Archive for GOP Hypocrisy

In Defense Of Hillary Clinton Women Who Hate Other Women: The Psychological Root of Snarky [Psychology Dot Com]

Posted in 2016 Presidency, Hillary Clinton, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 15, 2015 by sheriffali


As a Man I think it is fair to say that not all but many Men are Misogynists and  Chauvinistic towards women, despite having Mothers, Daughters, Sisters, Aunts and Nieces. Of course this is very damning but what is even worse is when Women hate other Women because they are either intimidated by Women that are highly successful and a force to be reckoned with.



I am supporting Hillary Clinton as I did in 2008 to be America’s First Female President and in comments from my Blog, Facebook Page, Twitter and other Social Media, I am unequivocally surprised at the statements made by other women towards the Former First Lady, US Senator, Secretary of State and the most viable Candidate for President in the upcoming 2016 Presidential Race.

[Psychology Dot Com] “As I overheard a group of women this past week in line at a store verbally tear apart a couple of women within their social circle who happened to be absent, I was taken aback by the vitriol. As I reflected on how women talk about other women, I thought about what I’ve heard so many women say over the years: 


“Girls are so much crueler to each other than men.” Based on fifteen years of clinical work with women who represent virtually every possible demographic variable (Come on, I trained in New York City), I can assuredly report that the women I’ve worked with report more critical views of other women than the men do with their own male peers.


Most women will tell you that they have survived at least one mean girl in their past: a girl who dismissed, put down, or even socially tormented them. What does the research say? It probably goes without saying that the research is complex, particularly because it is challenging (or impossible?) to measure a critical, negative or hostile attitude given the self-serving bias that makes people want to see themselves as good and upstanding. Fortunately, recent years have seen an uptick in attention when it comes to the research. 


Research shows that women during the college years may have negative attitudes about particular types of other women. Vrangalova and colleagues (2013) found that female college students were less likely to want to be friends with another female who was seen as sexually promiscuous, when compared to the rate for male college students who wanted to be friends with a promiscuous male peer. The study showed that the women clearly noticed the promiscuous woman and also had negative beliefs about her as a result.


In terms of women’s approach to competition, research from Benenson and colleagues (2011) is particularly interesting. According to the study, women may be more sensitive than men to social exclusion, and when they feel threatened by the prospect of being left out, a woman’s first response may be to socially exclude a third party. Again, for any woman who’s been on the receiving end of a female bully, this will come as no surprise.


In addition, Nicki Crick is a true rock star of gender research. Crick has devoted many years to investigating relational aggression, the type of aggression females appear to engage in more regularly than males (who tend to engage in more physical aggression). Crick would most likely argue that women’s negative attitudes are actually a manifestation of relational agression. In a study examining the attitudes and aggressive behavior of fourth and fifth grade boys and girls, Crick and Bigbee (1998) found that girls were significantly more relationally victimized, while boys were significantly more overtly victimized.


In talking about the influence a mother has on her daughter, we also have to talk about social learning theory. Social learning theory reminds us that modeling has much to do with how children learn. The real but graphic truth is that there are many mothers out there in the world who aren’t so sweet to their daughters, and readily say and do things that would make many of us cringe. It’s critical to note that much of what is said and done by mothers that is ultimately hurtful was engaged under the veiled intention of having ‘her best interests in mind.’  I have found that women who are mean-spirited about other women were often raised by a mother who probably didn’t like herself and didn’t feel warmly toward women, in general, either.


The other factor that I see at work in my practice is anxiety. I find that the majority of female criticism actually stems from feeling inadequate in an area of life they value highly. For example, I have a female client who is extremely critical of other’s parenting styles, but it’s simultaneously worth noting that she has had great difficulty becoming pregnant and is currently in the midst of fertility treatments. With my client, she feels inadequate and defensive, and she defends herself by criticizing other women’s parenting styles. In other words, she’s not critical of other women because she thinks less of them; she is covetous of what they have instead.


The women I have seen clinically over the years also have reported far greater anxiety in the appearance department than men, and I see that the pressure women feel from men and the media to fit a certain physical type of thinness and beauty gets transformed to the point that they turn it on each other. Interestingly, one 2012 study from Snapp and colleagues found that young women with high family support and low levels of perceived socio-cultural pressure from family, friends and the media regarding the importance of achieving a ‘thin and beautiful’ ideal had a more positive body image. It makes perfect sense, too, so let’s all agree to watch the amount of pressure we inflict on young girls.


I know, I know: Things seem to look good for Hillary in 2016, and there are lots of other examples of the progress American culture has made in terms of gender equality. Yet women continue to earn less money today than men and occupy fewer positions in politics and at the heads of Fortune 500 companies. Independent of what the research shows, it’s understandable on a common-sense level if women feel that they must work hard to secure whatever social power they can, and this may sometimes take the form of exclusionary practices with other women. When it comes to our kids, I believe that there is much we can do and say to give our daughters the sense that their lives will be equally important to those of men, and I’ll teach my daughter that she’ll get there by supporting—and not criticizing—other girls. If I’m careful, one day she’ll be a woman who will speak positively about other women.”



Twitter @sheriffali



Association for Psychological Science (2011, March 5). Mean girls and queen bees: Females threatened by social exclusion will reject others first. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 17, 2013, from <a href=” (link is external)¬ ” target=”_blank”> (link is external)¬ </a>/releases/2011/02/

American Psychological Association (1998, March 26). Boys And Girls Are Cruel To Each Other In Different Ways — But The Effects Are Equally Harmful. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 24, 2013, from (link is external)­/releases/1998/03/980326075743.htm

Shannon Snapp, Laura Hensley-Choate, Ehri Ryu. A Body Image Resilience Model for First-Year College Women. Sex Roles, 2012; DOI: 10.1007/s11199-012-0163-1 (link is external)

Springer Science+Business Media (2012, May 9). Self-worth needs to go beyond appearance, experts say. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 17, 2013, from <a href=” (link is external)¬ ”

  1. Vrangalova, R. E. Bukberg, G. Rieger. Birds of a feather? Not when it comes to sexual permissiveness. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 2013; DOI: 10.1177/0265407513487638

Jim Bob And Michelle Duggar’s Interview On Fox News Kelly File Is Self Evident That The GOP, Fox And The Duggars Republican God doesn’t Have A Problem With Incest And The Sexual Abuse Of Children.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 4, 2015 by sheriffali

But Apparently The Republican God Does Have Big Problems With Gays {LGBT} Minorities And The 50% White President.

Fox News Interview Backfires Instead Shows Why Duggars Should Never Be Allowed Back On TV


The Duggars interview on Fox News backfired. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar showed no remorse, claimed that they were victims of the police and media, and revealed to the world why they should never be allowed back on television.



The interview intro featured Megyn Kelly referring to Josh Duggar’s admitted child molestation as “allegations.” Megyn Kelly’s intro sounded like it came directly from the Duggars agent.



The interview began with Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar repeating their press release. The Duggar parents said that they were devastated. Jim Bob said that Josh was just curious about girls and the girls didn’t even know that he did it. (Jim Bob and Michelle are working hard to whitewash their son’s crimes.) Jim Bob said, “Looking back, we did the best we could under the circumstances.” The Duggars claimed that this happens in a lot parents’ homes. Jim Bob said, “Again, this is not rape or something like that.”




Jim Bob Duggar claimed that they didn’t send their molesting son for real help, because real programs don’t have a good success rate. Jim Bob hinted that God cured Josh Duggar’s habit of molesting his sisters; Michelle Duggar said that her son knew in his heart it was wrong.



Megyn Kelly’s “tough questions” involve asking a lot of, ‘what was that like for you?’ Job Bob repeated that Christian based non-professional counseling turned his molester son’s life around.



Michelle Duggar was asked if she feared for the safety of her daughters, and she answered that they put safeguards in place, but she expressed no fear for her daughters. Jim Bob Duggar admitted that they didn’t try to protect their daughters as much as, “Josh’s heart went astray.” Jim Bob tried to explain it away again by saying that none of the girls knew about it or understood what he had done. Duggar was claiming that Josh Duggar’s child molestation was a victimless crime.



In the next segment, the Duggars denied that they covered up their son’s crimes. Jim Bob said that the selection of the trooper was random. The Duggars said that the child pornography convicted cop put the fear of God into Josh. The Duggar parents said that Josh Duggar and all of their kids received professional counseling.




Jim Bob Duggar claimed that his family had nothing to hide by the time the TLC show began. Jim Bob said that God has forgiven Josh Duggar, and then the Fox News witch hunt against the police chief who leaked the report began. The Duggars speculated that the chief was bribed. The Duggars said that they want to be advocated for protecting juvenile records. The Duggars claimed that they are the victims in the situation because the sealed Josh Duggar police report was leaked. Jim Bob Duggar quoted Mike Huckabee saying that Josh should be forgiven.




If this interview was intended to get the Duggars their television show back, it backfired. In the entire hour, there was no apology from the Duggars who denied that there is any hypocrisy in their behavior. Michelle Duggar claimed that there is an agenda and Josh Duggar’s actions are being twisted to hurt and slander the family.



Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar showed no remorse and argued for the rest of the family not being punished for what Josh did. It is obvious that TLC and the Duggars are working together, and this interview was designed to get them back on television, whether it be as 19 Kids and Counting or a spinoff.



The Duggars claimed that they were victimized by the police, and their trust was betrayed.



Fox News thought they were helping to save the Duggars, but in reality, they did the public a favor by showing the world why this family should not be allowed on national television. The Duggars think that they are the victims, which is why this twisted family should never be on television again. [Politicususa]


Twitter @sheriffali


Senators John McCain, Lindsay Graham and other GOP’S blocked a 21 billion Veterans Bill

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 22, 2014 by sheriffali

The Bill would have expanded federal healthcare and education programs for veterans, the Senate GOP said the $24 billion bill would bust the budget.  However, the same unpatriotic Republicans that betrayed the Veterans find it fitting to display outrage for the Veterans Administrations fallibilities.



In a shameful display of partisan obstruction by the Mitch McConnell led Senate Republicans that blocked the bill that would have improved veterans benefits.



Senate Republicans blocked the veteran’s bill by using a procedural maneuver to invoke the 60 vote rule. The final vote to waive the budget point of order failed, 56-41. Only two Republicans (Sen. Dean Heller and Sen. Jerry Moran) joined with Democrats on the vote.



(Reuters) – “U.S. Senate Republicans blocked legislation that would have expanded federal healthcare and education programs for veterans, saying the $24 billion bill would bust the budget.


Even though the legislation cleared a procedural vote by a 99-0 vote, the measure quickly got bogged down in partisan fighting.


Supporters said the measure would have brought the most significant changes in decades to U.S. veterans’ programs. For example, it called for 27 new medical facilities to help a healthcare system that is strained by veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.”


Twitter @sheriffali