Archive for Health Care Speech

Donald Trump and Family are bleeding the Treasury dry with no complaints from Republicans, however, Right-Wingers are complaining because President Obama will be paid $400 Thousand Dollars for delivering a Speech at a Health Care Conference.

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 27, 2017 by sheriffali



[NYT] “President Obama will cash a $400,000 check from Cantor Fitzgerald when he delivers a speech in September at a health care conference run by Cantor Fitzgerald, a trading and investment firm.


On Wednesday, Mr. Obama’s spokesman defended the former president’s coming speech, saying Mr. Obama decided to give it because health care changes were important to him. The spokesman, Eric Schultz, noted that Cantor Fitzgerald is a Wall Street firm but pointed out in a statement that as a presidential candidate, Mr. Obama raised money from Wall Street and went on to aggressively regulate it.


Mr. Obama will spend most of his post-presidency, Mr. Schultz said, “training and elevating a new generation of political leaders in America.”




As for me personally, I unequivocally support former

President Obama to speak wherever and whenever he

chooses to do so. Mr. Obama has proven to be one of the

most ethical and scandal free President in modern day

Politics. The former President has a right to make the best

out of life for him and his family.


          Twitter @sheriffali

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