Archive for Fox Wing-Nuts Followers

[FACT] President Obama has issued the least number of executive orders since the 1800’s!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 20, 2014 by sheriffali

And yet the Fox News Nut Cases, “masters of misnomers” and totally bankrupt of shame, would tend to tell you otherwise and the Fox Wing-Nuts Followers, brainwashed, brain-dead, ignorant and gullible Americans, believe these outlandish lies, perhaps in the same manner as they do that “Climate Change is a fallacy.”


Every American can do their own research and find out the “truth” about anything, rather than take their gospel from CABLE NEWS that have their own agenda; “create commotion with lies; bring on their shows people so far apart in their thinking that if words killed, they would all be dead.


CABLE NEWS HOSTS willingly participate in this hypocrisy at the orders of their Corporate Bosses whose only concerns are; increase viewership in order to garner more advertising to increase revenues in the name of AVARICE!


Of all of America’s Cable News, Fox promotes the most hate; runs down President Obama as if he comes at nights and steals their “only” underwear; have the most notorious, Obama Haters that are bankrupt of truth and decency that never existed before. Lou Dobbs, Smith Varney, Sean Hannity, Greta Van Susteren, Megyn Kelly, Bill O’Riley and the rest of Hacking Murdoch’s team lead by Roger Ailes, leaves an open ended question; “why would any sane person listen and follow these people?


Look at any of the shows on Fox and see who their repeated guests are; Rush Limbaugh, John Bolton, Newt Gingrich, Sara Palin, Donald Trump, and as for their guests from Congress, “they are the worst of the extreme right of the Republican Party.