Archive for Judy Mozes

Wife Of Israel’s Vice Prime Minister Silvan Shalom Insulted President Obama With A Racist Remark On Twitter: “Do U Know What Obama Coffee Is? “Black And Weak.” Judy Mozes

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 22, 2015 by sheriffali

Judy Mozes One Of Israel’s And Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Whores, The Leaches That Suck $3,200,000,000.00 [Three Billion Two Hundred Million Dollars] Annually From American Taxpayers.


This WHORE JUDY MOZES insults the President of the United States in a World-Wide Forum and America’s Politicians are SILENT!


It is not difficult to see why Dylann Roof would walk into a Church and kill Nine [9] African American Citizens and Republicans and Fox News are determined that Dylann Roof is not a Racist, they say he is mental.


In a stunning lack of respect for the leader of Israel’s closest ally (and main protector), the wife of Vice Prime Minister Silvan Shalom tweeted a racist joke about President Obama.


In a quickly-deleted tweet that, of course, will never truly disappear, Judy Mozes, an Israeli celebrity in her own right, asked her followers “Do u know what Obama Coffee is?” The punchline: “Black and weak.” Ugh.


It’s surreal to watch American conservatives bash the president for having no respect for Israel when the Israeli government (and, apparently, their wives) so consistently prove they are the ones who can’t afford a modicum of tact. Recently, Israeli prime minister flew to Washington to stand before Congress and lecture the president. It was an unprecedented insult to America’s democratically-elected president, but earned him gushing praise from Republican lawmakers who jumped up 26 times (26!) in his speech to give him frenzied standing ovations.



And yet, it is Obama who is criticized for alienating Israel? By all accounts, he is giving them more patience and respect than they deserve.


Sadly, it may not all be politics, either. In 2008, while the rest of the world congratulated Obama on his historic win, one of Israel’s conservative newspapers ran this “political” cartoon, where Obama is shown painting the White House black.


As Vox points out, Israel’s politicians also have a history of invoking Obama’s race and background when they try to bash him. In one recent example, an Israeli politician wrote an op-ed in Foreign Policy that would have made any right-wing racist nod in agreement:


Obama’s attitudes toward Islam clearly stem from his personal interactions with Muslims. These were described in depth in his candid memoir, Dreams from My Father, published 13 years before his election as president. Obama wrote passionately of the Kenyan villages where, after many years of dislocation, he felt most at home and of his childhood experiences in Indonesia. I could imagine how a child raised by a Christian mother might see himself as a natural bridge between her two Muslim husbands. I could also speculate how that child’s abandonment by those men could lead him, many years later, to seek acceptance by their co-religionists.


So Obama is a secret Muslim who is also “black and weak.” No wonder right-wing conservatives defend Israel so aggressively, they seem to be sharing the same racist memes on Facebook. [Source Los Angeles Times]



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