Archive for Iraq War

President Obama And Hillary Clinton 1 Attack Benghazi 4 Dead: George W Bush 13 Attacks 60 Dead: Ronald Reagan 7 Attacks 94 Dead!

Posted in Benghazi, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 7, 2015 by sheriffali

If President Obama was in the White House and having had at least 12 months of Intelligence Reports showing Al Qaeda as a detrimental threat to the United States and then on August 6, 2001 he received a Presidential Daily Briefing PDF that stated Al Qaeda determined to strike within the Continental United States and then 9/11 occurred on Obama’s watch, Republicans would have not only impeached Obama, but they would have sought criminal prosecution.


And if Obama and Biden along with Hillary Clinton had manipulated the 9/11 tragedy and invaded Iraq that killed 4,500 American Soldiers, Republicans would not have only removed them from Office, but they would have been tried for Treason.


When you consider all the criminal wrongdoings by George W Bush and Dick Cheney in the Bush Administration and to this date no one ever had to answer for the Crimes against America and Crimes against foreign countries and their citizens, it is numbing to think that “all of this Criminal Negligence and Criminality was simply water under the bridge.”


But to this date and despite Kevin McCarthy Public Statement of Taxpayers Money in the Republican Committee Benghazi Scam Witch Hunt, Republicans are still defending their Criminality; the Media prods along and the Democrats, except for Hillary Clinton and a few others, their silence is deafening.


Today October 7, 2015 The House Of Congress Voted 240 – 183 to continue the Benghazi Scam Investigation. It seems self evident that a large number of the American Public are truly uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and brainwashed.


America’s New Motto! Lies Prosper – Truth Dies!


Twitter @sheriffali @QuoVadisGA


Jeb Conveniently Forgets That His Brother, The GI Joe Moron George W Bush, Invaded Iraq And Toppled Saddam Hussein The Sunni Iraqi Leader And George W Bush Installed Nour Al-Maliki A Shiite That Was Exiled In Iran For 20 Years, but Jeb Bush Blames President Obama And Hillary Clinton For Iraq’s Chaos.

Posted in George W. Bush, Politics, President Obama, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists with tags , , , , , , , on August 8, 2015 by sheriffali

Saddam Hussein’s Elite Force The Republican Guards That Bush And Cheney Fired They are ISIS!


When you think of Shysters, Repugnant Republican Reprobates, look no further than Barbara’s 3 sons, George, Jeb and Neil.


Neil Bush crashed the Silverado Savings and Loan costing the Taxpayers over 2 Billion Dollars.


George W Bush decimated American and the American people during the 8 years he was President. When George W Bush exited the White House on January 20, 2009, America was only inches away from becoming a Banana Republic.


Jeb Bush as Governor presided over Education along with his President Brother and committed fraud with the badly flawed program. Jeb borrowed money from a Savings and Loan to Purchase Industrial Property and never repaid the loans. Jeb Bush created the Stand Your Ground Law that has taken the lives of countless innocent people and endangers the Citizens of Florida.


Since exiting the Governorship Jeb Bush was involved with several Companies in the Health Care Business that are using Obamacare that Jeb Bush Profited from. When he decided to run for President, Jeb Bush resigned from all of them. During the Fox Freak Show Debate, Jeb Bush Advocates repealing Obamacare, tossing over 16 million people off Insurance and his resolve, “he will replace it with something better.”


In conjunction with the Present Florida Governor and the Koch Brothers, Jeb Bush is involved with dumping Toxic Waste in the many of the Florida Rivers.


The above is not accusations; they are facts and can be verified. Therefore, Republican Trolls, I know you don’t like Facts, but please understand if you disagree with what is written above, then rebut it with facts or don’t bother commenting with your hate!




Lindsey Graham Blames President Obama For The Mess That He Helped Cause In Iraq

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , on May 20, 2015 by sheriffali

South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham insisted on Monday that the Iraq War was not a mistake. Appearing on CNN’s “The Situation Room” with Wolf Blitzer, Graham defended the Iraq War. The South Carolina Senator offered vague and tepid criticism of how the war was carried out, but he stood firm in arguing that ousting Saddam Hussein was the right thing to do to stabilize the region.



Not only did Graham defend President Bush, but he also spun history on its head by saying that Barack Obama was to blame for the mess in Iraq. Senator Graham stated:


“At the end of the day, I blame President Obama for the mess in Iraq and Syria, not President Bush.”


While many of the other Republican presidential hopefuls are working to disassociate themselves from the Iraq War disaster, Senator Graham is tying his presidential aspirations to that failed policy. The South Carolina Senator fully embraces the worldview of Dick Cheney and other neo-conservative architects of the Iraq War.



In Graham’s myopic view, military force is almost always the answer to any international question. He has little interest in diplomacy. Instead, he relishes the opportunity to project American military power across the globe, in some sort of real-life, high stakes game of Risk. Graham refuses to acknowledge that the Iraq War was a mistake. He is eager to repeat that mistake, in the unlikely event he ever becomes President.




Twitter @sheriffali


Jeb Bush Named George W. Bush His Top Middle-East Advisor; Just How Stupid The Bush’s Think Americans Are?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 8, 2015 by sheriffali

Just How Stupid The Bush’s Think Americans Are?


After spending months distancing himself from his family’s political legacy, Jeb Bush surprised a group of Manhattan financiers this week by naming his brother, former president George W. Bush, as his most influential counselor.


“If you want to know who I listen to for advice, it’s him,” Bush said Tuesday, speaking to a crowd of high-powered investors at the Metropolitan Club, according to four people present. The Republicans in the room spoke on the condition of anonymity to divulge information about the private meeting.


The remark came as part of an answer to a question about Bush’s political aides and their policy views, and whether he relies on the guidance of former secretary of state James Baker, guests said. Baker’s role in Bush’s orbit has been the source of consternation for some major GOP donors, who were upset that the 85-year-old ex-diplomat spoke to a left- leaning Israeli advocacy group in March.


Jeb Bush said that Baker is not one of his close advisers and that he leans on his brother for insights when it comes to Israel and the Middle East.


Embracing George W. Bush as a foreign-policy confidant is a risky and unexpected move for the former Florida governor as he readies for a likely presidential bid. While the former president’s approval ratings have improved since he left office in 2009, his foreign-policy legacy — particularly the long war in Iraq — remains deeply unpopular. He has also become anathema to some conservative activists for presiding over an increase in the federal debt, among other policies.


Jeb Bush has surrounded himself with many of his brother’s advisers and has endorsed many foreign-policy positions that mirror those of the former president. At the same time, Bush has repeatedly stressed that he has his own worldview.


“I love my brother. I love my dad,” he told an audience in Chicago in February. “I admire their service to the nation and the difficult decisions that they had to make. But I am my own man, and my views are shaped by my own thinking and my own experiences.” {Source – Washington Post}


Twitter @sheriffali



Three Republican Presidents Created The Middle East Instability, GOP Blames Obama!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 12, 2014 by sheriffali

Ronald Reagan, George Herbert Walker Bush, George W Bush and their cronies created the Middle-East chaos over a period of 20 years and the Prejudice Republicans and their followers; some Independents and even some Democrats are shamelessly casting the blame for all that ails America on President Obama.


If Gallup is correct and the Polls turn out to be fact via action, it wouldn’t be long that America would once again roll backwards, only this time “we would become a Banana Republic.”


Gallup released a Poll on Thursday that said by a 23% margin, Americans favor Republicans to better protect America and America’s economy. If this Poll truly represents fact, then it is self evident that most Americans are so uninformed, ignorant and brainwashed by Republican “material misrepresentations,” that it is fair to say, “we are getting dumber by the day.”


Without going as far back into the first Bush and Reagan Administrations and just dealing with George W Bush’s eight years 2001-2008 as President, whereby, Republicans controlled the House of Representatives and the Senate for six of the eight years, this is factually what they manage to accomplish;


Got us into two unpaid wars at a cost to date of 5.1 trillion dollars; gave two unpaid tax cuts favoring the rich of 1.1 trillion; due to lack of Regulations for Wall Street and the Banks, the Housing Market Crashed; more than 1,000 plus banks were shut down, wiping out depositors that had in excess of $100,000.00; the stock market plunged at its lowest level for which at the end of 2008 the Dow was down to 7,200; NASDAQ fell below 2,000; S & P that house most of the 401K plans down to 730; unemployment at 10.2% and our financial system in the abyss.


Under President Obama; he ended the Iraq War; the Housing Market Rebounded; unemployment is at 6.1% with 10 Million jobs created; the Dow over 17,000; NASDA at 4,800 and the S & P over 2,000 and the Banks, more stable than any time before. Forbes Magazine in their recent issue stated that President Obama is the best Economic President in modern times.


So, the question is, “are the Polls correct or is there something sinister about the Polling?


Since the Republicans took control of the House of Representatives in 2010 and the Senate Democrats does not have a filibuster margin, the Republican Congress have done nothing but obstruct. They have blocked just about every Domestic Bill but following Dick Cheney, John Boehner and the GOP War Mongers are criticizing Obama’s plan to deal with ISIS from the air and Iraq and other countries providing the ground troops, Boehner came out on Thursday and said that Air-Strikes is not a strategy.


From Dick Cheney, Richard Haas, John Bolton and the other cronies from the Bush Administration along with the Republican Congress, they are hedging on re-invading Iraq. What is wrong with the Republican Voter that they can’t see what their Party is all about?


Twitter @sheriffali  


CNN using John McCain and Fox News using Dick Cheney; different Companies but the same agenda! Bash and Discredit President Obama!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 11, 2014 by sheriffali

There isn’t any doubt that Fox News is definitely Anti-Obama. They don’t disguise their disdain for the President and all of their Hosts and their Guests, Dick Cheney, Mitt Romney, John Bolton, Donald Rumsfeld and the likes, their agendas are crystal clear.


However, in the case of CNN one has to look much farther. Notice CNN’S affinity with John McCain. If you want to find McCain you have to look no further than CNN. Is it because CNN is seeking objective facts from John McCain? No! CNN can count on McCain to the tell the biggest of lies and misinformation and whether it is Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Candy Crowley or others, they never question McCain’s distorted promulgation of blatant lies. For CNN, John McCain is their Guy to stir up commotions that are always factually untrue. For CNN that is News.


In 2013 John McCain was in Syria and he took out a photograph with members of ISIS. At that time McCain was highly critical of President Obama for not supporting ISIS. Then in 2014 the same John McCain is calling for President Obama to attack ISIS.  


Subsequent to President Obama’s speech on ISIS Wednesday night September 10, 2014, Anderson Cooper had multiple guests on his program. James Carney, the former White House Spokesman for President Obama and in addition to the other Guests, like a magician, Anderson Cooper pulled out John McCain as did Clint Eastwood and his Magnum in his Dirty Harry Movies.


McCain sat there and confronted Mr. Carney with lies, deception and everything that would allow the most uniformed to sense the insanity McCain possess, however, Anderson Cooper never once, challenged McCain. Does Anderson Cooper know the facts? Of course he does, but that is where the Cross Roads of CNN and FOX meet. Bash and discredit the President.


McCain claim that Obama willfully didn’t leave a residual force in Iraq is absolutely untrue. Nour al-Maliki, the man that was living in Iran in exile for 20 years, was appointed by Bush and Cheney as Prime Minister of Iraq. Bush signed an agreement in 2008 that all American Combat Forces would leave Iraq by December 31, 2011. Earlier in 2011 the Obama Administration sought a signed Status of Forces Agreement from Mr. Maliki. Maliki refused and there was no way to leave American Forces in Iraq without them being subjected to Iraqi law. There is no mystery as to why Maliki didn’t sign the agreement and that is because Maliki’s orders came from Iran and Iran didn’t want American forces in Iraq.


Hence, John McCain’s claim on Anderson Cooper’s program September 10, 2014 that we could have left troops in Iraq, is blatantly untrue.


Twitter @sheriffali



A Terrorist Horror, Then Golf: Incongruity Fuels Obama Critics

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 22, 2014 by sheriffali

Critics are pouncing on Obama for returning to playing Golf after he paid tribute to James Foley. On the right is George W Bush at the White House Correspondence Dinner 2006, joking and pretending to be looking for Weapons of Mass Destruction, three years into his misguided Iraq War when thousands of Americans had lost their lives. Republicans, some Democrats and The Media, are serious Hypocrites.


“WASHINGTON — He had just hung up the telephone with the devastated parents before heading in front of the cameras. Unusually emotional, President Obama declared himself “heartbroken” by the brutal murder of an American journalist, James Foley, and vowed to “be relentless” against Islamic radicals threatening to kill another American.


But as soon as the cameras went off, Mr. Obama headed to his favorite golf course on Martha’s Vineyard, where he is on vacation, seemingly able to put the savagery out of his mind. He spent the rest of the afternoon on the links even as a firestorm of criticism erupted over what many saw as a callous indifference to the slaughter he had just condemned.


Presidents learn to wall off their feelings and compartmentalize their lives. They deal in death one moment and seek mental and physical relief the next. To make coldhearted decisions in the best interest of the country and manage the burdens of perhaps the most stressful job on the planet, current and former White House officials said, a president must guard against becoming consumed by the emotions of the situations they confront. And few presidents have been known more for cool, emotional detachment than Mr. Obama.” [NYT]


Twitter @sheriffali




President Obama on the world – “No Victors No Vanquished”

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 10, 2014 by sheriffali


President Obama’s interview with New York Times Reporter Thomas L. Friedman should be promoted in the field of Political Science. Mr. Obama proved once more that he is an intelligent, prudent and superbly articulate person. From the inception of the interview with President Obama’s remark “No Victor No Vanquished,” speak volumes of the depth of Mr. Obama’s thinking.


Irrespective of whether or not you are Republican, Democrat or Independent; whether or not you like or dislike Obama, if you can set aside your differences with the President and be openly objective, much can be learned from this remarkable interview by one of New York Times most amazing writers.


President Obama’s thinking about world affairs is self evident that it matters not to him about his critics and perhaps, just how downright mean spirited some are towards him. It is crystal clear to me at least, Mr. Obama doesn’t look at just today or tomorrow, he sees far and wide beyond the great horizons that are yet to come with resplendency, and that if people could learn a simple lesson; “in this life, we must learn to care and help each other; ‘change the unacceptable and accept the unchangeable;’ and that we should see this life that we have been so blessed to part of as an opportunity to do good and not see victors or vanquished, the world can be a better place for all.  



Quote New York Times:


“President Obama’s hair is definitely grayer these days, and no doubt trying to manage foreign policy in a world of increasing disorder accounts for at least half of those gray hairs. (The Tea Party can claim the other half.) But having had a chance to spend an hour touring the horizon with him in the White House Map Room late Friday afternoon, it’s clear that the president has a take on the world, born of many lessons over the last six years, and he has feisty answers for all his foreign policy critics.


Obama made clear that he is only going to involve America more deeply in places like the Middle East to the extent that the different communities there agree to an inclusive politics of no victor/no vanquished. The United States is not going to be the air force of Iraqi Shiites or any other faction. Despite Western sanctions, he cautioned, President Vladimir Putin of Russia “could invade” Ukraine at any time, and, if he does, “trying to find our way back to a cooperative functioning relationship with Russia during the remainder of my term will be much more difficult.” Intervening in Libya to prevent a massacre was the right thing to do, Obama argued, but doing it without sufficient follow-up on the ground to manage Libya’s transition to more democratic politics is probably his biggest foreign policy regret.”


Twitter @sheriffali


New York Times Link – Full Print and Full Video 59 minutes


The Media; The American People; President Obama and the use of faulty Polling; Eric Cantor is a good example; he was supposed to win by 34% according to “every Poll.”

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 2, 2014 by sheriffali


Poll released today said 33% of Americans think Obama is the worst President since World War 11. Who are these people? Who are the Pollsters Polling?



Gallup published several reports stating that since Cell Phones have far out-paced Land-Lines, it is difficult to obtain any realistic data, because most of the people with Land-Lines are over 60. And, we are fully cognizant that older whites vote Republicans, hence, one has to wonder who the Pollsters are calling. To prove Gallup’s point the Polls all of them predicted that Eric Cantor was going to win by 34 points minimum and we know what has happened to that prediction.


In the like manner that the Republican Congress have been an obstacle to President Obama, willfully using deceitful tactics, it is self evident that the Media that employ educated people are aware that the Polling is worthless, but the Media use faulty Polls to create friction and commotion. ABC has as a guest almost every week on their Sunday show “This Week,” the most arrogant and obnoxious person Bill Crystal and he isn’t the only one. I have stopped looking at that show because Bill Crystal has never given this President any credit for anything and he is always promulgating phantasmagoric rationales and internecine narcissism.  


I think it is beyond any reasonable thinking person that are informed, not uninformed, to realize where we were when George W. Bush left Office. We were a country on the verge of Bankruptcy; two badly managed wars; the housing market totally crashed; the stock market, Dow were under 7,000; more than ten million people had lost their jobs and yes to be quite frank, we were in deep and unforgiving waters.


Setting aside partisanship if that is possible for some, you can’t help but see where we are today. 9.6 million Jobs created since Obama took office; the housing market has rebounded; today the Dow closed at 16,976 and the S & P and NASDAQ are also at record highs; our financial Institutions are on sound footing and it seem apparent that the Jobs report that would be published on Thursday because Friday is a Holiday, will reflect in excess of 281,000 jobs created for the month of June.


Obama ended the senseless Iraq War and is ending the 13 years we have been in Afghanistan and he didn’t get us into the dozen or more countries that the Republicans were and is still promulgating.


The News Media and by News Media I mean all of them, Television, Radio and Print, they no longer report the News to the Public, what they all do at the behest of their Corporate Owners is to “render their opinions” to one of the largest number in History of Americans that are uninformed, ignorant and brainwashed. The Media never speaks about race when race is front and center of the Obama Presidency. All one has to do is look at the Trolls on the Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter and others and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to ascertain that the disenchantment many have with Obama comes from the Media, Republican Legislators and both, never seem to report anything good that this President has done.


When Bill Moyers asked President Lyndon B. Johnson “Why do Middle-Class and Poor Republicans vote against their best interest?” President Johnson responded; “If you take the lowest white man and convince him that he is better than the best black man, he wouldn’t know you are picking his pocket. Hell, give him someone to look down on and he will empty his pockets for you.” President Johnson’s words may seem like a long time ago, but it is most relevant today, especially when it comes to the Republican Party and their uninformed, ignorant and brainwashed base.


Twitter @sheriffali


Evil Knows No Bounds, Draft Dogger Cheney Doubles Down!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 25, 2014 by sheriffali


Former Vice President Dick Cheney on Tuesday stood by the Bush Administration’s decision to wage war in Iraq, saying he has never second-guessed the decision even with Iraq once again descending into chaos.


“I was a strong advocate of going into Iraq,” Cheney told PBS in an interview, a week after launching a new political group designed to boost his foreign policy and national-security policies. “I think that was the right decision then, and I still believe that today.”


“I think we did what we had to do,” Cheney added, saying he is still not convinced Iraq didn’t have weapons of mass destruction before the 2003 invasion. “And you don’t get to go back and say, well, we would have — what if we’d ignored all the intelligence?”


Cheney blasted President Barack Obama’s handling of the situation in Iraq, saying he should have more forcefully pushed to keep U.S. troops in the country after 2011 to help keep the country stable. “For me, the bottom line was, when we left office, Iraq was in good shape,” Cheney said. “And now we’re in a situation where obviously we’ve got another big problem.”


But the former Vice President largely agreed with Obama’s handling of the current crisis that has seen the extremist group Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria make significant gains in the country. Cheney called for the deployment of additional U.S. military advisers and a swift transition for the Iraqi government, and he warned that American air strikes could have unintended complications. Cheney said the U.S. response to the Iraq crisis must be part of a broader strategy for the volatile region that he says Obama has not yet developed. He also called on Obama to halt the planned withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2016.


“I would stop talking about withdrawing from Afghanistan,” Cheney said. “We ought to stay in Afghanistan. We shouldn’t be scaling back.” [Time]


Twitter @sheriffali