Archive for Liar

Sociopath, Liar, Traitor, Crook And Thief, Donald Trump, Promised His Deplorable Supporters He Was Going To Build A Wall And Mexico Was Going to Pay For It. Essentially, Mexico Told Trump To Drop Dead. Now The Con Man Wants American Taxpayers To Pay For The Wall Or He Would Shut Down The Government!

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 29, 2017 by sheriffali

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Donald Trump whether or not he is a legitimate or illegitimate President, we would soon find out as Robert Muller’s Investigation into Trump Russia Collusion intensifies, but apart from everything, Donald Trump is the “Worst Person To Have Ever Occupied The White House Since America’s Inception as an Independent Country in 1776.”


Donald Trump, The Treasonous Traitor; has brought more scorn and derision, embarrassment, lying, corruption and racism to America by supporting White Supremacy, Neo Nazis, The Ku Klux Klan and Racism, from America’s most “Sacred Buildings – The White House.” Trump and his family have Bankrupted The Secret Service in seven months. The Trump Organization has billed the Tax Payers $59 Million Dollars for 44 Golf Trips and yet, not one word from the Republican Congress that complained about President Obama’s annual vacation that cost Taxpayers $4 Million annually.


Donald Trump has violated perhaps every law imaginable as provided by the Constitution and the Amendments to the Constitution and yet, The Republican Congressional Leadership continues to enable Donald Trump in Trump’s take down of America. What has happened to America? How did we get here? The answer is simple, The Republican Party is the Cause and Donald Trump is the Symptom. Let us hope that the Republican Congress would put America over Party and Impeach this Parasitic Parasite, Donald Trump that is sucking the life blood out of America.


Twitter @sheriffali

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Donald Trump Blackmail To Shutdown The Government If Taxpayers Did Not Foot The Bill For His Conned Job Border-Wall Backfires!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 25, 2017 by sheriffali

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Just how dumb are the people that voted for Donald Trump, to believe that he would build a Wall along the Mexican Border and get Mexico to pay for it? The chances of being hit by lightning is far greater than Con Man Trump accomplishing what he knew was another “Huge Lie” just for votes. The people that voted for Trump isn’t really crooks like Trump is, but they are most certainly Racists, just as Trump is. But let us not forget that Trump Voters are dumber than Door Nails!


In the past 97 days as President Donald Trump hasn’t done a single thing for America or the American people, except embarrass and drag America through the mud, exactly as he has done with his fraudulent businesses over the past 50 plus years.


This is the worst President in American History; Donald Trump is a Pathological Liar, Con Man, Embezzler and his only qualification is Larceny, hence the reason why he cannot manage the Presidency.


[WAPO] “The White House sought Monday to calm a jittery Washington ahead of a showdown with Congress over spending, and President Trump softened his demand that a deal to keep the federal government open include money to begin construction on his long-promised border wall.


Despite one-party control at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue, the brinkmanship that came to define spending battles in the Obama years has tumbled into the Trump era, as have the factional divisions over strategy and priorities that have gripped the GOP for a decade.


But with a Friday deadline looming to pass a new spending bill, the Trump administration projected confidence that a shutdown would be avoided. In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall’s construction, White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.


Trump showed even more flexibility Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed. Open WAPO link for full article:


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Donald Trump’s Phantasmagoric Rationales And Internecine Policies Enabled By Corrupt Republicans And Propelled By Uninformed Ignorant Supporters, Are Dragging America Down Into Deeper And Deeper Unforgiving Waters:

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 29, 2017 by sheriffali

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Whether you are a Politician or a Civilian, if you support what Donald Trump is doing to the United States, then you cannot call yourself American.


“America is great because America is good.” [Hillary Clinton]


Donald Trump is not a Republican, Democrat Or Independent; Trump is just 305 lbs of deteriorating, defunct flesh, caught in a “Human Body.” Trump is so intertwined and entwined with Vladimir Putin and Russia, every action Trump takes as President is denigrating America to fall further away from any credibility and totally wreck what makes America great – “Democracy.”


Signing Executive Orders that takes America back to the days of poisonous Air, Water and a damaging environment isn’t making America Great Again; it is making America obsolete and defunct. We know this factually because when China is investing hundreds of billions of dollars into clean energy and Trump is taking America back into a lost cause – “Coal and Contamination,” why can’t the Republicans in control of Congress stop the madness. It seems self evident that all Congressional Republicans are not Corrupt and Bad, but the Majority, including Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, they are on the same level of being despicable as Lying, Swindling, Thieving, Hypocritical Trump.


Policies such as the Twice Failed Travel Ban takes America back to sorry memories reminding us and the world that America was built on two Monumental Crimes; “The Genocide of 120 Million Native Americans and the Enslavement of Blacks.”


Continually taking the side of the world’s most demoralized Dictator, Killer and Fraud, Vladimir Putin against Trump’s own Country, I do not believe the English language possess adequate words to describe that degree of Treason.


Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Devin Nunes and other Republicans that are in a criminal conspiracy protecting Donald Trump from a Treasonous Investigation, leaves you no other choice but to believe, these people are up to their necks in Treason and Debauchery, no different than Donald Trump.


If the 2016 Treasonous, Fraudulent Election isn’t properly adjudicated, America’s Credibility and Democracy will be lost forever! Legally, do what you must and do what you can to bring about justice for all Americans and the world – “Stop Corrupt Donald Trump and his Enablers!”


Twitter @sheriffali

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When The Time Comes Does Trump Have The Nerve To Blow His Brains Out Like Hitler, Or Whine Like His Tweets And Cry During His Treason Trial? Donald Reckoning Is Imminent!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 14, 2017 by sheriffali


Donald Trump, Most Government Workers Including The US Military Are Honest Hard Working Patriots, Not Everyone Is Like Traitor James Comey And The Likes. Your Day Of Reckoning Is Coming Sooner Rather Than Later!


Trump, You Will Be Exposed For Your Treasonous Acts And Election Fraud. Question Is; “Would You Face The Music Or Take Hitler’s Route And Blow Out Your Brains? Think Carefully For It Is Treason Trial Or Hitler’s Way!



{Huffington Post Published An Interesting Article As To What Is Coming For Trump and His Henchmen}


[Huffington Post] “As President Trump begins his historic détente with Vladimir Putin, it seems a good time to check in with five other men who, along with Trump and Putin, were mentioned in the explosive “Steele Dossier” that hit U.S. media several weeks ago and has since been largely forgotten. The dossier, which accuses Mr. Trump and members of his campaign staff of treason against the United States, was compiled by Christopher Steele, a former high-ranking agent for Britain’s MI6 intelligence service—and the head of that service’s Russia desk.


Intelligence agencies on both sides of the Atlantic say Steele is highly competent and thoroughly credible.


More recently, Business Insider has reported that “the timeline of Trump’s ties with Russia lines up with the allegations of conspiracy and misconduct” contained in the Steele dossier.


Reviewing the fates of the five men below, we find that, since their alleged involvement in the activities detailed in the Steele dossier, one of these men was fired from his job, while another was promoted. A third man was found dead in the back of his car the day after Christmas, while the whereabouts of a fourth are unknown—as he’s gone into hiding for fear of his own and his family’s safety.


As President Trump begins his historic détente with Vladimir Putin, it seems a good time to check in with five other men who, along with Trump and Putin, were mentioned in the explosive “Steele Dossier” that hit U.S. media several weeks ago and has since been largely forgotten. The dossier, which accuses Mr. Trump and members of his campaign staff of treason against the United States, was compiled by Christopher Steele, a former high-ranking agent for Britain’s MI6 intelligence service—and the head of that service’s Russia desk.


Intelligence agencies on both sides of the Atlantic say Steele is highly competent and thoroughly credible.


More recently, Business Insider has reported that “the timeline of Trump’s ties with Russia lines up with the allegations of conspiracy and misconduct” contained in the Steele dossier.


Reviewing the fates of the five men below, we find that, since their alleged involvement in the activities detailed in the Steele dossier, one of these men was fired from his job, while another was promoted. A third man was found dead in the back of his car the day after Christmas, while the whereabouts of a fourth are unknown—as he’s gone into hiding for fear of his own and his family’s safety.


A fifth met with Vladimir Putin as recently as two weeks ago.


This list of five men does not include former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, who was mysteriously pushed out by Trump after reports emerged that Manafort indirectly assisted Russia’s invasion of the Crimean Peninsula in Ukraine—the very international crime the Trump administration now opposes leveling sanctions to punish. Prior to his departure in August, it was widely reported that Manafort had also been behind the Trump campaign’s efforts, at the Republican convention in July, to amend the party’s platform to adopt a more favorable view of Russia’s annexation of Crimea.


Carter Page. On March 21, 2016, then-presidential candidate Donald Trump told the editorial board of The Washington Post that Carter Page was a key member of his foreign policy team. To be clear, Trump cited Page, unprompted, by name—indeed, Page’s was one of the very first names Mr. Trump could think of in offering up his roster of foreign policy advisers. Four months later, Page travelled to Moscow to give a speech at the Higher Economic School. It was at this point, according to the Steele dossier, that the CEO of Russia’s national oil company, Igor Sechin, offered Page brokerage of a 19 percent stake in the oil company if he would convince Mr. Trump to lift U.S. sanctions on Russian oil.”



Twitter @sheriffali


Open Huffington Post Link For Full Article:



America’s Decaying 305 Lbs Sausage, Donald Trump, Self-Righteous Mike Spence And The Fraudulent Republican Congress Are Selling America And Its People To The Highest Bidder And Literally Wrecking 240 Years Of Sacrifices.

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on February 7, 2017 by sheriffali


Today February 7, 2017, Donald Trump, Mike Spence and 50 Republican Senators sold America’s Children and Education System to Betsy DeVos in exchange for the millions of dollars DeVos has given to Republican Politicians including Donald Trump.


It is self evident that trump and Republicans do not care about educating the American Children because, the more uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and brainwashed voters are, the more certain Republicans are of holding on to their Positions and winning Elections.


Educated and Uneducated Voters are like “Water and Oil.” Shake it all you can but be sure and know that it would never mix!


It is clear that the Democrats do not have the votes in the House or the Senate to stop the Republicans and Trump, but what we do have is the “Resistance Movements” against Donald Trump and Republicans phantasmagoric rationales and internecine Policies.


“When Illegality Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty.” Thomas Jefferson.


“The Constitution Is Not A Document For Government To Restrain The People; It is An Instrument For People To Restrain The Government.” Paul Henry


Do not ever surrender your rights to America’s Con Man, Liar and King Of Larceny, Donald Trump or the fraudulent Republicans hiding behind Congressional Protection.


Twitter @sheriffali




Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 11, 2015 by sheriffali



A $6 billion golf community being built in Dubai is going forward minus My “Trump” brand; The Middle Eastern Major Chain Store “Lifestyle” kicked me out of all 195 stores; Scotland kicked me out: Britain is about to do the same; I can’t go to Israel and US Mayors are blocking me from their Cities – What The Hell Is Going On?


Reuters reports that DAMAC properties had said it would stand by Donald Trump amid backlash from his proposal to ban Muslims from traveling to the U.S. But on Thursday the GOP presidential candidate’s name and image were removed from the “Akoya by DAMAC” site.


Real estate isn’t the only branding problem for Trump in Dubai. Lifestyle, a home-decor store chain based there, said Wednesday it was removing all Trump-branded products from its 195 stores across the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere in the region.


Lifestyle cited “recent statements in the U.S. media,” CNN reported. DAMAC provided no explanation, Reuters said.


Trump has been unapologetic, rejecting challenges on his proposal from Democrats, Republicans and international leaders. After Scotland dropped him as a “business ambassador, he wrote in an article in Scottish daily newspaper The Press and Journal: “The UK politicians should be thanking me instead of pandering to political correctness.” [USATODAY]


Twitter @sheriffali


Fact Checkers Bust Donald Trump For Two Racist Lies In Less Than A Week! Trump Only Tells The Truth 7% Of The Time

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , on November 25, 2015 by sheriffali


Rarely has a politician consistently fared that well under a fact check, but things are particularly dire for GOP front-runner Donald Trump, who talks first and thinks later — if ever.



This week alone, PolitiFact has already given The Donald two Pants on Fire ratings, both stemming from his unfounded, conspiracy-oriented, racist beliefs.



The first was for a tweet in which the Republican falsely claimed that blacks are responsible for 81% of white homicides. Not so. Who is to blame for white homicides? Well, this is awkward, but it’s white people.



Of course the perfidy goes deeper than just some inaccurate statistics. Trump tweeted those inaccurate statistics one day after a black activist was shoved, tackled, and punched at a Donald Trump rally in Alabama.


The Washington Post had a reporter in the crowd who reported that “one of the men put his hands on Southall’s neck and heard a female onlooker repeatedly shout: ‘Don’t choke him!’”



Trump’s reaction to this? Blame the victim and say it’s what he gets for exercising his free speech rights. From the Washington Post:



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Open Link To Read Full Article Donald Trump Lies


Trump University Was A House Of Larceny That Robbed Poor Students Out Of Their Money Now Ceased To Exist! Everything About Donald Trump Are Lies And Crooked, A Charlatan, Bankruptcy Swindler And Yet All Of The Media Give Trump A Free Pass! Why?

Posted in Donald Trump, Politics, Swindler with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 14, 2015 by sheriffali

Never licensed as a school, Trump University was in reality a series of real estate workshops in hotel ballrooms around the country, not unlike many other for-profit self-help or motivational seminars. Though short-lived, it remains a thorn in Trump’s side nearly five years after its operations ceased: In three pending lawsuits, including one in which the New York attorney general is seeking $40 million in restitution, former students allege that the enterprise bilked them out of their money with misleading advertisements.



Instead of a fast route to easy money, these Trump University students say they found generic seminars led by salesmen who pressured them to invest more cash in additional courses. The students say they didn’t learn Trump’s secrets and never received the one-on-one guidance they expected.


It’s a chapter of Trump’s past that shows how he sometimes defies the usual laws of campaign physics. Such allegations of multi­million-dollar fraud might sink other candidates, but in Trump’s case, even some of the students who felt duped said they haven’t given up on him: They like Trump. They admire him. They might even vote for him.


“He says what he means, not like politicians, not like Obama,” said Louie Liu of Hurst, Tex. Liu, a motel owner, said in a sworn affidavit that he paid $1,495 for a three-day seminar, then felt lured into paying $24,995 for more classes, an online training program and a three-day in-person mentorship. A few days later, he called to ask for a refund, but his request was rejected. Trump University, he concluded, was a “scam.”


Trump University was not a university in any legal sense, and beginning in 2005, New York State Education Department officials told the company to change its name because they deemed it misleading. The business became the Trump Entrepreneur Initiative in May 2010, and it stopped operating shortly thereafter.


New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman (D) filed his $40 million suit against Trump and Trump University in 2013, alleging that Trump had illegally operated an unlicensed university and defrauded students. Approximately 80,000 people attended Trump University’s free introductory seminars, according to court documents. About 9,200 of them went on to pay $1,495 for three-day seminars, and nearly 800 paid up to $35,000 for packages that included mentorships and workshops.


“No one, no matter how rich or popular they are, has a right to scam hard working New Yorkers,” Schneiderman said in a news release at the time.


Twitter @sheriffali


Why aren’t more Republicans condemning Donald Trump? Because most of them share Trump’s views on Racism, Bigotry and Immigrants

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 3, 2015 by sheriffali

Over the past week, Donald Trump’s inflammatory remarks about Mexican immigrants have enraged the Hispanic community, cost him million-dollar business contracts and dominated media coverage of the 2016 presidential race.

But the overall reaction from much of the rest of the Republican field has ranged from tepid criticism to, in at least one case, strong words of support.

Trump has put the rest of the GOP in a difficult position with his assertions that Mexico was sending “rapists,” killers and drug dealers across the border into the United States. While most of the candidates would rather pretend Trump doesn’t exist, the remarks — and his refusal to disavow them — have made that impossible.

The celebrity TV host and businessman has succeeded in sucking much of the oxygen out of campaign coverage, and he swings harder each time he’s knocked back. On Wednesday night, CNN’s Don Lemon noted in an interview with Trump that a study cited by the candidate to bolster his argument actually referred to Central American immigrants who were raped while in Mexico, not in the United States.

Trump responded: “Well, somebody’s doing the raping, Don! I mean somebody’s doing it! Who’s doing the raping?”

[As Donald Trump surges in the polls, Democrats cheer]

Such rhetoric does little to help Republicans seeking to connect with Hispanic voters, a demographic they need to win a national general election. But the candidates are also cognizant that Trump is tapping into a bloc of conservative GOP primary voters who welcome his abrasive approach and share his attitude over illegal immigration; he has surged to second place in several polls nationally and in early-nominating states.

So far only long-shot former New York Gov. George Pataki — desperate for some attention himself — has taken a proactive approach, sending a letter to the rest of the GOP field on Wednesday asking them to join him in denouncing Trump and his comments.

“As Donald Trump doubles down, I’m asking you to join me in standing up,” Pataki wrote.

Other GOP candidates have only commented when asked to respond to Trump’s remarks. And Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who is angling for the same voters as Trump, came to Trump’s defense.

[Ted Cruz: Donald Trump is ‘terrific,’ shouldn’t apologize for comments]

Cruz is not alone: a number of other prominent conservatives, including National Review editor Rich Lowry, Iowa Rep. Steve King and American Conservative Union chairman Matt Schlapp, have mounted at least limited defenses of Trump’s overall immigration message.

Twitter @sheriffali


KARMA Hit Donald Trump – He Is Fired! Years Of Using The Bankruptcy Laws To Defraud Investors, Arrogant, Bigoted Racist!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 29, 2015 by sheriffali

NBC will no longer be the home of the Miss Universe and Miss America pageants

NBC has cut longstanding ties with Donald Trump following the presidential hopeful’s controversial comments about immigration.


NBC will no longer be the home of the Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants, which Trump produces, and Trump has already stepped down from running his reality show The Apprentice to run for president. “At NBC, respect and dignity for all people are cornerstones of our values,” the network said in a statement. “Due to the recent derogatory statements by Donald Trump regarding immigrants, NBC Universal is ending its business relationship with Mr. Trump.”


During his presidential announcement speech earlier this month, Trump called the U.S. “a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems” while speaking about immigration. “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said. “They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”


In a statement provided to TIME on Monday, Trump stood by his comments and called NBC “weak” for “trying to be politically correct.”


“If NBC is so weak and so foolish to not understand the serious illegal immigration problem in the United States, coupled with the horrendous and unfair trade deals we are making with Mexico, then their contract violating closure of Miss Universe/Miss USA will be determined in court,” he said. “Furthermore, they will stand behind lying Brian Williams, but won’t stand behind people that tell it like it is, as unpleasant as that may be.” [TIME]


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