Archive for GOP & Trump Disgracing America

Republican Legislators Are Flies On The Excrement Of America’s 1% Rich; A Disease That Infects The 99%. Another Way To Put It is “The Republicans [GOP] Are Whores Pimping For The Top 1%!”

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , on September 11, 2017 by sheriffali

Dating back to 1981 to the present day, there aren’t anything worse than the Republican Legislators that have been bestowing more riches unto America’s top 1% while at the same time, ripping to shred America’s working class, Students, the Elderly and the most vulnerable.


If you are honest with yourself you cannot deny that all the Republican Party has been doing for the past 36 years is working 99% for the Rich and 1% for the working class. One can forgive the Republican Voters because after all, most of them are uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and brainwashed and trying to explain to them that they are suffering with the Stockholm Syndrome, they wouldn’t get it! There are no bona fide reasons for being uneducated in America, but that is what keeps the Republican Base. The GOP spend all of their time on the 99% advocating that they don’t need to go to college, because all they really need is a Gun in one hand and the Bible in the other.


In the final analysis, the Republicans combined with Donald Trump has really disgraced America and really brought the United States to its Knees. We have become the laughing stock of the world and basically, we have lost all credibility. We can no longer accuse any other country in the world of “rigged elections,” because with the Treason, Fraud and Corruption of the 2016 Election, America is stained for a long time and perhaps permanently.


Twitter @sheriffali

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