The Economy is doing well because of President Obama’s Policies, but not because of Trump’s or Republican Policies, because they have no Policies, except a Tax Scam that became Law that is now having devastating effects on Layoff, due to what the Rich is doing with the 1.4 Trillion Dollars Tax Cuts.

Posted in Republican Scam with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 26, 2018 by sheriffali



AT & T 4,000

Macy’s 10,000

GE 12,000

Kimberly-Clark 5,500

Tourism Jobs lost 40,000

Walmart Firing Thousands


Toys R Us closing 180 Stores

Pfizer fire 300 Scientists that was working on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson Diseases. Pfizer is using the 10 Billion Dollars Tax Cut to “Buy Back Stocks.”


All of the above transpired just after The Tax Scam became Law and it is the same when Ronald Reagan activated “Trickled Down Economic,” it just doesn’t trickle down, it buries the working class and here we are again with a Republican President and a Republican Controlled Congress, repeating the 1980’s and 2001-2008, as the people suffer, those that voted Republican and those that did not.


Donald Trump is only educated and qualified in Lying, Larceny, Corruption and being a Charlatan, because outside of those characters, Trump is as dumb as you can get. Congressional Republicans are generally educated, but they are deceitful to the core, even against those that support them.


The easier problem for America is going to be getting rid of Trump; however, the monumental task is how to educate the majority of the 62 Million people that voted for Trump and the GOP, because in the final analysis, there are only two types of Republicans; Billionaires and Fools, check your Bank Account and find out which one you are!


Twitter @sheriffali



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During Barack Obama’s Presidency There were 60 Failed Repeal Votes Of Obamacare By Republicans And Even Now, With GOP In Control Of The White House, Senate And House Of Representatives, Their “Trump Republican Health Care Act” Imploded Like A Condemned Building Packed With C4!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , on March 26, 2017 by sheriffali

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Solipsistic, bloated host, Donald Trump doesn’t realize that he was the manipulator for a parasitic Republican Party. Republicans had nothing more than a bunch of spiritless inducing retreads and zero charisma candidates, who would have nothing more than sacrificial fodder, against Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s seeming demographic inevitability.


Uninformed, ignorant, uneducated, and brainwashed Republican Voters duped with the Trump phenomenon, the Corrupt Corporate Media, Republicans And Trump’s lies, the suppression and purging of Minority Voters by Republican Governors, Bernie Sanders and his wayward followers, Vladimir Putin and Russia’s meddling, altered Hillary Clinton’s reality. Now we are left with the singular most corrupt person, Donald Trump and his egregious machinations pretending to be an Administration, plundering America with unequivocal assistance from most of the Congressional Republicans.


In the words of Hillary Clinton; “America is great because America is good,” along with Thomas Jefferson; “when injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty,” must be the mantle for America’s true Patriots, those serving in the Military, Diplomats abroad, all US Intelligence Agencies, Law Enforcement and most of all – The American People,” we must fight the good fight to remove the “Ochlocracy” that hangs over America and the World.


At the present time, Paul Ryan, who passed for a wonk in the parched intellectual desert that is the Republican Party and Mitch McConnell, a cynical, pinched hallow man, whose partisanship borders on criminality and whose lack of integrity is mirrored in his chinless, weak Jowled Visage, combine them with Donald Trump’s lack of cerebral substance, self awareness and political acumen and you have, a failed Government, plundering America’s 240 years of sacrifices, credibility, democracy and financial stability.


Don’t believe that because you are just one person you can’t make a difference, yes you can, each and everyone, for in the final analysis, all of the tiny contributions in legal and moral resistance will bring about change from this dangerous pivotal moment for America.

[Please Note] Excerpts in this article are from various sources.


New York Times Columnist Maureen Dowd wrote a blistering article about Donald Trump in today’s March 26, 2017 Editorial. However, one must remember that Ms. Dowd, an ardent hater of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, during the Primaries, wrote unsubstantiated and critical articles about Mrs. Clinton, but now hypocrite Maureen Dowd now joins the Band Wagon in condemnation of Corrupt, Inept, Con Man, Liar Trump. Maureen Down is a Trillion Dollars Short and Years late. Subsequent to the one paragraph, open the link if you are interested in reading Maureen Dowd’s Trump Article;


“You promised to get the best people around you in the White House, the best of the best. In fact, “best” is one of your favorite words.


Instead, you dragged that motley skeleton crew into the White House and let them create a feuding, leaking, belligerent, conspiratorial, sycophantic atmosphere. Instead of a smooth, classy operator like James Baker, you have a Manichaean anarchist in Steve Bannon.


You knew the Republicans were full of hot air. They haven’t had to pass anything in a long time, and they have no aptitude for governing. To paraphrase an old Barney Frank line, asking the Republicans to govern is like asking Frank to judge the Miss America contest — “If your heart’s not in it, you don’t do a very good job.”


Twitter @sheriffali

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New York Times Admits That At The Request Of The FBI It Held Back A Critical Report Of Investigation Into Trump – Russia Ties Prior To November 8th Election.

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 23, 2017 by sheriffali


“All Of The Corrupt Corporate Owned Media; New York Times, Washington Post, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, FOX And Others, Enabled Trump Presidency With The Help Of Russia, FBI, Fraudulent Republicans And Uninformed, Ignorant, Uneducated And Brainwashed Republican Voters.”


This is the same New York Times that immediately published a Front Page Article on October 28th, 2016 when Treasonous Traitor, FBI Director Released His Pernicious, Egregious, Fanatical Letter About Hillary Clinton Being Reinvestigated for which James Comey recanted 2 days before the Election, when the damaged was already done.


In a stunning revelation today, the Public Editor of the New York Times has announced that her newspaper held off from publishing a story during the election season about Donald Trump’s secret ties to Russia, after the FBI discouraged publication. She’s acknowledging that the story could have “upended” the presidential election between Trump and Hillary Clinton, and she’s criticizing her own newspaper for having been too “timid” in pulling its punches.


New York Times Public Editor Liz Spayd published an article today in which she revealed that “The Times knew several critical facts: the F.B.I. had a sophisticated investigation underway on Trump’s organization, possibly including FISA warrants.” She goes on to explain that a source had made the Times aware of “salacious material describing an odd cross-continental dance between Trump and Moscow. The most damning claim was that Trump was aware of Russia’s efforts to hack Democratic computers, an allegation with implications of treason.”


The story in question got as far as being written in draft form, but “with the F.B.I. discouraging publication, editors decided to hold their fire.” The story was ultimately quashed by NYT Executive Editor Dean Baquet. Eventually the story was in fact published, “but only after other news outlets had gone first.”


She concludes her takedown of her own newspaper by asking the following question: “It’s hard not to wonder what impact such information might have had on voters still evaluating the candidates, an issue I chided The Times for not pursuing enough in an earlier column. Would more sources have come forward? Would we already know the essential facts?”



Twitter @sheriffali



Donald Trump Was Right, The Election Was Rigged! Rigged For Trump By Republican Governors In Florida, North Carolina, Michigan And Wisconsin; Suppressed The Minority Votes.

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 20, 2016 by sheriffali

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In Florida and the Blue States that was called for Donald Trump, in each case Trump won by 1% or less votes. For example, Trump won Wisconsin by 30,000 Votes but Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker “Illegally Implemented Voting Laws” disqualified in excess of 300,000 Votes.


The same situation transpired in other States all run by Republican Governors. This abuse would have never taken place if Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts Right Wing Court did not Void Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act that disabled Section 5.


For those that are not familiar with the Voting Rights Act it was established in 1964 that any State Changes to the Voting Rights Act must be approved by the Justice Department, but by Chief Justice Roberts Voiding Section 4 that disabled Section 5, the Republican Run States implemented Laws that made it difficult, impossible or disqualifying to Minority Voters.


Thus, The 2016 Election was stolen by Republicans with the help of the FBI Director James Comey, Russia and WikiLeaks.


I am a Life-Long Democrat and have and always will fight for “Equal Right For All Under The Law.” However, our Democratic Leaders going back decades and including President Obama and our present House and Senate Representatives, capitulate to easily to the “Despicable, Dishonest, Deplorables,” within the Republican Party.


The most “Unqualified Person Donald Trump” fraudulently won the Presidency over the “Most Qualified Person, Hillary Clinton.”


Donald Trump’s only qualifications are: “Conning People, Dishonesty, Larceny, Pathological Lying, Actually Stealing And Robbing Investors, Contractors and Employees which is Factually Documented and in addition, Donald Trump is one of America’s Most Vocal Racist, Bigot and Fascist. The American Media went after Secretary Hillary Clinton with Vengeance 100% of the time but never really spent even 10% of their Media Time to inform the Uninformed, Ignorant, Uneducated and Brainwashed Americans about the Vulgar Groper, Racist and Fraud Donald Trump really is.


Now, the Media is acting like Mother Theresa when in fact they are the Judases in Sheep Clothing, enablers of their Corporate Bosses Avarice for Ratings and Mammon. America and the World will pay an unbelievable price for the 2016 Election and when Donald Trump is Impeached within the next 18 months to two years, recuperating from Trump’s and his Henchmen’s disaster would most likely be an impossible task.


Donald Trump has broken the Law before he became President-Elect and he is breaking the Law now that he is President-Elect, but Republicans that are in control of both Houses of Congress, never investigates their own.


George Bush and Dick Cheney destroyed 22 Million Emails and used a Private Server, but not one word from Republicans and the Media brushed it aside, however, when it came to Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Republicans, The Media, Some Democrats, Bernie Sander and his Supporters promulgated Hillary Clinton as the most “dishonest person,” when in fact, “Factcheckers” verified that Hillary Clinton is the most “Honest” Politician.”


Twitter @sheriffali

