Once Upon A Time America Had A Choice To Make!

Posted in Hillary Clinton with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 19, 2018 by sheriffali

A Loyal Public Servant that spent her life toiling for equality for children, women and men in America and the World, Hillary Clinton; or


A Notorious Coyote that spent his life being a racist, con man, a liar and fraud, stealing and corrupt to the core, Donald Trump.


Well the woman did win by approximately 3,000,000 votes, but Fraud, Lies, Deception, Suppressing and Purging Minority Voters, the con man illegally made his way into the Oval Office. And since then, he has been dragging America through the mud, same as he did with his own Private Life. The Funny part is that The Founding Fathers foresaw a crooked President and entrusted the safety of America in the hand of Congress, but, as it turns out, the Party of the illegitimate President, well, they are lying and are as crooked as he is and they are enabling the demise of the United States with America’s known enemy Russia.


These people the Republican Party, well they control both Houses of Congress, the White House with the Crook and they are actually protecting this dead-beat, as the country goes into more and more chaos day after day. What are the decent American people supposed to do? Especially that the Crooked GOP Party also controls the majority in the last bastion of Americans defense, the US Supreme Court.


I see the problem and I am frustrated like hell, but I am at a lost and just don’t know where to turn. The Republican Scam Investigation is going nowhere, but my only hope lies in a good and decent man, Special Counsel, Robert Muller, but even then, Mr. Muller still needs the Republican Congress to impeach crooked Trump and it is anybody’s guess what the GOP would do, because as you see, many of the Republicans also conspired with Russia that attacked America’s Democracy – “USA Free And Fair Elections.” Wow!


Twitter @sheriffali

A 1-17

President Hillary Clinton Would Be Protecting America Not Wrecking The United States As Donald Trump Is Doing!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 24, 2017 by sheriffali


President Obama and the Corrupt Corporate Media such as the New York Times, willfully suppressed the ‘fact” that the Federal Government had obtained Search Warrants from the FISA COURT for Treasonous Acts between Donald Trump And Russia. As the New York Times pointed out in their Confession of Suppression, “their suppression of these facts as was requested by the FBI could have made all the difference in the outcome of America’s First Undemocratic And Fraudulent General Election in 240 years.”


If President Obama And The Media “Not” Suppressed Donald Trump’s Domestic Crimes, Trump And Putin’s Treason, Republicans Voter Suppression, Trump Wouldn’t Be Wrecking America And Dismantling President Obama’s Achievements, Polices And Legacy, Hillary Clinton Would Have Been The Great Protector.


President Obama has done a great service for and to America and the American people considering what Obama inherited from George W Bush on January 20, 2009, however, in life we are more responsible for the “things we didn’t do than the things we did do.”


Realistically, what good is all of President Obama’s achievements now that it is being dismantled by the most Crooked Person, worst than Richard Nixon, Donald Trump and the Republican Congress?


Donald Trump has signed Executive Orders that would destroy; The ACA [OBAMACARE], Revived the dangerous Keystone Pipeline, Cut Mortgage Interest deductions for the most needy, revived the Dakota Pipeline, initiated moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem, incited Benjamin Netanyahu to increase “Israeli Settlements on Palestinian Land, attempting to withdraw The United States from The United Nations and “Literally Fracture NATO,” all for his friend, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin.


Donald Trump will be impeached, but by the time that transpires, the carnage that would be left from Trump’s and the Republicans Wreckage, America would find it most difficult to reinsert itself as a World Leader and America, Americans and the World would suffer the Egregious Machinations from Trump and Republicans Evil.



Twitter @sheriffali

