Archive for GOP Liars and Crooks

CIA: Trey Gowdy Altered Documents To Frame Hillary Clinton In The Benghazi Email GOP Investigation

Posted in Benghazi, GOP Committee, Trey Gowdy Altered Documents with tags , , , , , , , on October 20, 2015 by sheriffali

In a bombshell revelation, the Central Intelligence Agency reached out to Democrats serving on the Select Committee on Benghazi on Saturday to confirm that Chairman Trey Gowdy had altered documents provided to the committee by Hillary Clinton.

Monday, October 5, 2015, all five Democratic Members of the Select Committee on Benghazi sent a letter informing House Select Committee on Benghazi Chairman Trey Gowdy (F-SC) that they planned to begin releasing witness interview transcripts, starting with the interview of former State Department Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, in order to correct the public record after numerous inaccurate Republican leaks.

“Despite claims that the Committee would be run with integrity, Republicans have engaged in a series of selective leaks of inaccurate and incomplete information in an effort to attack Secretary Clinton with unsubstantiated or previously debunked allegations,” the Democrats wrote.

On October 7, 2015, Gowdy sent a response to ranking minority member Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), stating that he was “disheartened at the nature and tone of Monday’s letter from your Democrat colleagues and you.”

In the letter, Gowdy referred extensively to Sidney Blumenthal, a long-time confidante and adviser to the Clintons, who served as assistant and senior adviser to Bill Clinton from August 1997 until January 2001.

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Weighing Trump’s Bankruptcy Swindling And Sexism Against Carly Fiorina Dishonesty; Lost Causes For America!

Posted in Carly Fiorina, Donald Trump, Politics, Republicans with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 23, 2015 by sheriffali

One part of me wants to bash Carly Fiorina for her persistent dishonesty. The other part wants to defend her against Donald Trump’s persistent sexism. So here’s both.


Fiorina’s dishonesty is flagrant and unapologetic. Called on her misstatements, Fiorina doesn’t cede ground, she attacks critics. Exhibit A isher evocative description, at the most recent GOP debate, of a nonexistent Planned Parenthood video: “Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says, ‘We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.’ ”


Horrific, but untrue. The sting video, released by an anti-abortion group, features a former technician for a fetal tissue procurement company describing how a Planned Parenthood employee “taps the heart and it starts beating,” then instructs her to remove the brain.

As concluded, “The video does contain images of what appear to be intact fetuses, but they don’t fit Fiorina’s description.” One clip, in which a fetus appears to move, is credited to a different anti-abortion group, and it’s unclear where it was filmed. Another shows a stillborn baby, it turns out, not an aborted fetus.


Fiorina’s comments could be chalked up to forgivable hyperbole, easily remedied. The audio from the technician is gruesome enough, and Fiorina could be excused for thinking, as the video’s producers presumably intended, that she was actually watching the scene being described.


But backing down is not the Fiorina way. Repeatedly challenged after the debate, she repeatedly asserted that she was correct and that any disagreement was lazy partisanship from critics who hadn’t bothered to watch.


“I didn’t misspeak,” Fiorina told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. “I have seen those images.” Fox News’s Chris Wallace asked her, “Do you acknowledge what every fact-checker has found . . . there is no actual footage of the incident that you just mentioned?”


Fiorina: “No, I don’t accept that at all. . . . I haven’t found a lot of people in the mainstream media who have ever watched these things.”

This dishonesty is part of a pattern. Fiorina’s up-by-the-bootstraps foundational story — from secretary to chief executive — is similarly misleading. In fact, Fiorina is the child of privilege. Her father was a Stanford law professor, Duke Law School dean, deputy attorney general and federal appeals court judge. Horatio Alger this is not.


At the same time, Trump manages to put me in Fiorina’s corner. In TrumpWorld, where women matter for their looks, there only two kinds: attractive, and therefore “bimbos” (see, e.g., Megyn Kelly), or “dogs.” Which is not quite what he said about Fiorina to Rolling Stone but close: “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?


Even when he is backpedaling, Trump can only do it condescendingly, in terms of appearance. “I think she’s got a beautiful face, and I think she’s a beautiful woman,” Trump said at the debate. Dig, Donald, dig.


And even when he’s not commenting on appearance, Trump’s criticism of Fiorina is laced with not-so-subtle sexism. “She’s got a good pitter-patter,” Trump told Stephanopoulos, “but if you listen to her for more than five minutes straight, you get a headache.” He used the same dismissive line on “Fox & Friends” the next day.


Pitter-patter? Headache? The first is classic trivializing of what a woman has to say. The second is classic invocation of woman as nagging shrew. It’s easy to imagine Trump complaining to one of his ex-wives that she’s giving him a headache. It’s hard to imagine him using those words in connection with one of his male opponents. (They are, instead, “low-energy” — shades of, ahem, low-T.)


Not that Trump’s fellow candidates are paragons of gender-neutral virtue. How revealing that Mike Huckabee picked his wife and Ben Carson his mother as candidates for the $10 bill.


Really, women are only valued as wives and mothers? They can’t think of a woman — an American woman, Jeb Bush, not Margaret Thatcher — with accomplishments besides marriage and procreation? What if a female candidate selected her husband or father to be featured on the national currency?


Fiorina rejected the premise as mere “gesture,” arguing that “we ought to recognize that women are not a special interest group.” But currency is inherently symbolic; including a woman is about equal, not special, treatment.


Fiorina’s response lets her appear above the fray of gender politics, even as she benefits from being the only woman in the GOP race and touts her ability to take on Hillary Clinton.


Anyone else get the sense that the only woman Fiorina would be happy to see on the $10 bill is. . . Fiorina? {Washington Post Ruth Marcus}


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Fact-Checking Site Proves Just How Good President Obama Has been For America.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 29, 2015 by sheriffali

So When Republicans Say That President Obama Has Been The “Worst President In History,” They Are Clearly Throwing Red-Meat To Their Uninformed, Brainwashed Gullible Crowd!


[Source Forward Progress]

Following His annual State of the Union speech, many Republicans have been quite critical of the supposed” arrogance” President Obama displayed while giving his address. Then again, what’s new? Republicans have been trying to paint the President as arrogant and “out of touch” for years.


But with all recent SOTU address speeches, Fact-Checking Organizations usually work overtime in an attempt to investigate whether or not what the President said during his speech was factually correct. And this year was no different.


And when it comes to the “Truth-O-Meter” over at Politifact, President Obama’s SOTU scored extremely high marks for accuracy and truth.


When he said that America is number one in the wind power, that was rated as “Mostly True” with the only caveat being that China technically has the capacity to produce more wind power, but we convert more of it into electricity.


Then there was when the President said we are creating more jobs than at any other time since 1999, Politifact rated that 100 percent “True.” We all remember 1999, right? You know, the last time we had a Democrat in the White House.


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You can read the entire report by clicking on the link below;