Archive for Illegally Invading Iraq

President Obama, UN Assembly And A World Gone Mad!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 24, 2014 by sheriffali

Every action has a reaction and George W Bush, Dick Cheney and the War Monger Neocons in the Bush Administration illegal invasion of Iraq, set the world on fire and it is going to take more than water to put out the flames.


America’s overall problems have been in the making for decades, yet Republicans, some Democrats and the uninformed, ignorant, brainwashed right-wing voters; blame President Obama for all that ails America.


All of the nonsense about the Media being 90% or more liberal is truly a farce. Since becoming President under difficult circumstances caused by Bush and Cheney, the assault On Obama from most of the Media, has been relentless. Obama took Office when we were in a Financial meltdown; Housing Collapse; Bank Closures; Job losses that drove the unemployment rate to 10.2%; two out of control unpaid for wars of 5.1 trillion; two unpaid tax cut for the rich totaling 1.2 trillion dollars and a collapse in the Stock Market with America’s credibility out the door, President Obama has done a good job and then some, pulling us out of the deep and unforgiving waters Bush threw us into.


As for the Middle East Gone mad, no amount of American Boots on the ground in the Middle East is going to fix what is wrong in the Arab World, and unless or until the Arabs find a Political solution for their problems, all we can really do, is to stop the madness as best as we can, but, there isn’t any military solution to rectify religious and ethnic problems.


We have firsthand knowledge of being in Iraq for eight years with thousands of lives lost; tens of thousands injured; Military Suicides at a rate of 22 per day; hundreds of thousands of Iraqis killed at a cost of 1.7 trillion dollars, and of course, there are those like McCain and Graham beating the War Drum to send other people’s children to get killed in the middle of madness.


So long as President Obama keep his word and do not reinvade Iraq with tens of thousands of troops, his decision that he recently implemented would not solve the problems, but it may buy the Arabs time to readjust.


Twitter @sheriffali