Archive for Incest

Jim Bob And Michelle Duggar’s Interview On Fox News Kelly File Is Self Evident That The GOP, Fox And The Duggars Republican God doesn’t Have A Problem With Incest And The Sexual Abuse Of Children.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 4, 2015 by sheriffali

But Apparently The Republican God Does Have Big Problems With Gays {LGBT} Minorities And The 50% White President.

Fox News Interview Backfires Instead Shows Why Duggars Should Never Be Allowed Back On TV


The Duggars interview on Fox News backfired. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar showed no remorse, claimed that they were victims of the police and media, and revealed to the world why they should never be allowed back on television.



The interview intro featured Megyn Kelly referring to Josh Duggar’s admitted child molestation as “allegations.” Megyn Kelly’s intro sounded like it came directly from the Duggars agent.



The interview began with Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar repeating their press release. The Duggar parents said that they were devastated. Jim Bob said that Josh was just curious about girls and the girls didn’t even know that he did it. (Jim Bob and Michelle are working hard to whitewash their son’s crimes.) Jim Bob said, “Looking back, we did the best we could under the circumstances.” The Duggars claimed that this happens in a lot parents’ homes. Jim Bob said, “Again, this is not rape or something like that.”




Jim Bob Duggar claimed that they didn’t send their molesting son for real help, because real programs don’t have a good success rate. Jim Bob hinted that God cured Josh Duggar’s habit of molesting his sisters; Michelle Duggar said that her son knew in his heart it was wrong.



Megyn Kelly’s “tough questions” involve asking a lot of, ‘what was that like for you?’ Job Bob repeated that Christian based non-professional counseling turned his molester son’s life around.



Michelle Duggar was asked if she feared for the safety of her daughters, and she answered that they put safeguards in place, but she expressed no fear for her daughters. Jim Bob Duggar admitted that they didn’t try to protect their daughters as much as, “Josh’s heart went astray.” Jim Bob tried to explain it away again by saying that none of the girls knew about it or understood what he had done. Duggar was claiming that Josh Duggar’s child molestation was a victimless crime.



In the next segment, the Duggars denied that they covered up their son’s crimes. Jim Bob said that the selection of the trooper was random. The Duggars said that the child pornography convicted cop put the fear of God into Josh. The Duggar parents said that Josh Duggar and all of their kids received professional counseling.




Jim Bob Duggar claimed that his family had nothing to hide by the time the TLC show began. Jim Bob said that God has forgiven Josh Duggar, and then the Fox News witch hunt against the police chief who leaked the report began. The Duggars speculated that the chief was bribed. The Duggars said that they want to be advocated for protecting juvenile records. The Duggars claimed that they are the victims in the situation because the sealed Josh Duggar police report was leaked. Jim Bob Duggar quoted Mike Huckabee saying that Josh should be forgiven.




If this interview was intended to get the Duggars their television show back, it backfired. In the entire hour, there was no apology from the Duggars who denied that there is any hypocrisy in their behavior. Michelle Duggar claimed that there is an agenda and Josh Duggar’s actions are being twisted to hurt and slander the family.



Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar showed no remorse and argued for the rest of the family not being punished for what Josh did. It is obvious that TLC and the Duggars are working together, and this interview was designed to get them back on television, whether it be as 19 Kids and Counting or a spinoff.



The Duggars claimed that they were victimized by the police, and their trust was betrayed.



Fox News thought they were helping to save the Duggars, but in reality, they did the public a favor by showing the world why this family should not be allowed on national television. The Duggars think that they are the victims, which is why this twisted family should never be on television again. [Politicususa]


Twitter @sheriffali


Apparently The Republican God Is Fine With Child Molestation And Incest, But Seems To Be Really Ticked Off At Gays, Contraception, Minorities, The 50% White President And Immigrants.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 23, 2015 by sheriffali

[NYT] Former Gov. Mike Huckabee, the Republican from Arkansas who is running for president, has come to the defense of the former director of the conservative Family Research Council’s lobbying group who resigned this week amid allegations that he had molested children.


Josh Duggar, a conservative activist whose family has been chronicled in the reality television show “19 Kids and Counting” stepped down from his job at FRC Action on Thursday after In Touch Weekly revealed a 2006 police report that showed him at the center of a police investigation. Mr. Duggar, who worked on Mr. Huckabee’s 2008 presidential campaign, wrote in a post on Facebook that the allegations were true and that he regretted his actions.


“Twelve years ago, as a young teenager I acted inexcusably for which I am extremely sorry and deeply regret,” Mr. Duggar said.


On Friday, Mr. Huckabee expressed his support for the Duggar family, which hails from Arkansas, and said that Mr. Duggar deserved a second chance.


“Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, ‘inexcusable,’ but that doesn’t mean ‘unforgivable’,” Mr. Huckabee said in a statement that scolded anyone who took pleasure in the revelations. “Those who have enjoyed revealing this long ago sins in order to discredit the Duggar family have actually revealed their own insensitive blood thirst.”


Mr. Huckabee’s defense of Mr. Duggar could come back to haunt him as his second White House bid gathers pace. A former Baptist pastor, he has faced criticism in the past for granting clemency to prisoners as governor of Arkansas.


Mr. Duggar, who also worked on former Senator Rick Santorum’s 2012 presidential campaign, has been active in conservative politics for many years. His Twitter feed shows pictures of himself with Mr. Huckabee and as well as poses with Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and former Gov. Jeb Bush.



Twitter @sheriffali