his assertion that the Iranian nuclear deal should have required Tehran to “do something with respect to North Korea” and its nuclear arsenal because “Iran has power over North Korea.” Or consider Mr. Trump’s claim that “had we taken the oil. . . ISIS would not have been able to form . . . because oil was their primary source of income.” But the Islamic State obtained the majority of its oil from Syria. Is Mr. Trump saying that the United States should have invaded that country to seize its wells?



Unfortunately, Mr. Trump’s ludicrous assertions have serious implications. As Ms. Clinton put it, “words matter when you run for president.” She added, “I want to reassure our allies in Japan and South Korea and elsewhere that we have mutual defense treaties and we will honor them.” No doubt U.S. allies will be comforted if she wins in November. Between now and then, like a lot of Americans, they will fear for their future.


Twitter @sheriffali


