Archive for GOP Crazies

For Increased Ratings And Profits The Media Is Promoting The Prime Requisite Of A Charlatan DONALD TRUMP. This Mountebank Is A Person That Deceived Investors And Swindle Them Out Of Their Money.

Posted in 2016 Presidency, GOP Derangement, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 20, 2015 by sheriffali

If you look at the traits of a Charlatan he/she is a boastful unscrupulous pretender, confidence trickster, fraud, fraudster, impostor, and hoaxer.


Focusing on the Media if you would recall in 2003 they “willfully” went about promulgating George W Bush’s Invasion of Iraq to the point that those that disagreed were brutalized by the Media and, the same Media subsequently crucified George W Bush’s unscrupulous decision on Iraq.


Freedom of the Press has always been important because that is how a proper check on the Government is reported to The People, however, now that “all” of the Media are owned by Six [6] Corporations, there are no more Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, Frank Reynolds, Barbara Walters Peter Jennings and definitely no Walter Cronkite.


Today, we don’t have Journalists but what we do have are a Hosts of People calling themselves Journalists when in truth and in fact, they are just HACKS for their Corporate Bosses. On every News Program they have Talking Head Pundits on the right and on the left, killing each other with garbage.


FACT: With the field of Republicans seeking the Presidency all squeezed together in the Crazy Clown Train, permeating such nonsense, we have become the laughing stock of the world. To hear Donald Trump given the opportunity to Mouth-Out that he would reinvade Iraq, Bomb them and steal the oil, sell it and give the money to our Veterans, well, how much lower we can go?


The advocating of Donald Trump stupidity to remove United States Citizens born in this country and to have this stupidity echoed by Trump’s challengers in his Party and supported by the uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and brainwashed Republican Voters, the embarrassing is chilling.


Donald Trump and the other Republican Coyotes Political Posturing of repealing the Fourteenth Amendment To The Constitution is just that – ‘Posturing By Deranged Idiots.”


“Lindsay Graham knows that birthright citizenship is not about to be repealed. That would require an amendment to the Constitution. Two-thirds of both the House and the Senate would have to approve it, as would three-quarters of the states. Here in California, neither Meg Whitman nor Carly Fiorina, Republican candidates for governor and senator, respectively, supports the idea, nor do their Democratic opponents. So why is this issue being debated? Because it’s a freebie: Conservatives can tout it without fear of it coming to pass, thereby proving their toughness without having to take responsibility for the consequences.”


Let us hope for the continued good of America that the Voters use their common sense and morality and not their emotions and deny entry to the White House to any of these raging lunatics!

Twitter @sheriffali


Jeb Bush – The Tortoise Is Chasing The Man With The Dead Animal’s Bleached Hair On His Head! Methinks Thou Doth Exclaim Too Much!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 19, 2015 by sheriffali

Jeb Bush is blaming Iraq’s chaos, ISIS and the total broken Middle-East that his Brother George W Bush caused, on President Obama and Hillary Clinton.


Right now Jeb is in trouble because of the man with the Dead Animal’s Bleached Hair On His Head. Jeb is chasing the “Hair” day and night and he is manufacturing untruths that are putting him in even worse of a situation because, people are not stupid as the Bush’s think they are.

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[NYT] “In politics, the smallest things often turn out to be the most telling ones, and so it is with the man who was supposed to be the Republican front-runner, who once inspired such rapture among party elders and whose entrance into the presidential race they yearned and clamored for.


They not only got their wish, they got it with punctuation: Jeb! That’s Jeb Bush’s logo, and the exclamation point is the tell. None of the other Republican presidential candidates has anything like it. None of the Democrats either. It’s a declaration of passion that only someone worried about a deficit of it would issue. Methinks thou doth exclaim too much.


Before Bush announced his candidacy, talk of his vulnerabilities focused largely on certain positions — his defense of Common Core educational standards, his advocacy for immigration reform — that were anathema to many voters in the Republican primaries. He was sure to catch flak.


But catching fire is his bigger problem. He can’t do it. In a bloated field of bellicose candidates, he’s a whisper, a blur, starved of momentum, bereft of urgency and apt to make news because he stumbles, not because he soars. Can he soar? Or even sprint?


“I’m the tortoise in the race,” he told a group of voters in Florida not long ago. “But I’m a joyful tortoise.”


And Donald Trump’s a demented peacock and I’m a crotchety hippo. Reverse anthropomorphism is a fun game, but if you’re playing it in the service of selling yourself, best not to summon a sluggish creature with a muted affect and an impenetrable shell.


Republicans should have seen this turtle coming. In some sense they did. Bush’s fans and backers praised him as a thoughtful “policy wonk” and conceded that he wasn’t any dynamo at the lectern or on the trail.


But they downgraded the importance of dynamism, maybe because they didn’t expect so much competition, including Trump. (It’s “the race between the tortoise and the bad hair,” cracked Jay Leno last week.) They couldn’t envision the way in which 16 rivals would rob Bush of clear distinction and definition.


Sure, he speaks Spanish and has a Mexican-born wife, but Marco Rubio also speaks Spanish and has two Cuban-born parents. Sure, he was twice elected governor of a state that’s not reliably red, but so were Scott Walker, Chris Christie and John Kasich.


He’s not the most eloquent or the most inspiring, so his backers began to pitch him as the most adult. But at that first debate, Kasich stole even that superlative from him.


What’s left? He’s raised the most money, some of which he’ll use for television ads much sooner than anyone had anticipated. He’ll try to buy the oomph that he can’t organically generate.


Oomph is what that big speech last week — in which he blamed Hillary Clinton for the rise of the Islamic State — was largely about. He was flexing his audacity and independence, showing that his surname wouldn’t cow him from going after a Democratic rival on any matter, including Iraq. It took gall to edit his older brother out of the diatribe. It took guts to go with a diatribe in the first place.


Did it help? Polls suggest not. A CNN/ORC survey that was released on Tuesday showed that he doesn’t fare nearly as well as Trump when Republican voters are asked whom they trust most on the economy, on immigration and on battling Islamic extremists.

He runs afoul of the moment. Voters right now are more enamored of outsiders than usual, as the traction of not just Trump but also two other Republican candidates who have never held elective office — Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina — demonstrates.


Voters have had enough of protocol and pieties. Thus Trump thrives in a party that he constantly browbeats and shows no real loyalty toward, while Bernie Sanders flourishes among Democrats though he has repeatedly railed against them and doesn’t technically identify as one.


For some alienated voters, supporting either of these two insurgents is the same as raising a middle finger to establishment politicians and to politics as usual, and tactful, tasteful Bush can never be a middle finger. More like a pinkie.


he pinkie may prevail. In the Bush camp there’s a theory, or perhaps an anxiety-quelling fantasy, that the Trump mania and the related craziness will benefit Bush, who can methodically build support and incrementally lengthen his stride while the glare and heat are on others.


Trump burns out, the field eventually winnows, and Bush is saved by a superlative after all. He’s the most durable candidate.


It’s a plausible scenario. But it’s hardly a joyful one. And there’s only one way to punctuate it — with a question mark.”


Twitter @sheriffali

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