Archive for Hillary Didn’t Lose

Justice Department Inspector General To Investigate Director James Comey And The FBI Pre-Election Actions? Obama Why Didn’t You Denounce Creepy Comey Before The Election?

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 12, 2017 by sheriffali


President Obama “we,” your Supporters and Admirers do believe that you have been an excellent President, however, your non-actions, verbally and otherwise over Russia’s Hacking, Republicans Embezzling, Donald Trump’s Treason, FBI Shelling, allowed our Democratic Election Process to become “Undemocratic” and now we are faced with a Criminal as the 45th President, Donald, Groping, Swindling, Pathological Liar and Fraudulent Racist Trump to be Leader Of The Free World? WHY?


[Washington Post] “The Justice Department inspector general will review broad allegations of misconduct involving the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email practices and the bureau’s controversial decision shortly before the election to announce the probe had resumed, the inspector general announced Thursday.


The probe will be wide ranging — encompassing the FBI’s various public statements on the matter, whether its deputy director should have been recused and whether FBI or other Justice Department employees leaked nonpublic information, according to a news release from Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz.


[The attorney general could have ordered the FBI not to send his bombshell letter on Clinton emails. Here’s why she didn’t.]


Lawmakers and others had called previously for the inspector general to probe the FBI’s pre-election actions when it came to the Clinton probe, alleging that FBI Director James B. Comey bucked long-standing policies with his communications about the case and that information seemed to have leaked inappropriately — perhaps to former New York City mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani.


Horowitz said in a news release that he will explore those topics and more, though he will not re-litigate whether anyone should have faced charges.


“The review will not substitute the OIG’s judgment for the judgments made by the FBI or the Department regarding the substantive merits of investigative or prosecutive decisions,” the news release said, using an acronym for the Office of the Inspector General.


The FBI’s probe into whether Clinton mishandled classified information by using a private email server when she was secretary of state has long been controversial and politically charged.


Perhaps most notably, Comey on Oct. 28 — after previously announcing publicly that he was recommending no charges in the case — sent a letter to congressional leaders telling them that agents had resumed the Clinton probe after finding potentially relevant information in an unrelated case.


The day before, senior Justice Department leaders had warned Comey not to send the letter, because it violated two long-standing department policies — discussing an ongoing investigation and taking any overt action on an investigation so close to an election. At the time, it was less than two weeks before the election, and early voting had already begun.


Comey sent a second letter to Congress, just days before the election, saying that the investigation was complete and he was not changing the decision he had made in July to bring no charges against Clinton. But the damage — in the minds of Clinton supporters, at least — had been done. Clinton has blamed the renewed FBI inquiry for blunting her momentum in the last weeks of the presidential election.


Horowitz wrote that he will explore “allegations that Department or FBI policies or procedures were not followed” in connection with both letters, but his probe will extend beyond that. He wrote that he also will explore “allegations that Department and FBI employees improperly disclosed non-public information” — which is perhaps a reference to Giuliani, who seemed to claim at one point he had insider FBI knowledge. And Horowitz wrote that his inquiry will extend back to Comey’s July announcement that he was recommending the Clinton base be closed without charges.


In that instance, Comey took the unusual action of criticizing Clinton and her aides as “extremely careless” in their treatment of classified material, even as he said no reasonable prosecutor would charge them. His comments drew criticism from some in the legal world who said it was unfair for him to opine on a person he was not giving the opportunity to defend herself in court.”]


Twitter @sheriffali



Open Washington Post Link For Full Article:



Hillary Clinton Didn’t Lose And Donald Trump Didn’t Win! The Massive Election Rigging Scandal The Media Ignored

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 10, 2017 by sheriffali


[Salon] In 27 states, a program called the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck suppressed and purged minority votes.




The election of 2016 may well have been stolen — or to use Donald Trump’s oft-repeated phrase — “rigged,” and nobody in the media seems willing to discuss it.


The rigging was a pretty simple process, in fact: in 27 Republican-controlled states (including critical swing states) hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of people showed up to vote, but were mysteriously blocked from voting for allegedly being registered with the intent to vote in multiple states.


Greg Palast, an award-winning investigative journalist, writes a stinging piece in Rolling Stone magazine (August 2016 edition), predicting that the presidential election had already been decided: “The GOP’s Stealth War Against Voters.” He also wrote and produced a brilliant documentary on this exact subject that was released well before the election, titled The Best Democracy Money Can Buy.


He said a program called the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck had been quietly put together in Kansas and was being used by Republican secretaries of state in 27 states to suppress and purge African American, Asian and Hispanic votes in what would almost certainly be the swing states of the 2016 election.


Crosscheck was started by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach back in 2007 under the guise of combating so-called voter fraud. In the ultimate thumb in the eye to the American voter, the state where Crosscheck started was the only state to refuse to participate in a New York Times review of voter fraud in the 2016 election, which found that, basically, there wasn’t any fraud at the level of individual voters. Turns out, according to Palast, that a total of 7 million voters—including up to 344,000 in Pennsylvania, 589,000 in North Carolina and up to 449,000 in Michigan (based on available Crosscheck data from 2014)—may have been denied the right to have their votes counted under this little known but enormously potent Crosscheck program.


Yes, that’s way more than enough votes to swing the 2016 election to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. But no one seems to care.


Not Hillary Clinton, not the DNC, not the New York Times, not the Washington Post, not even MSNBC. In fact, on November 26, MSNBC Host Joy Reid ended her interview of Greg Palast by saying, “I wish more people would listen to what you have to say.”


But he was never asked back, by Joy or anyone else at MSNBC.




Why wouldn’t the media and lawyers swoop in to every swing state and demand that every single purged, provisional or uncounted vote either be counted or verified to be illegitimate?


Why is it more relevant to focus on a crazed and completely unsubstantiated and untrue allegation about 3 million “illegal aliens” voting, but not a claim by a fellow journalist that 7 million American citizens weren’t allowed to have their votes counted?


Yes, Hillary was insistent that we must accept the results of the election, but doesn’t that require legitimate, verified or verifiable results? A coach who questions a call on the field is not challenging the system; he just wants to make sure the result is accurate.


So maybe investigative journalist Greg Palast is completely wrong. Completely inaccurate. Maybe there weren’t 7 million voters who were at risk of being excluded, with millions of them being handed “placebo” ballots (provisional ballots) that almost never get opened or counted. Maybe it’s only a million or two citizens. The problem is that the Republican secretaries of state are refusing to say, and the press has dropped the topic.


Twitter @sheriffali


Open Salon Link For Full Article:
