Archive for Hillary Clinton For President

Hillary Clinton Takes On The Fight Directly For The Presidency Demanding The CIA Declassify The Russian Election Involvement And In Addition, Demanding That The Obama Administration Come Clean With What And When They Knew About Putin’s Involvement.

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , on December 13, 2016 by sheriffali


In fairness to Secretary Hillary Clinton, both she and her campaign had forewarned everyone of Russia’s involvement to sway the Election to Donald Trump and Hillary’s disappointment with FBI Director James Comey’s Pernicious Letter, 11 days before the Election.


Hillary Clinton is going for the Political Kill and Donald Trump is a “Free-Fall Panic.” Trump just filed “Bogus Legal Action in an Attempt to Stop the Electoral College from Denying Him the Fraudulent Presidency.” Trump is on shady grounds because even Republicans are now on board investigating Vladimir Putin and Russia’s involvement in America’s Election.

[New York Times] “Clinton campaign demands declassification of election intelligence.


As the swirl of allegations around Russia’s efforts to elect Mr. Trump roils Washington, one voice has been absent: Hillary Clinton’s.


John D. Podesta, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chairman, broke the silence on her behalf, demanding the declassification of all information about Russia’s meddling as well as an explanation from the Obama administration of what it knew and when it knew it.


“We now know that the C.I.A. has determined Russia’s interference in our elections was for the purpose of electing Donald Trump,” Mr. Podesta wrote in a statement. “This should distress every American. Never before in the history of our republic have we seen such an effort to undermine the bedrock of our democracy.”


“This is not a partisan issue, and we are glad to see bipartisan support in the Congress for an investigation into Russia’s role,” he continued. “We believe that the administration owes it to the American people to explain what it knows regarding the extent and manner of Russia’s interference and this be done as soon as possible. To that end, we also support the request from members of the Senate Intelligence Committee to declassify information around Russia’s roles in the election and to make this data available to the public.”


Thrown on the defensive, Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, said on Monday that the White House did not announce a major probe of Russia’s interference before the election partly because many voters would have seen such an announcement as political meddling.


He said Russia did not hack the electoral process or the counting of votes.


“But what is also clear is that the results of the hack and leak effort carried out on the orders of Russia were extensively discussed prior to the election,” Mr. Earnest said.


Trump continues Russia denial — via Twitter.


With evidence mounting that Russian intelligence promoted his election, the president-elect continued his denial, via Twitter.”


Twitter @sheriffali




President Obama Will Endorse Hillary Clinton For President

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 28, 2015 by sheriffali

Hillary Clinton is the only Democrat that can keep the White House after President Obama. Bernie Sanders is a good man but his utopian version of projecting what he will do, most of it is just a Pipe’s Dream. I would like to see not just a utopian America but a utopian world, but that is not possible with the indelible wickedness man has within him.


President Obama asked Congress to pass a bill for free two year college and to date the Republicans have rebuked the idea and threw it in the trash. On the other hand Mr. Sanders on the campaign trail is advocating free four years of college. That is a noble idea, but as long as we have to contend with Republicans in Congress that is not possible.


It is going to take Democrats working together in full support of Hillary Clinton in order to win the Presidency that is backed by 900 Million Dollars to the Republicans from the Koch Brothers alone. If you count the other Republican contributors, we would be fighting perhaps a two billion or more war machine. [This is the fault of the Supreme Court when they sanctioned Citizens United].


Mrs. Clinton was one of America’s top 100 Attorneys as certified by the American Bar Association. She was First Lady of Arkansas; First Lady of the United States; U S Senator for 8 years and Secretary of State for 4 years. Like President Obama, Hillary already has a full blown operation.


It is a fallacy by the Corporate Owned Media that is promulgating that 80% of Republicans agree with Bernie Sanders. It is a game and if we play on that field we are bound to lose. The reality of the GOP is that they know Mr. Sanders is not going to get the nomination and their wishes are that Mr. Sanders would run as an Independent which would take away votes from Hillary and give them the White House. Remember 2000 when Ralph Nader ran!


Sheriff Ali


Twitter @sheriffali


Hillary Clinton Social Media

This Site White House Hillary Clinton For President 2016 Should Be Completed July 3 2015


There will be daily blog [s] about Hillary Clinton’s Campaign and all relevant information supporting Mrs. Clinton for President.


Hillary Clinton Social Media


Twitter @hrcwhitehouse


Facebook Page




If Hillary Clinton seeks the Presidency in 2016 she has my unequivocal support. Vote Blue November 2014!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 10, 2014 by sheriffali

My opinion about the Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and all women is best described in the words by people from the past that certainly seems more in-depth from the heart and soul than we are today. In expressing their thoughts about the “virtues of women, and men,” they said;


“There is something in a woman beyond all human delights: a magnetic virtue, a charming quality, and occult and powerful motive of love and caring.


A beautiful woman is the perfect workmanship of God and the sole wonder of the world. When I see the elaborate study and ingenuity displayed by women in the pursuit of achieving their goals, I feel no doubt of their herculean undertakings.”


Man’s sin is that he has not had enough humility; woman’s that she has had too much of it. It is as if, by letting women carry the burden of being humble and pious for them, men have got rid of any need to appropriate these virtues for themselves and so have felt free to visit aggression on the world.”


Whether you agree or disagree with Hillary Clinton, it would be difficult to deny the fact  that she is an amazing woman who has done amazing things with her life, not only helping her own Barn and Farm, but, she has stood up all her life for Children and Equal Rights for Women, and, Equal Rights for All.


100% is only 100% after the fact and take nothing for granted. Irrespective of whether a person is Republican, Independent or Democrat, if we are truly honest to ourselves and our God, we would have to admit that President Obama inherited the worst of situations when he took Office in 2009. For the thinkers, the condition of America seemed that we were going to be become a “has been.” However, with Obama’s Leadership, he has ended the war in Iraq and will end the war in Afghanistan at the end of 2014. Our financial health from the World’s View is always judged by the most secured Stock Market in the world, and since Obama took Office to this present day, we have and continue to have record breaking days.

We have come a long way from the days of Bush and Cheney, but, we still have myriads of miles yet to travel on the road to “full” recovery.” Don’t be complacent in November, go out and Vote and Vote Blue, if not for yourself, do it for your children.


Twitter @sheriffali





Critics of Hillary Clinton, “what have you done with your life?”

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 24, 2014 by sheriffali

The Trolls or as I refer to them as “haters,” use Social Media to demonize Mrs. Clinton with every form of derogatory remarks imaginable and unimaginable. To those critics I defend their right of Free Speech under the Freedom of Speech Act as defined in the First Amendment to the Constitution.


However, to those Trolls [Haters] I ask a simple question; “what have you done with your life?” Mrs. Clinton for years was sanctioned by the Bar Association as “one” of the top “100” Lawyers in the Country. Mrs. Clinton has spent her entire adult life defending the rights of Children and equality for women. She is also a defender of “equality for all.”


We are still two years and three months away from the 2016 Presidential Election and although Mrs. Clinton hasn’t officially said that she will be a Candidate for the Presidency, the consensus is that she will do so when the time is right.


Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger stated that Hillary Clinton is the most qualified person to be President. One must remember that Mr. Kissinger is a Republican and former Member of the Nixon Administration. We are by no means fortune tellers, however, logic plus common sense taking into proper perspective seems to determine that Mrs. Clinton is in the best position to win the Presidency and become America’s First Female President. My personal opinion is that Mrs. Clinton, should she become President, would be an asset to all people, not only in America, but the entire world. I hope that she does run and that she wins!


Quote that represents Hillary R. Clinton;


Virtues of Women!


“There is something in a woman beyond all human delights: a magnetic virtue, a charming quality, and occult and powerful motive of love and caring.


A beautiful woman is the perfect workmanship of God and the sole wonder of the world. When I see the elaborate study and ingenuity displayed by women in the pursuit of achieving their goals, I feel no doubt of their herculean undertakings.”


Man’s sin is that he has not had enough humility; woman’s that she has had too much of it. It is as if, by letting women carry the burden of being humble and pious for them, men have got rid of any need to appropriate these virtues for themselves and so have felt free to visit aggression on the world.”


Twitter @sheriffali