Archive for Louie Gohmert

Republican Congress Message To The 98%

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 20, 2014 by sheriffali

We saw the Poll before we left for Vacation that 72% said that they are dissatisfied with the GOP non-performance; however, 75% said that you wanted us to keep control of the House and take control of the Senate. We are happy that you see the sense in all of this.


We haven’t done anything for you but we are going on Vacation to do nothing until November 4, 2014 and wait for you to reelect us. We are cognizant that you know we haven’t done anything but we also know that you want us to continue to Control The House of Representatives and you want us to take Control of the Senate.


Our Polices are to Protect the high income 2%, but we need you the 98% to reelect us to continue to protects them, because, one day,  and even though we don’t know when that day will come, their riches will trickle down to you. Remember, our Great Greek god President Ronald Reagan made that promise and we are sure he will keep that promise even though he is as dead as Julius Caesar.  


Twitter @sheriffali



Federal Judge Strikes Down Restrictive Texas Abortion Law Dealing A Blow To GOP Hypocrites

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 29, 2014 by sheriffali

Republicans are absolute and unequivocal hypocrites. They create so much commotion about how every life is precious and fight for the “unborn,” however, once the child is born and with even more zest, they fight to deprive children from Food Stamps; Education and recently, Rick Perry have gone as far sending Armed KKK’s with AK-15 Rifles to the Texas Border to scare Refugee Children. How anyone in the Middle-Class or Poor can vote for the these people, it is way beyond my ability to comprehend.


A federal judge in Austin, Tex., on Friday blocked a stringent new rule that would have forced more than half the state’s remaining abortion clinics to close.


The rule, requiring all abortion clinics to meet the building standards of hospital-style surgery centers, was set to take effect on Monday. But in his opinion, Judge Lee Yeakel of the United States District Court in Austin said that the mandate placed an unconstitutional burden on a women’s right to an abortion.


“We are extremely pleased by Judge Yeakel’s ruling today,” said Amy Hagstrom Miller, chief executive of Whole Woman’s Health, which operates abortion clinics in the state and was a plaintiff in the suit.


“As he clearly states in his decision, requiring every abortion clinic to turn into a surgical center is excessive and not based on good medicine,” Ms. Hagstrom Miller said.


A spokeswoman for the Texas attorney general, Lauren Bean, said the state “disagrees with the court’s ruling and will seek immediate relief from the Fifth Circuit, which has already upheld H.B. 2 once.”


Last year, Judge Yeakel blocked another provision of the 2013 law — a requirement that doctors performing abortions obtain admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of a clinic — but the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, in New Orleans, reversed his decision, ruling that because women in Texas were still within driving distance of clinics, the rule did not impose an “undue burden.”


The latest decision follows a string of recent legal victories across the South for abortion rights advocates, as federal courts have blocked measures that would have forced the closing of the only abortion clinic in Mississippi and three of five clinics in Alabama.


Twitter @sheriffali




Why do people vote against their interest? When you are dead you don’t know you are dead, it is others that know you are dead; the same applies to when you are stupid!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 31, 2014 by sheriffali

The 12 Poorest States and 93 out of 100 Counties are all Republican Run Red States, so, why do people vote against their interest?


GOP Politicians are cognizant of your predicament and that is how they pick your pockets, you being “stupid!”


I do not only castigate only Republicans because there are Democrats who do the same thing. The worst part about the Democrats is that they seem to be trying to walk on both sides of the street at the same time. As for the GOP they are degenerates but they do not hide it, what they do is take advantage of the people that they have brainwashed with hate and disenchantment solely because those people are uninformed, mostly uneducated and their ideology about the “master-race,” still resides with them.


In the final analysis, if the 98% of the Middle-Class and the Poor, irrespective of which party they belong don’t learn to care for each other, they would always be the vehicle for the Politicians to keep the country divided. And, as some would know, “together we aspire together we achieve, divided, we fall.”


Twitter @sheriffali




Fox News Hosts and their Republican Guests contracted Political Mouth Syphilis!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 21, 2014 by sheriffali

Fox News’ Hosts and their Republican Guests certainly have Political Mouth Syphilis and is the result of their political environmental influences; hence the congeniality of their infection was acquired from their collective possessiveness of being obsessive with President Obama.


The exploding and imploding Middle East is the direct result of Bush and Cheney’s Invasion of Iraq and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to ascertain that fact. Republicans and Fox News have and continue to blame President Obama for the disarray that has festered in the Middle East since our invasion of Iraq.


However, let us deal with facts and not phantasmagoric rationales and internecine narcissism. Illinois State Senator Barack Obama in 2002 position about invading Iraq, is certainly one for the History Books and it should be viewed very objectively, because whether you are Pro-Obama or Anti-Obama, what he said in 2002, has come to full fruition.


“I know that even a successful war against Iraq will require a U.S. occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences. I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without strong International support will only fan the flames of the Middle East, and encourage the worst, rather than the best, impulses of the Arab world, and strengthen the recruitment arm of al-Qaida. I am not opposed to all wars. I’m opposed to dumb wars.” Illinois State Senator Barack Obama 2002.


In that very short paragraph as articulated by then State Senator Obama, we would have to be profoundly dishonest to say that what Obama stated in 2002 has not only come to pass, but we that it continues with no end in sight. And, for those that are hell-bent on President Obama sending American troops into that civil and religious fracas, they haven’t learned anything from the devastation we brought unto ourselves and to the world, when we invaded Iraq in 2003.  


Twitter @sheriffali



The Do Nothing Republican House And Senate Is Trying To Spin Their Seismic Loss Of Eric Cantor By Criticizing President Obama.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 12, 2014 by sheriffali

Like the “Rats” they are, Republicans are trying to spin the Seismic Political 8.7 on the Richter Scale Earthquake of Eric Cantor’s loss to the mostly unknown Tea Bagger, by criticizing President Obama. This was self evident from the hypocritical, deceptive, egregious three minute News Conference by Speaker John Jack-Daniels Boehner earlier today.


Boehner came out looking like the drunken over tanned Pirate like he always does and rambled on about President Obama’s policies that have made America worst. The drunken Sailor claimed that Obama hasn’t done anything about jobs, the economy, or the country and he went on to say that Obama’s Policy of bringing our Troops home from Iraq was a huge mistake and it is the reason why Iraq is in disarray. He said while Iraq is falling apart Obama is taking a Nap! Boehner also complained that Obama pulling our Troops out of Afghanistan is also another huge mistake.


Just imagine, this is coming from a man whose Party has done everything within their power to block anything and everything President Obama has done. The Republicans panacea over the past five years and four months since Obama has been President is to do nothing and say no and disagree with the President on all of Obama’s agenda.


If people want their lives not to fall back into the ditch where Bush and Cheney threw us, “we had better get out and VOTE BLUE in November. It is imperative that we hold on to the Senate and if at all possible, try and wrestle control of the House from this DO NOTHING GOP HOUSE AND SENATE.  


Twitter @sheriffali



Dick Baal Cheney, Satan’s great grandson 73rd Birthday celebrated inside the Gates of Hades by BEELZEBUB!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 30, 2014 by sheriffali

Today, January 30, 2014 is Dick Cheney’s 73rd Birthday. Being the great grandson of Satan, Cheney has a big birthday bash with all the trimmings of the fires of retribution by Beelzebub, who spares nothing in the celebration of his great grandson egregious machinations.


Beelzebub only released a few photos of some of the special guests who are very dear friends of Baal Cheney. Cheney’s daughter, Liz, is the special guest speaker. Complete Media Black-Out is fully enforced.