Archive for GOP No Policy

The Economy is doing well because of President Obama’s Policies, but not because of Trump’s or Republican Policies, because they have no Policies, except a Tax Scam that became Law that is now having devastating effects on Layoff, due to what the Rich is doing with the 1.4 Trillion Dollars Tax Cuts.

Posted in Republican Scam with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 26, 2018 by sheriffali



AT & T 4,000

Macy’s 10,000

GE 12,000

Kimberly-Clark 5,500

Tourism Jobs lost 40,000

Walmart Firing Thousands


Toys R Us closing 180 Stores

Pfizer fire 300 Scientists that was working on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson Diseases. Pfizer is using the 10 Billion Dollars Tax Cut to “Buy Back Stocks.”


All of the above transpired just after The Tax Scam became Law and it is the same when Ronald Reagan activated “Trickled Down Economic,” it just doesn’t trickle down, it buries the working class and here we are again with a Republican President and a Republican Controlled Congress, repeating the 1980’s and 2001-2008, as the people suffer, those that voted Republican and those that did not.


Donald Trump is only educated and qualified in Lying, Larceny, Corruption and being a Charlatan, because outside of those characters, Trump is as dumb as you can get. Congressional Republicans are generally educated, but they are deceitful to the core, even against those that support them.


The easier problem for America is going to be getting rid of Trump; however, the monumental task is how to educate the majority of the 62 Million people that voted for Trump and the GOP, because in the final analysis, there are only two types of Republicans; Billionaires and Fools, check your Bank Account and find out which one you are!


Twitter @sheriffali



A 1-21