Archive for GOP Danger To America

In Rare Unity, Hospitals, Doctors and Insurers Criticize Health Bill. GOP TAHCA Takes Away One Trillion Dollars From Health Care And Gives It To The Rich!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , on May 5, 2017 by sheriffali

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Republicans and Donald Trump have spent 104 days from January 20, 2017 to May 04, 2017 working around the clock to destroy the lives of Millions of Americans by repealing Obamacare and implementing [TAHCA] “The American Health Care Act,” which takes away One Trillion Dollars from Health Care and give it to Corporations and the Rich. However, we must never forget the 7 years 2010-2016 the GOP Controlled Congress voted 62 times to repeal Obamacare. And yes, it is millions of uninformed, ignorant, mostly uneducated and brainwashed Americans that vote these people into Office and vote to keep them in Office. Amazing isn’t it?


[NYT] “It is a rare unifying moment. Hospitals, doctors, health insurers and some consumer groups, with few exceptions, are speaking with one voice and urging significant changes to the Republican health care legislation that passed the House on Thursday.


The bill’s impact is wide-ranging, potentially affecting not only the millions who could lose coverage through deep cuts in Medicaid or no longer be able to afford to buy coverage in the state marketplaces. With states allowed to seek waivers from providing certain benefits, employers big and small could scale back what they pay for each year or reimpose lifetime limits on coverage. In particular, small businesses, some of which were strongly opposed to the Affordable Care Act, could be free to drop coverage with no penalty.


The prospect of millions of people unable to afford coverage led to an outcry from the health care industry as well as consumer groups. They found an uncommon ally in some insurers, who rely heavily on Medicaid and Medicare as mainstays of their business and hope the Senate will be more receptive to their concerns.


“The American Health Care Act needs important improvements to better protect low- and moderate-income families who rely on Medicaid or buy their own coverage,” Marilyn B. Tavenner, the chief executive of America’s Health Insurance Plans, the industry’s trade group, said in a strongly worded statement.” Open NYT For Full Article:


Twitter @sheriffali

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