Archive for Hillary Still Stands Tall

Our President, Hillary Clinton Reemerges From Her Stolen Election Celebrating Oscar de La Renta’s Dominican Republic Immigrant Roots – A Pointed Jab At Donald Trump’s Failed Immigration Policy

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 18, 2017 by sheriffali


“Legal Matters are often difficult for the Legal-Minds and far too difficult for the Non-Legal-Minds, but as difficult and impossible as it may seem, Donald Trump and his Campaign involvement with Russia that now extends beyond the Presidency and into the Congressional Races, will bring down this administration. Sooner rather than later, the verdict will be – “Treason for Trump and all others involved” and vindication for Hillary Clinton that may lead to her own Presidency.


This is not just wild optimism, this I deemed to be “Pessimistically Optimistic,” from a Constitutional Legal Standpoint. Keep The Faith!” Sheriff Ali


“She may have been the loser but Hillary Clinton is still getting the ovations, especially in her town, New York.


After a devastating loss, Clinton is recovering her New York State of mind with the help of the Big Apple’s fashion, entertainment and theater crowds, who always supported her and now have embraced her back into the fold.


It turns out that many New Yorkers — loud, opinionated, even obnoxious on occasion — have a soft spot for the ex-first lady, ex-senator, ex-secretary of state, ex-Democratic presidential nominee who has become one of them, even more so than native-born Donald Trump. He couldn’t even win his childhood district in Queens (she got 85% of the vote; he got less than 14%). [USATODAY]}


“U.S. Allies Conduct Intelligence Operation Against Trump Staff and Associates, Intercepted Communications


As part of intelligence operations being conducted against the United States for the last seven months, at least one Western European ally intercepted a series of communications before the inauguration between advisers associated with President Donald Trump and Russian government officials, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation. [NEWSWEEK]”


Legal Matters are often difficult for the Legal-Minds and far too difficult for the Non-Legal-Minds, but as difficult and impossible as it may seem, Donald Trump and his Campaign involvement with Russia that now extends beyond the Presidency and into the Congressional Races, will bring down this administration. Sooner rather than later, the verdict will be – “Treason for Trump and all others involved” and vindication for Hillary Clinton that may lead to her own Presidency.


This is not just wild optimism, this I deemed to be “Pessimistically Optimistic,” from a Constitutional Legal Standpoint. Keep The Faith!


Twitter @sheriffali

