Archive for Hater


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 11, 2015 by sheriffali



A $6 billion golf community being built in Dubai is going forward minus My “Trump” brand; The Middle Eastern Major Chain Store “Lifestyle” kicked me out of all 195 stores; Scotland kicked me out: Britain is about to do the same; I can’t go to Israel and US Mayors are blocking me from their Cities – What The Hell Is Going On?


Reuters reports that DAMAC properties had said it would stand by Donald Trump amid backlash from his proposal to ban Muslims from traveling to the U.S. But on Thursday the GOP presidential candidate’s name and image were removed from the “Akoya by DAMAC” site.


Real estate isn’t the only branding problem for Trump in Dubai. Lifestyle, a home-decor store chain based there, said Wednesday it was removing all Trump-branded products from its 195 stores across the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere in the region.


Lifestyle cited “recent statements in the U.S. media,” CNN reported. DAMAC provided no explanation, Reuters said.


Trump has been unapologetic, rejecting challenges on his proposal from Democrats, Republicans and international leaders. After Scotland dropped him as a “business ambassador, he wrote in an article in Scottish daily newspaper The Press and Journal: “The UK politicians should be thanking me instead of pandering to political correctness.” [USATODAY]


Twitter @sheriffali


Trump University Was A House Of Larceny That Robbed Poor Students Out Of Their Money Now Ceased To Exist! Everything About Donald Trump Are Lies And Crooked, A Charlatan, Bankruptcy Swindler And Yet All Of The Media Give Trump A Free Pass! Why?

Posted in Donald Trump, Politics, Swindler with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 14, 2015 by sheriffali

Never licensed as a school, Trump University was in reality a series of real estate workshops in hotel ballrooms around the country, not unlike many other for-profit self-help or motivational seminars. Though short-lived, it remains a thorn in Trump’s side nearly five years after its operations ceased: In three pending lawsuits, including one in which the New York attorney general is seeking $40 million in restitution, former students allege that the enterprise bilked them out of their money with misleading advertisements.



Instead of a fast route to easy money, these Trump University students say they found generic seminars led by salesmen who pressured them to invest more cash in additional courses. The students say they didn’t learn Trump’s secrets and never received the one-on-one guidance they expected.


It’s a chapter of Trump’s past that shows how he sometimes defies the usual laws of campaign physics. Such allegations of multi­million-dollar fraud might sink other candidates, but in Trump’s case, even some of the students who felt duped said they haven’t given up on him: They like Trump. They admire him. They might even vote for him.


“He says what he means, not like politicians, not like Obama,” said Louie Liu of Hurst, Tex. Liu, a motel owner, said in a sworn affidavit that he paid $1,495 for a three-day seminar, then felt lured into paying $24,995 for more classes, an online training program and a three-day in-person mentorship. A few days later, he called to ask for a refund, but his request was rejected. Trump University, he concluded, was a “scam.”


Trump University was not a university in any legal sense, and beginning in 2005, New York State Education Department officials told the company to change its name because they deemed it misleading. The business became the Trump Entrepreneur Initiative in May 2010, and it stopped operating shortly thereafter.


New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman (D) filed his $40 million suit against Trump and Trump University in 2013, alleging that Trump had illegally operated an unlicensed university and defrauded students. Approximately 80,000 people attended Trump University’s free introductory seminars, according to court documents. About 9,200 of them went on to pay $1,495 for three-day seminars, and nearly 800 paid up to $35,000 for packages that included mentorships and workshops.


“No one, no matter how rich or popular they are, has a right to scam hard working New Yorkers,” Schneiderman said in a news release at the time.


Twitter @sheriffali


For Increased Ratings And Profits The Media Is Promoting The Prime Requisite Of A Charlatan DONALD TRUMP. This Mountebank Is A Person That Deceived Investors And Swindle Them Out Of Their Money.

Posted in 2016 Presidency, GOP Derangement, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 20, 2015 by sheriffali

If you look at the traits of a Charlatan he/she is a boastful unscrupulous pretender, confidence trickster, fraud, fraudster, impostor, and hoaxer.


Focusing on the Media if you would recall in 2003 they “willfully” went about promulgating George W Bush’s Invasion of Iraq to the point that those that disagreed were brutalized by the Media and, the same Media subsequently crucified George W Bush’s unscrupulous decision on Iraq.


Freedom of the Press has always been important because that is how a proper check on the Government is reported to The People, however, now that “all” of the Media are owned by Six [6] Corporations, there are no more Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, Frank Reynolds, Barbara Walters Peter Jennings and definitely no Walter Cronkite.


Today, we don’t have Journalists but what we do have are a Hosts of People calling themselves Journalists when in truth and in fact, they are just HACKS for their Corporate Bosses. On every News Program they have Talking Head Pundits on the right and on the left, killing each other with garbage.


FACT: With the field of Republicans seeking the Presidency all squeezed together in the Crazy Clown Train, permeating such nonsense, we have become the laughing stock of the world. To hear Donald Trump given the opportunity to Mouth-Out that he would reinvade Iraq, Bomb them and steal the oil, sell it and give the money to our Veterans, well, how much lower we can go?


The advocating of Donald Trump stupidity to remove United States Citizens born in this country and to have this stupidity echoed by Trump’s challengers in his Party and supported by the uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and brainwashed Republican Voters, the embarrassing is chilling.


Donald Trump and the other Republican Coyotes Political Posturing of repealing the Fourteenth Amendment To The Constitution is just that – ‘Posturing By Deranged Idiots.”


“Lindsay Graham knows that birthright citizenship is not about to be repealed. That would require an amendment to the Constitution. Two-thirds of both the House and the Senate would have to approve it, as would three-quarters of the states. Here in California, neither Meg Whitman nor Carly Fiorina, Republican candidates for governor and senator, respectively, supports the idea, nor do their Democratic opponents. So why is this issue being debated? Because it’s a freebie: Conservatives can tout it without fear of it coming to pass, thereby proving their toughness without having to take responsibility for the consequences.”


Let us hope for the continued good of America that the Voters use their common sense and morality and not their emotions and deny entry to the White House to any of these raging lunatics!

Twitter @sheriffali