Archive for ISIS

Jeb Bush’s Many Problems Six more reasons to be skeptical of the former Florida governor’s ability to secure the White House in 2016

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 22, 2015 by sheriffali

[The Atlantic] Jeb Bush had a very bad few days last week. They won’t be the last bad days of this campaign. The Iraq question hasn’t been settled and won’t go away. And other questions as awkward and difficult are waiting to be asked.


Bush’s ability to raise large amounts of money has distracted attention from the inherent fragility of his campaign. But there are many reasons to be skeptical of his ability to secure the Republican nomination, much less win the White House, and the early months of his undeclared campaign have done little to dispel those doubts. Here are six:


Tainted Brand


George W. Bush’s popularity has recovered somewhat since he left office.(Thirteen years ago, when he was president, I wrote speeches for him. Now, I write for a magazine.) At the end of 2014, more Americans had a positive than a negative image of him for the first time since 2005. But then, the same is true for Jimmy Carter—rather more so actually. Once an unpopular president has departed office, the defeats and disappointments of his tenure vanish into American amnesia. But that amnesia is highly conditional on the ex-president and his namesakes staying away from politics.


Bobby Kennedy could credibly seek the presidency in 1968 because so many Americans loved his martyred brother. Franklin Roosevelt shared a name with a hugely popular cousin. Even defeated one-term presidents can boost a relative if they remain popular within their party: Robert Alfonso Taft could plausibly aspire to follow the lead of his father, William Howard Taft; George W. Bush did follow George H.W. Bush. But none of Herbert Hoover’s relatives have run for high office. Subsequent James Earl Carters have likewise pursued other endeavors. There have been no more new Nixons—and Nixon resigned from office only 1 point less popular than George W. Bush in October, 2008.


Twitter @sheriffali

JEB BUSH - MAY 22 15 JEB BUSH - MAY 22 15 - 2

When it comes to President Obama, just who are the Pollsters Polling? CNN prior to the Mid-Term was told by their god “Money” that the world was ending with Ebola and ISIS. Fox News was told by their god “Benghazi” “Hate” and “Racism,” that the world was also ending. Since the end of the Mid-Term, Ebola, ISIS, Benghazi seemed to have vanished! Why?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 23, 2014 by sheriffali

Honolulu (CNN) — Improving views of the economy have helped hike President Barack Obama’s approval rating to a 20-month high, a new CNN/ORC poll showed Tuesday, as markets climbed to record levels at news of an economy in overdrive.



More Americans still disapprove of the job Obama is doing as President. But at 48%, Obama’s approval rating is at its highest point in CNN polling since May 2013.



The gains were driven by newfound backing among women, independents and millennials — groups where Obama’s approval numbers jumped 10 percentage points from a month ago.



Meanwhile, Obama’s approval numbers ticked down among men, Republicans and Americans between 35 and 49 years old.



The approval jump follows a late-quarter jolt in Obama’s governing agenda, which gained momentum after unilateral actions on immigration and relations with Cuba. Separate surveys have showed those moves popular among the American people.



It all amounts to some welcome good news for Obama, whose unpopularity — despite consistently improving economic conditions — led to widespread losses for his party in November’s midterm elections.



Tuesday’s poll still reflected pervasive disaffection for Obama: 56% of respondents said the President has fallen short of their expectations, and 49% said his policies would take the country in the wrong direction.



The steady economic recovery has posed a conundrum for the White House, which wants some credit for decisions that helped pull the country from last decade’s recession. To the frustration of Obama and his aides, polls until recently showed Americans largely pessimistic about the country’s financial state, despite solid job growth and a bull market on Wall Street.



In public remarks — even those unrelated to the economy — Obama has touted the latest positive economic sign. But even as the unemployment rate dipped below 6%, a large portion of Americans were still gloomy about the economy.



That’s because of how people felt about their own economic standing, which for many still includes stagnant wages or jobs in low-paying service fields.



Twitter @sheriffali



CNN, Republicans, Ebola, ISIS And Fear Is – Indivisible!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 12, 2014 by sheriffali

CNN Has become the biggest Promoter of Republicans and ISIS. Prior to the Mid Term Elections CNN 24/7 BREAKING NEWS promulgated FEAR; on behalf of the GOP – Ebola Crisis; ISIS a Real Threat To The Homeland; Obama had the worst approval ratings than any other President.


As soon as the Returns were coming in on November 4, 2014, there was no more EBOLA; ISIS; but they kept on insinuating that President Obama’s had record low ratings and were the reason why Democrats lost the Senate and Seats in the House. To call yourself News and fail to be impartial and tell blatant lies, makes you Tabloid.


President Obama has had the highest approval ratings since John F Kennedy. Ronald Regan fell to 35% and George W Bush hit 19%, and yet, CNN’s Hosts and their Guests including David Gergen willfully mislead the American People, not only with Obama’s ratings but filling them with FEAR and we all know Republicans have nothing to run on but FEAR.


I do not look at Fox News; simply put they are hate, bigotry, prejudice, liars and crooks, plain and simple, “trash.”


Twitter @sheriffali



Saddam Hussein’s Elite Force “The Republican Guards,” Is ISIS!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 6, 2014 by sheriffali

When Bush And Cheney Blindly Invaded Iraq And Toppled Saddam Hussein, They Fired Hussein’s Entire Army Including Iraq’s Highly Trained Republican Guards And The Fiasco You See Today, Is The Result Of The Bush Administration Illegal Invasion Of Iraq, And Bad Decisions By The Right Wing Neocons, RWNJ!


George W Bush, Dick Cheney and his Band of Right-Wing-Nutt-Jobs, Republican Neocons; their unintelligent, ignorant, arrogant phantasmagoric rationales and internecine Policies, have and will continue to haunt us for years to come.


Immediately after toppling Saddam Hussein the Neocons lead by Paul Bremer, Bush appointed Administrator/Envoy, fired the hundreds of thousands of Iraq’s Military in 2003, including Iraq’s best fighting force, Hussein’s Republican Guards. Did the Bush Administration have a functioning brain within their decision making? Did they think that hundreds of thousands of Troops with no other jobs but Military would just somehow vanish into thin air?


The Republican Guards knows the lay of the Iraq Land better than anyone in the world and unless we remained in Iraq as a permanent Occupier, Iraq’s Elite Force was going to wait their turn to take revenge and they certainly have in the Form Of ISIS. The lighting speed for which they have and continue to seize territory inside Iraq is no mystery. After all, Saddam Hussein ruled Iraq from 1979 until he was captured in December 2003. For 24 years the Republican Guards received tremendous benefits from Hussein and their only job was to protect Saddam from any uprising within Iraq for which they lived a very comfortable life.  


This is not a defense of Saddam Hussein but to his credit when he Governed Iraq there was no Terrorist Groups of any kind inside of Iraq. In addition Hussein kept Iran in check because he fought a land war with Iran from 1980 to 1988 and Hussein was the Victor.


President Obama and his Military Advisors are correct in their thinking and that is, Military Action can only delay consequences but it is no apothecary for a long term solution. For any sanity to prevail in Iraq, the Iraqis are going to have to come to a balanced Political solution, whereby, all Iraqis would have a vested interest in their country and in so doing, they wouldn’t only expel the perpetrators, ISIS, Al Qaeda and the likes, they would keep them out from returning.


This is an article Paul Bremer wrote in the Wall Street Journal earlier this year;


 Bremer penned an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal under the headline “Only America Can Prevent a Disaster in Iraq,” in which he argued for some form of U.S. troops on the ground there. After 4,490 American lives lost and $1.7 trillion spent, Erin Burnett asked him, “How can you advocate any more people, any more lives going to risk for that country?”



“Because it’s in our interest,” Bremer responded matter-of-factly, going to elaborate that the U.S. cannot allow Iraq to become a home base for terrorists like those that constitute the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.


Taking on the role of the skeptical viewers, Burnett asked Bremer, “Aren’t you the one who got us into this mess?” She confronted Bremer with video from 2003 of him heralding Iraq’s “hopeful” future after the fall of Saddam Hussein.


Bremer defended his words and the actions the Bush administration took to bring democracy to Iraq, instead blaming the Obama administration for presiding over the deterioration of those gains over the last few years.


“We won don’t you know. And if we’d just ignored the status of forces agreement and said we were going to stay there forever whether the Iraqis wanted us there or not, we could have proven it. These guys need to go slither back into the holes they crawled out of.”


The people that have advocated that United States Military remain permanently in Iraq, do you see, can you find, their sons and daughters being part of that occupation. As a matter of fact, the instigators of re-invading Iraq, 97% of them are “Draft Dodgers.”


Twitter @sheriffali


President Obama, UN Assembly And A World Gone Mad!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 24, 2014 by sheriffali

Every action has a reaction and George W Bush, Dick Cheney and the War Monger Neocons in the Bush Administration illegal invasion of Iraq, set the world on fire and it is going to take more than water to put out the flames.


America’s overall problems have been in the making for decades, yet Republicans, some Democrats and the uninformed, ignorant, brainwashed right-wing voters; blame President Obama for all that ails America.


All of the nonsense about the Media being 90% or more liberal is truly a farce. Since becoming President under difficult circumstances caused by Bush and Cheney, the assault On Obama from most of the Media, has been relentless. Obama took Office when we were in a Financial meltdown; Housing Collapse; Bank Closures; Job losses that drove the unemployment rate to 10.2%; two out of control unpaid for wars of 5.1 trillion; two unpaid tax cut for the rich totaling 1.2 trillion dollars and a collapse in the Stock Market with America’s credibility out the door, President Obama has done a good job and then some, pulling us out of the deep and unforgiving waters Bush threw us into.


As for the Middle East Gone mad, no amount of American Boots on the ground in the Middle East is going to fix what is wrong in the Arab World, and unless or until the Arabs find a Political solution for their problems, all we can really do, is to stop the madness as best as we can, but, there isn’t any military solution to rectify religious and ethnic problems.


We have firsthand knowledge of being in Iraq for eight years with thousands of lives lost; tens of thousands injured; Military Suicides at a rate of 22 per day; hundreds of thousands of Iraqis killed at a cost of 1.7 trillion dollars, and of course, there are those like McCain and Graham beating the War Drum to send other people’s children to get killed in the middle of madness.


So long as President Obama keep his word and do not reinvade Iraq with tens of thousands of troops, his decision that he recently implemented would not solve the problems, but it may buy the Arabs time to readjust.


Twitter @sheriffali


President Obama Critics Wrong Again; Middle Eastern Allies, ISIS, Syria, Iraq!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 23, 2014 by sheriffali

It takes more courage for an American President to use restraint rather than be capricious with the use of Military Force. Obama is cautious and for some too cautious, however, looking back at how former President George W Bush recklessly use the Military and the consequences that follow us to this day, Americans should be proud that the man that presently sits in the White House, are careful with America’s most precious commodity; “The Men and Women in Uniform. “


Critics and those with disdain for President Obama literally questioned as to whether or not the Obama Administration could assemble powerful Allies to take down the ISIS Psychopaths! However, looking at some of these same critics on Television since the inception of the Air Strikes inside of Syria, they grudgingly give the Obama Administration credit for being able to have “only” Middle Eastern Allies to attack inside of Syria. Obama’s hesitancy seems to have always been, “he didn’t want the people of the Middle East to think; there goes the West again attacking another Moslem Country.” For any meaningful resolve, military action is necessary, however, the people of the Middle East working together to resolve their own indifferences, is truly the answer to slow down the terror madness.


The United States with Five Middle Eastern Allies; Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, Bahrain and The United Arab Emirates launch massive military Air Strikes against the ISIS Psychopaths inside of Syria.


With the use of F -16’s F -18’s F-22’s Tomahawk Cruise Missiles, Drones, The US Carrier George W H Bush and other Navy Vessels, The US Military and its Middle Eastern Allies attacked ISIS in Syria and The US also attacked Al Qaeda in Syria.


Twitter @sheriffali


The Biggest “Recruiters” For ISIS Are; CNN, FOX, Some Republican And Democrat Politicians And Here Is Why;

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 14, 2014 by sheriffali

CNN On both CNN Domestic and International they are persistent in their coverage of the murderous evildoers ISIS. CNN and their Guests can’t stop talking about ISIS in their descriptions; ISIS: A well organized group; A well financed group; A well disciplined group; A major recruiting group; A group like none before that has seized large chunks of territory and other descriptions, that awaken the minds of disenfranchised young people from all walks of life to become part of something that maybe beneficial to them, when in fact, it is the total opposite.


FOX With their disdain for President Obama they seem to always find people from the Bush Administration that are the same people that are the “creators” of all of this havoc by their unwise decision to Invade and break Iraq into fragments that are coming back to haunt us and the world. Their Guests includes the deranged notables like Dick Cheney, John Bolton, Donald Rumsfeld and others that are on Fox’s Programs from 7PM through 11PM every day, including weekends. Their remarks are; Obama plan is going to fail; Obama is not going to create a coalition; Obama should put Boots on the ground; Obama is weak; Obama created the most efficient terrorist fighting force; Obama lack of action allowed ISIS to recruit tens of thousands; Obama plan cannot stop ISIS.


Analysis of CNN and FOX: One is embellishing in ISIS and the other is telling the terrorists that they have nothing to worry about. And since ISIS doesn’t have anything to worry about because Obama doesn’t know what he is doing, it emboldens those in charge of running ISIS and inspires the weak minds to want to or join the ISIS madness.


Analysis on Republican and Democrat Politicians; Most Republicans are promulgating that Obama plan doesn’t go far enough and that Obama shouldn’t take off the table, Boots on the ground and that Obama’s foreign Policy is what has turned the world upside down. As for the Democrats, they are insisting that Congress should fully debate this ISIS matter, or, Obama is going back on his word that he campaigned on in 2008 against the Iraq War.


With the two Major Cable Networks and the Politicians behavior, why should anyone, especially the terrorists take us seriously when the unwarranted disrespect for President Obama is so loudly permeated by Republicans and the Democrats Co-Presidency is equally loud. “Together we would always aspire and achieve; divided, we would always fall.”


On BBC I watched earlier Saturday night a full hour of News. BBC spent about 10 minutes of the beheading of the British Aid Worker and Prime Minister Cameron comments. BBC did call the ISIS terrorists barbaric, but, nothing that the BBC said gave any inspiration to ISIS or people that may be contemplating joining this egregious machination.


Twitter @sheriffali



Three Republican Presidents Created The Middle East Instability, GOP Blames Obama!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 12, 2014 by sheriffali

Ronald Reagan, George Herbert Walker Bush, George W Bush and their cronies created the Middle-East chaos over a period of 20 years and the Prejudice Republicans and their followers; some Independents and even some Democrats are shamelessly casting the blame for all that ails America on President Obama.


If Gallup is correct and the Polls turn out to be fact via action, it wouldn’t be long that America would once again roll backwards, only this time “we would become a Banana Republic.”


Gallup released a Poll on Thursday that said by a 23% margin, Americans favor Republicans to better protect America and America’s economy. If this Poll truly represents fact, then it is self evident that most Americans are so uninformed, ignorant and brainwashed by Republican “material misrepresentations,” that it is fair to say, “we are getting dumber by the day.”


Without going as far back into the first Bush and Reagan Administrations and just dealing with George W Bush’s eight years 2001-2008 as President, whereby, Republicans controlled the House of Representatives and the Senate for six of the eight years, this is factually what they manage to accomplish;


Got us into two unpaid wars at a cost to date of 5.1 trillion dollars; gave two unpaid tax cuts favoring the rich of 1.1 trillion; due to lack of Regulations for Wall Street and the Banks, the Housing Market Crashed; more than 1,000 plus banks were shut down, wiping out depositors that had in excess of $100,000.00; the stock market plunged at its lowest level for which at the end of 2008 the Dow was down to 7,200; NASDAQ fell below 2,000; S & P that house most of the 401K plans down to 730; unemployment at 10.2% and our financial system in the abyss.


Under President Obama; he ended the Iraq War; the Housing Market Rebounded; unemployment is at 6.1% with 10 Million jobs created; the Dow over 17,000; NASDA at 4,800 and the S & P over 2,000 and the Banks, more stable than any time before. Forbes Magazine in their recent issue stated that President Obama is the best Economic President in modern times.


So, the question is, “are the Polls correct or is there something sinister about the Polling?


Since the Republicans took control of the House of Representatives in 2010 and the Senate Democrats does not have a filibuster margin, the Republican Congress have done nothing but obstruct. They have blocked just about every Domestic Bill but following Dick Cheney, John Boehner and the GOP War Mongers are criticizing Obama’s plan to deal with ISIS from the air and Iraq and other countries providing the ground troops, Boehner came out on Thursday and said that Air-Strikes is not a strategy.


From Dick Cheney, Richard Haas, John Bolton and the other cronies from the Bush Administration along with the Republican Congress, they are hedging on re-invading Iraq. What is wrong with the Republican Voter that they can’t see what their Party is all about?


Twitter @sheriffali  


CNN using John McCain and Fox News using Dick Cheney; different Companies but the same agenda! Bash and Discredit President Obama!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 11, 2014 by sheriffali

There isn’t any doubt that Fox News is definitely Anti-Obama. They don’t disguise their disdain for the President and all of their Hosts and their Guests, Dick Cheney, Mitt Romney, John Bolton, Donald Rumsfeld and the likes, their agendas are crystal clear.


However, in the case of CNN one has to look much farther. Notice CNN’S affinity with John McCain. If you want to find McCain you have to look no further than CNN. Is it because CNN is seeking objective facts from John McCain? No! CNN can count on McCain to the tell the biggest of lies and misinformation and whether it is Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Candy Crowley or others, they never question McCain’s distorted promulgation of blatant lies. For CNN, John McCain is their Guy to stir up commotions that are always factually untrue. For CNN that is News.


In 2013 John McCain was in Syria and he took out a photograph with members of ISIS. At that time McCain was highly critical of President Obama for not supporting ISIS. Then in 2014 the same John McCain is calling for President Obama to attack ISIS.  


Subsequent to President Obama’s speech on ISIS Wednesday night September 10, 2014, Anderson Cooper had multiple guests on his program. James Carney, the former White House Spokesman for President Obama and in addition to the other Guests, like a magician, Anderson Cooper pulled out John McCain as did Clint Eastwood and his Magnum in his Dirty Harry Movies.


McCain sat there and confronted Mr. Carney with lies, deception and everything that would allow the most uniformed to sense the insanity McCain possess, however, Anderson Cooper never once, challenged McCain. Does Anderson Cooper know the facts? Of course he does, but that is where the Cross Roads of CNN and FOX meet. Bash and discredit the President.


McCain claim that Obama willfully didn’t leave a residual force in Iraq is absolutely untrue. Nour al-Maliki, the man that was living in Iran in exile for 20 years, was appointed by Bush and Cheney as Prime Minister of Iraq. Bush signed an agreement in 2008 that all American Combat Forces would leave Iraq by December 31, 2011. Earlier in 2011 the Obama Administration sought a signed Status of Forces Agreement from Mr. Maliki. Maliki refused and there was no way to leave American Forces in Iraq without them being subjected to Iraqi law. There is no mystery as to why Maliki didn’t sign the agreement and that is because Maliki’s orders came from Iran and Iran didn’t want American forces in Iraq.


Hence, John McCain’s claim on Anderson Cooper’s program September 10, 2014 that we could have left troops in Iraq, is blatantly untrue.


Twitter @sheriffali



Dick Cheney War Crimes Felon should be in Prison and not allowed on Television as an expert on Iraq!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 10, 2014 by sheriffali

George W Bush, Dick Cheney and their Myrmidons are responsible for the chaos in Iraq and the Terrorist Groups that are operating inside of Iraq. Prior to Bush and Cheney’s Oil Invasion of Iraq, there weren’t any terrorists groups in Iraq. Apart from the illegal invasion Bush and Cheney fired the entire Iraqi Army which included Saddam Hussein’s Elite Republican Guards, and those are the same people that comprise of the brutal terrorists group, ISIS.


What we are witnessing at the present time is the result of Bush and Cheney toppling Saddam Hussein, a Sunni and replacing him with Nour al-Maliki, a Shiite. At the cost of 4,500 American lives; 50,000 plus severely wounded; tens of thousands with serious mental problem; 1.7 trillion dollars spent and 100,000 plus non-combatant Iraqis killed, all that came out of Bush and Cheney’s egregiousness is that we replaced a Sunni Dictator with a Shiite Dictator. Mr. Maliki, the Prime Minister Bush and Cheney installed, even when he lost the first election he refused to step down. Had President Obama move to help Iraq with Nour al-Maliki still being Prime Minister, he would have never resigned. It is easy to make a mess of things such as in the case of Bush and Cheney, but, it is another story cleaning up someone else’s garbage.


Irrespective of the naysayers about Obama’s Policies, Iraq does have a new Government and with their cooperation, perhaps, just perhaps, with our assistance from the Air and the Iraqis on the ground, we may be able to turn around the chaos that presently exist. We have already seen tremendous results from the Air-Strikes we have provided. Some in the News Media, especially Fox Misnomer News are siding with the War Crimes Criminal just to pounce on Obama.


Dick Cheney, the Criminal that made 39.5 Billion Dollars from the Iraqi Oil Invasion gave a speech earlier today, literally criticizing and condemning Obama’s foreign Policy on Iraq and ISIS.


This man that used and abused American Soldiers in the name of “Oil,” should be in Prison and not on Television giving speeches and not allotted air-time by the capricious Media.

Twitter @sheriffali