Archive for Francois Hollande

“The Ukraine Cease-Fire Will Fall Apart Because There Are Three Charlatans That Are Chameleons In The Midst With Self Interest; Vladimir Putin, Francois Hollande And Angela Merkel.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 12, 2015 by sheriffali

Vladimir Putin wants the Ukrainian Eastern Land Border to buttress Crimea’s waterfront with Ukraine; Francois Hollande built two Air Craft Carries for Russia at a total cost exceeding 1.6 Billion US Dollars. France hasn’t been able to deliver the First Carrier that has been completed since the end of last year due to the ongoing Sanctions against Russia; and, Angela Merkel has always been in a conspiracy with Putin dating back prior to Putin annexing Crimea.


The Only true protector Ukraine has is the United States and that is fact because we want nothing from Ukraine, except for the Ukrainian people to be a Democratic Country having the freedom to live out their God given lives. [Sheriff Ali]”


“MINSK, Belarus — A new cease-fire and an overall compact to end the war in eastern Ukraine was announced here on Thursday by the leaders of France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine after marathon overnight bargaining that threatened to derail the attempt. Even as the agreement was announced, it appeared fragile, with officials on all sides saying that there was more work to be done.


The cease-fire is scheduled to take effect at midnight on Saturday, but the fact that the leaders used three separate news conferences to announce the accord suggested a lack of unity. Still, after such a concentrated effort, all the leaders chose to accent the idea that there was at least a chance that the yearlong war could be quieted.


The negotiations “consisted of a long night and a long morning, but we have arrived at an accord on a cease-fire and a global end to the conflict,” President François Hollande of France said. “It is a relief for Europe.”


Mr. Hollande said a broader agreement on ending the war would ultimately hinge on border control and the resolution of questions like the withdrawal of heavy weapons. [New York Times]


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