Archive for ISIS

President Obama didn’t wreck America, Obama saved America!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 8, 2014 by sheriffali

Obama is blamed for all that ails America, but, factually, Bush and Cheney recklessness that literally raped the country of precious lives lost in Iraq; tens of thousands wounded; 5.1 trillion for the two wars added to the debt; 1.1 trillion tax cuts for the rich; lack of regulations that wrecked the housing market; millions of jobs lost; the Stock Market plunged to its lowest level; 1,000 plus banks closed down and the loss of America’s goodwill worldwide; manifested itself into the United States Disaster.



President Obama has been in Office 5 years and 6 months and since that time 10 million jobs were created; the housing market rebounded; the Stock Market that is the symbol of America’s financial strength excelled; The Dow went from 7,200 to 17,000; The NASDAQ went from below 2,000 to 4,800; and the S & P that house most of the 401K plans went from 730 to over 2,000. No banks are closing down and disappearing with depositors funds; Wall Street is regulated to some degree despite Republicans opposition and according to Economists and the Wall Street Journal, under Obama spending stands at 1 ¼%, the lowest than any previous President.



Obama ended the War in Iraq but the Oil Invasion in 2003 by Bush and Cheney was always going to end up being a House of Cards. Osama bin Laden, the man that brought so much grief and destruction to America was not taken out by Bush and Cheney despite their braggadocios for the 7 years and 3 months they ran the country subsequent to September 11, 2001 disaster. Bin Laden’s death came about by one of the most risky Military Operations in modern times by our well trained men and women in Uniform, under the direction of President Obama.



Afghanistan, which was a justified War with the world supporting us, Bush and Cheney bifurcated that War to go  on their Oil Invasion of Iraq, hence the reason, 13 years later, we are still in Afghanistan.



The escalation of the number of terrorists worldwide including ISIS and Al Qaeda in Iraq is the result of Bush and Cheney toppling Saddam Hussein. As bad as we may have viewed Saddam Hussein, while under his rule he was a terror to the Iraqis, but what is more than certain, he didn’t allow terrorists to operate inside of Iraq. George W Bush’s father in 1991 could have taken out Saddam Hussein but he didn’t, and the reason is Saddam Hussein was no religious fanatic, he ran a secular Government.



So now it is incumbent on all of us to ask the question, why is it that irrespective of all that President Obama has done for America and that is without any help from the “Do Nothing Republican Obstructionist Congress,” Obama’s is demeaned by Republicans, some Congressional Democrats and a large number of the American public.


I can’t help but wonder that if Barack Obama was 100% white and Republican, how the GOP would have used him as their Poster Child to win every election for decades to come. The problem with Democrats is that most of them are timid and they seem to be born without a backbone.



All 1,500 Television Stations; 9,000 Radio Stations; 1,500 News Paper; 3,000 Magazines and the 2,400 Publishers are owned by six [6] corporations. It is no wonder good news like 288,000 jobs created in one month is news for about an hour or two, but when the job market fell in August to 142,000, they are all still beating the drum of “slow-down.”



In the final analysis, majority of Americans are uninformed, ignorant of facts and those that are not brainwashed, they are sinister about Obama’s 50% African American blood. People don’t like to talk about race, especially the Media, but race became front and center since Mr. Obama became President.



Twitter @sheriffali









Obama Enlists 9 Allies to Help in the Battle Against ISIS

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 6, 2014 by sheriffali


It seems that it is only President Obama that actually cares about the devastation for our Soldiers if he would re-invade Iraq and put our Soldiers on the ground. There are so many different factions fighting inside of Iraq that it is difficult for an Iraqi to most of the time know the difference between friend and foe, much less our Soldiers.


For all of the criticism Mr. Obama took, he did manage to put together a Nine [9] member Alliance to fight the ISIS Terrorism. The other part of this puzzle is that Mr. Obama is coordinating “Middle-Eastern Ground Troops” as we continue to use Air Strikes, thus keeping our Soldiers from being mixed up on the ground in this maddening Religious and bifurcated Civil War.


Bush and Cheney should of thought of that prior to sending tens of thousands of our Soldiers in the middle of hell where thousands died and tens of thousands got severely injured.


Republicans are quick to send other people children, wives, husbands, sons and daughters and parents into the fires of hell, without a single thought about the cost of “one lost life.” I wish the American people would somehow grow up to the reality of life when they go to the Voting Booth. [S ALI]


“NEWPORT, Wales — President Obama escalated the American response to the marauding Islamic State in Iraq and Syria on Friday, recruiting at least nine allies to help crush the organization and offering the outlines of a coordinated military strategy that echoes the war on terror developed by his predecessor, George W. Bush, more than a decade ago.


In his most expansive comments to date about how the United States and its friends could defeat ISIS, a once-obscure group of Sunni militants that has now upended the Middle East and overshadowed Al Qaeda, Mr. Obama said the effort would rely on American airstrikes against its leaders and positions, strengthen the moderate Syrian rebel groups to reclaim ground lost to ISIS, and enlist friendly governments in the region to join the fight.


While the president’s aides maintained that he has not yet decided to authorize airstrikes in Syria — which he has already done on a limited basis in Iraq — Mr. Obama likened his developing strategy on ISIS to the American effort against Al Qaeda in Pakistan’s tribal regions, which has relied heavily on airstrikes.”[NYT]


Twitter @sheriffali


David Cameron You broke off your vacation and returned to your Office and on August 29, 2014 you raised Britain’s Threat-Level! Why? You haven’t lifted a finger to help, Why? You are a Wuss!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 30, 2014 by sheriffali


Prime Minister David Cameron I Respectfully Disrespect You By Calling You A Moran And A Wuss For Raising Britain’s Threat Level. Bush and Cheney used the same scheme every time the going got rough and the American people bought into the nonsense. So, please Tell The World How Many Times You Refused To Help President Obama And Why!


The four criminals in the photo with you, one of them is yours, so since your previous Prime Minister helped to create the chaos that are presently transpiring and you haven’t helped, so the question is, are you going to even try.


President Obama on the other hand he gets the blame for the relentless chaos all over the Middle-East, even though he is the only person that has done anything thus far. A crisis developed with the Iraqi’s Yazidis on the Mountain and Obama gave orders for the US Military to use Air Strikes, drop off rations and rather quickly we got the Yazidis off the Mountain.


ISIS had taken the largest and most important Dam in Iraq. As soon as the Criminal Bush and Cheney installed as Prime Minister, Nour al-Maliki was replaced, again, Obama ordered US Military Air Strikes and the Iraqis regain control of the Dam.


Amazing enough Mr. Cameron, President Obama has and is the only Leader that is doing anything about the situation in Iraq, but here in America, his countrymen, a small percentage of Whites and selective Media Outlets, they pounce on the President 24/7. On the other hand you came out and lifted the threat level and social media Trolls, or should I say the Obama Haters, thought of you as a “real leader,” while denouncing Obama as chopped-up, spoiled liver.


Mr. Obama held a News Conference on Thursday and in order not to show his cards in this game of life and death Poker, he said: “we do not have a plan as yet as to how we are going to deal with ISIS in Syria.” It is 04:57 AM Eastern Time in the United States and Obama is still being slashed and burned over that statement, even though, it was the right statement to make.


If you have ever engaged in Ware-Fare you would know that you do not fight the enemy on their terms; you do not divulge anything that would given a hint as to what your plans are; you allow the enemy to come to believe that they are invincible by not being egotistical and bearing the brunt of criticism from the people you took an oath to protect.


In the final analysis what I am really permeating is that this 50% White 50% Black Man has done so much for America, but, so many refuse to say a good word about him, much less give him any credit for preventing us from becoming a Banana Republic, subsequent to George W Bush and Dick Cheney, reaping havoc on us and leaving us for dead. Did you know that Dick Cheney profited 39.5 Billion Dollars from the Death and Destruction they and your guy, Tony Blair, invasion of Iraq caused?


Hence, I ask you this one simple question and that is Britain has always been a friend and ally with America, so, naturally, I want to know why haven’t you done anything to support Mr. Obama? Is it the 50/50 business of Black and White? Please tell us….


Twitter @sheriffali





Do you really believe we don’t have a plan to deal with ISIS? Rules; Never meet the enemy on their terms; Never give a clue; Keep the enemy guessing; Allow the enemy to believe you don’t know what you are doing!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 29, 2014 by sheriffali

Remember this!


President Obama waited until Bin Laden was dead before anyone except those inside his circle knew what action was taken to capture or kill Bin Laden. On the other hand, the idiot that got us into Iraq, subsequent to the 9/11 tragedy, George W Bush was asked about Bin Laden. Bush replied; “We have a saying in the West, Wanted Dead Or Alive.”Bush’s own father had to advise him that that type of language is not fitting for a President.


The remarks are for the Brainless Critics, Fox News and of course, Republicans and any and all other idiots who happen to be all mouth and no brain!


Irrespective of whom the President of the United States is, if he or she would come out and announce that “we have a plan to deal with ISIS that would be the dumbest thing a President could possibly do.” If you know anything about warfare, you never meet the enemy on his or her terms; you pick the time and place and what you never do is to give any clue, but keep the enemy guessing.


After Obama’s News Conference I am sure that ISIS must be relieved that we don’t have a plan. Do you idiots really think we don’t have a plan? But of course, Republicans and Fox News cater to the uninformed, ignorant and brainwashed, so why not feed them BULL!


You whining hate mongers that sit with pen and paper or are given a Chair in Murdoch’s internecine Chamber, you sanctimonious idiots, act like you have all of the intelligence. Well, do you?


Twitter @sheriffali


American Douglas McArthur McCain from San Diego California killed fighting for ISIS in Syria

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 26, 2014 by sheriffali

The battle in itself seemed tragically normal. Two Syrian opposition groups fought and there were heavy casualties on both sides. Then victorious rebels rifled through the pockets of the dead. One contained about $800 in cash — and an American passport.


Douglas McAuthur McCain, of San Diego, California, was killed over the weekend fighting for the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), according to the Free Syrian Army. Photos of McCain’s passport and of his body — which feature a distinctive neck tattoo — have been seen by NBC News. According to an activist linked to the Free Syrian Army who also saw the body and travel document, McCain was among three foreign jihadis fighting with ISIS who died during the battle. The State Department was not immediately able to comment on the report.


NBC News has contacted several members of McCain’s family and dozens of friends – including his mother, sister, aunts and cousins. A woman who said she was McCain’s aunt confirmed that he had “passed” and referred calls to McCain’s mother.


A profile photo taken from the Facebook page of a man calling himself “Duale ThaslaveofAllah” has been identified by NBC News as Douglas McAuthur McCain, 33, an American who killed over the weekend in Syria.


McCain, 33, called himself “Duale ThaslaveofAllah” on Facebook and his Twitter bio reads: “It’s Islam over everything.” But how did this would-be rapper go from shooting hoops in a blue-collar area of Minnesota to dying in the civil war thousands of miles from home? This is his story — one shared in part by only a “small handful” of Americans believed to be fighting in Syria with ISIS.


Twitter @sheriffali



President Obama on the world – “No Victors No Vanquished”

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 10, 2014 by sheriffali


President Obama’s interview with New York Times Reporter Thomas L. Friedman should be promoted in the field of Political Science. Mr. Obama proved once more that he is an intelligent, prudent and superbly articulate person. From the inception of the interview with President Obama’s remark “No Victor No Vanquished,” speak volumes of the depth of Mr. Obama’s thinking.


Irrespective of whether or not you are Republican, Democrat or Independent; whether or not you like or dislike Obama, if you can set aside your differences with the President and be openly objective, much can be learned from this remarkable interview by one of New York Times most amazing writers.


President Obama’s thinking about world affairs is self evident that it matters not to him about his critics and perhaps, just how downright mean spirited some are towards him. It is crystal clear to me at least, Mr. Obama doesn’t look at just today or tomorrow, he sees far and wide beyond the great horizons that are yet to come with resplendency, and that if people could learn a simple lesson; “in this life, we must learn to care and help each other; ‘change the unacceptable and accept the unchangeable;’ and that we should see this life that we have been so blessed to part of as an opportunity to do good and not see victors or vanquished, the world can be a better place for all.  



Quote New York Times:


“President Obama’s hair is definitely grayer these days, and no doubt trying to manage foreign policy in a world of increasing disorder accounts for at least half of those gray hairs. (The Tea Party can claim the other half.) But having had a chance to spend an hour touring the horizon with him in the White House Map Room late Friday afternoon, it’s clear that the president has a take on the world, born of many lessons over the last six years, and he has feisty answers for all his foreign policy critics.


Obama made clear that he is only going to involve America more deeply in places like the Middle East to the extent that the different communities there agree to an inclusive politics of no victor/no vanquished. The United States is not going to be the air force of Iraqi Shiites or any other faction. Despite Western sanctions, he cautioned, President Vladimir Putin of Russia “could invade” Ukraine at any time, and, if he does, “trying to find our way back to a cooperative functioning relationship with Russia during the remainder of my term will be much more difficult.” Intervening in Libya to prevent a massacre was the right thing to do, Obama argued, but doing it without sufficient follow-up on the ground to manage Libya’s transition to more democratic politics is probably his biggest foreign policy regret.”


Twitter @sheriffali


New York Times Link – Full Print and Full Video 59 minutes


The 2003 Shock and Awe Gang that got us into Iraq are obsessed with refighting the war!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 16, 2014 by sheriffali

Haven’t we lost enough of our most valuable assets in Iraq? In excess of 4,500 Deaths; 50,000 Wounded; over 1.7 trillion spent and the same people that got us into this unbelievable tragedy through lies and deception are all over the Television Stations telling us even bigger lies than in 2003, to convince us to do it again!



The War Mongers in Congress, John McCain, Lindsay Graham, John Boehner, and the other Republicans blocked the 21 Billion Dollar Veterans Bill; Slashed Food Stamps that  help to subsidize our Veterans Income; Refused to extend the Unemployment Insurance that are badly needed by our returning Veterans, and yes, they want to create more Veterans.



Iraq War is Bush, Cheney and the Gang that couldn’t shoot straight travesty, and as long as the Middle East remains chaotic, it will always be their fault. Press your memory’s rewind button and honestly see if prior to the Iraqi Invasion, the Middle-East was this upside down. There were always problems there for decades but it got severely worst subsequent to Bush’s unintelligent invasion of Iraq.



“On this week’s five Sunday news shows (CNN’s State of the Union, ABC’s This Week, NBC’s Meet the Press, CBS’ Face the Nation andFox News Sunday) almost all of the guests that were brought on for interviews were white Republican males. When the APreleased the Sunday show guest lineups on Saturday, of the 15 guest slots, only three were filled by Democrats, two of whom are minorities and only one being a woman. However, when the shows were actually broadcast, all three Democrats were relegated to panels. Face the Nation did book another Democrat, former National Security Adviser Tom Donilon, for an interview. Bob Schieffer also had on attorneys David Boies and Ted Olson to discuss their book. Boies is a known Democrat while Olson worked with President George W. Bush.



Outside of those two exceptions, the rest of the guests featured on Sunday’s shows are all white Republican men. On Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace interviewed Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI), who made the most appearances on Sunday shows in 2013 and is on pace to be 2014′s top guest, Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR) and Rep. Tom Price (R-GA). OVer on NBC, the majority of the program was dedicated to an interview with the loser of the 2012 Presidential election, Mitt Romney. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) was listed as a featured guest, but he was instead part of a panel discussion.



Meanwhile, over on CNN, Dana Bash, filling in for Candy Crowley, interviewed Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), like Rogers, a constant fixture on Sunday shows, and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), who lost to Tea Party challenger David Brat in Tuesday’s Republican primary. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) was listed as a guest by the AP, but ended up being part of a panel. ABC’s This Week also had Cantor on, along with Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX). The show was also hosted by Republican toad Jonathan Karl, rather than normal host George Stephanopoulos Meanwhile, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), another person listed as a guest by the AP, was merely part of the panel. CBS, besides the guests listed above, also featured interviews with Graham and RNC Chairman Reince Priebus.” []


Twitter @sheriffali



IRAQ 2003 – Bush And Cheney Broke It And Couldn’t Fix It And Obama Shouldn’t Risk American Lives Because We Can’t Fix It!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 13, 2014 by sheriffali

It is said that “ignorance is bliss,” but in America, to many, ignorance is blind, deaf and dumb. The War-Mongering Republicans find themselves on the Television criticizing President Obama for withdrawing all of the troops. Well, that is the agreement George W Bush signed when Bush and his Administration helped to install Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.


President Obama and his Administration wanted to leave a residual force in Iraq; however, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki did not want to sign the “Status of Forces Agreement” that would have protected Americans from Iraqi Law. Al-Maliki has been and continues to be, Iraq’s problem. He and his cronies have bilked Iraq of America’s Tax Payers money for their own self gain. When someone doesn’t want you in their country you either remain as an Occupier or you leave. The American people wanted our Troops out of Iraq and we left. The slaughter that is presently ongoing in Iraq between Sunni and Shiites has been going on for thousands of years. The only thing that would be worse than Bush’s 2003 invasion of Iraq is to reinstall American Troops back into Iraq.


“Despite the Neocons War-Mongers in George W Bush Administration that seemed to only have concentrated in removing Saddam Hussein, they “BORKE IRAQ” and in the six years after breaking Iraq, they left office and left total chaos behind. Cheney made off with 39 Billion Dollars in Profits from his no-bid contracts to his Company  


Iraq’s Shiite-dominated government, led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, has done little to reconcile with other religious and ethnic groups in Iraq, notably Sunnis, who are a minority in Iraq. Sunni insurgents have fed on that Sunni fear and discontent to draw recruits and support its cause.


“Nouri al-Maliki established an authoritarian government and a very sectarian regime, and he’s lost the trust and confidence of the other groups that make up the Iraqi state,” said Peter Mansoor, a retired Army officer and author of Surge: My Journey with General David Petraeus and the Remaking of the Iraq War.


Iraq’s army, once a symbol of national power, is viewed by many in Iraq as just another militia designed to protect the regime – not the nation. Built with billions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer money, Iraq’s army collapsed in the face of the insurgent threat. Since the U.S. military left Iraq, al-Maliki has appointed cronies to leadership positions within the armed forces, undermining the professionalism of the military. “He replaced all the commanders with people beholden to him,” Mansoor said.


The army has done little effective training since American forces withdrew, and they no longer have the capability to conduct coordinated attacks using ground troops, artillery support and air power, said James Jeffrey, a former U.S. ambassador to Iraq.” [USATODAY]


Twitter @sheriffali