Do Not Be Complacent! What Donald Trump And Republicans Are Doing Right Now Is Exactly Duplicating Adolf Hitler’s Germany In The 1930’s. Remember, As Bad As it Was, Everything Hitler Did Was Legal!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , on January 18, 2017 by sheriffali

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“The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Prevail Is For Good People To Do Nothing.”


 History Repeats Itself: It Didn’t Start With The Gas Chambers! It Started With Politicians Playing On The Prejudices Of A Christian Nation; With A Message Of Us Versus Them, Intolerance And Hate Speech; Denying Basic Rights And Ordinary Citizens Turning A Blind Eye, Exactly What Is Happening In America With Donald Trump And Republicans.


Notice how the most Powerful People (Starting From The Top) are surprisingly silent as the Law Breaker, Con Man and Crook, Donald Trump has and continues to break the Law every hour of every day.


Remember, all that Adolf Hitler was doing and did, were all legal, because Policy Makers either assisted Hitler or were conspicuously silent, the same thing that is happening in America at the present time.


The United States Government knew that Russia was Hacking America for years, and as it turned out, Russia’s Hacking is what propelled Donald Trump to the Presidency, along with Republicans Larceny, FBI Shelling and a regressed White House.


Time is running out as we approach High-Noon, January 20, 2017, to take the Giant Step of Evoking The War Powers Act and calling a Re-Vote. Failure to stop Donald Trump and the out of control Republicans will signal the end of America as we know it.


President Obama, we stand with you, but it is only you that still possess the power to save America from the dark hours that are upon us. It is a difficult decision for you but please remember the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.;


“In The End We Will Remember Not The Words Of Our Enemies But The Silence Of Our Friends. Injustice Anywhere Can Become Injustice Everywhere.” [MLK]


Twitter @sheriffali


Adolf Hitler buttressed by racism wasn’t strong, Germany’s Democracy was weak and the uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and brainwashed propelled Hitler to becoming one of the world’s biggest menaces to society, the same that is now transpiring with Donald Trump and his supporters for full blown White Power.

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 16, 2016 by sheriffali

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Donald Trump’s selection of appointments is self evident of where Trump is heading and he is taking America with him.



As of January 20th 2017, Republicans will control the White House, the House of Representatives, the Senate and 32 States with Republican Governors.



As much as Democrats are shouting sound and fury, it signifies no resolve in stopping the madness America has fallen into.



The Voting Population at the moment is 72% White, 12% Blacks, 11% Hispanics and 2% other races. With those facts, one must remember that the 2016 Presidential Votes came down to 63% White Men and 52% White Women voted for America’s Biggest Racist, Bigot and Fascist.



Donald Trump is President-Elect because majority of Whites, men and women, educated and uneducated, uninformed and informed, ignorant and intelligent, brainwashed and sane.



The madness of Donald Trump to be President wasn’t a mistake, it was willful on the part of the masses of Whites that voted Trump, the same as the very conscious that put Adolf Hitler in power, costing 63 million lives, before Hitler’s reign came to an end in April 1945.



The decent Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Moslems Asians and others, really need to give serious and thoughtful thinking, as to where we go from here.



Donald Trump’s intelligence is imbedded in dishonesty, larceny and Racism. Trump has zero knowledge of what Governance means.



Twitter @sheriffali
