Archive for Ferguson

Jon Stewart slams CNN Wolf Blitzer’s ‘shock’ over Baltimore: ‘Ferguson was just a few months ago’

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 29, 2015 by sheriffali

Hours after being called out by a Ferguson activist, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer was the butt of the joke on the Daily Show on Tuesday night, as Jon Stewart hammered him for acting shocked about the unrest in Baltimore.[Daily Show Video Link Below]



“Elvis leading a herd of orthodox Jewish unicorns through a city street — that would be hard to believe,” Stewart said. “This sh*t happens all the time. Ferguson was just a few months ago, and you were talking about it.”


To prove his point, Stewart showed footage of Blitzer acting just as apoplectic over the protests in Ferguson last November.


“I am worried about you,” Stewart said. “Do I need to get [Adam] Sandler to go over to your house and just run sh*t by you every morning?”



Overall, Stewart said, reporters have failed to pick up on the recurring nature of urban protests in the US, with Baltimore and Ferguson taking their place among manifestations of turmoil like Watts, Los Angeles, and Miami, among others.

“These cyclical eruptions appear like tragedy cicadas,” he said. “Depressing in their similarity, predictability, and intractability.”


Things are so “f*cked up” in Baltimore, Stewart explained, that its most successful employment program was casting extras for The Wire, a show devoted to showing the world how it was breaking down.



The city also let hostility fester by not taking steps to better monitor tensions between the police and residents, he said, pointing out that even volcano alerts run on a four-tier system.


“Maybe a more nuanced alert system could allow for more productive intervention beyond, ‘You have 10 seconds to disperse,’” Stewart argued. “Or we could agree to keep ignoring the roots of how systemically, historically disenfranchised many African-American communities still are, only paying attention to them when their periodic fiery ball of anger threatens to enter our airspace like some kind of Alex Haley’s comet. And once again breathing a blissful sigh of forgetful relief when it’s another near-miss.”


Twitter @sheriffali



Watch Stewart’s commentary, as posted online on Tuesday, below.




Bob McCulloch’s pathetic prosecution of Darren Wilson; A grand jury will indict a proverbial ham sandwich if a Prosecutor asks it to!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 5, 2014 by sheriffali

Grand Juries Work At The Behest Of The Prosecution That Favors The Privilege And Disavows The Average Citizen. In Today’s World Grand Juries Are No Longer Serving The Public And Needs To Be Outlawed. We Amended The Constitution! [Sheriff Ali]


As has been repeated often in recent weeks, a grand jury will indict a proverbial ham sandwich if a prosecutor asks it to. Alternatively, McCulloch could have brought charges through a judicial hearing; he chose not to do that, either.


Ferguson reminds us that we still have a race problem in America. But the face of this problem is not Darren Wilson’s. It’s Bob McCulloch’s.


Wilson, the Missouri police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black teenager, is the target of most public ire. But no responsible person thought Wilson’s killing of Michael Brown was premeditated. Even if prosecutors tried him on lesser charges of involuntary manslaughter, they might well have come up empty — and most people would have accepted that result of a fair trial.


What causes the outrage, and the despair, is the joke of a grand-jury proceeding run under the auspices of McCulloch, the St. Louis County prosecutor. In September, I wrote that it appeared he wasn’t even trying to get an indictment; he had a long record of protecting police in such cases, and his decision not to recommend a specific charge to the grand jury essentially guaranteed there would be no indictment.


When McCulloch announced the inevitable result Monday night, he prefaced it by blaming the press and social media for whipping up emotions in the case with inaccurate information. He went on to ridicule witnesses who had given inconsistent testimony. He hid behind the grand jurors, as if he hadn’t orchestrated their decision with the finesse of conductor Christoph Eschenbach: “Anyone suggesting that somehow it’s just not a full and fair process is just unfair to these people” who “gave up their lives” to deliberate.


McCulloch essentially acknowledged that his team was serving as Wilson’s defense lawyers, noting that prosecutors “challenged” and “confronted” witnesses by pointing out previous statements and evidence that discredited their accounts. “Physical evidence does not change because of public pressure or personal agenda,” McCulloch lectured piously. “Physical evidence does not look away as events unfold.”


But physical evidence, like eyewitness testimony, is imperfect and often ambiguous. McCulloch knows this; that’s why he hedged in saying Brown’s wounds were “consistent with a close-range gunshot” and “consistent with his body being bent forward.” McCulloch acknowledged that you could “take out a witness here, a witness there, and come to a different conclusion.” And that’s exactly why we have public trials: to litigate conflicting accounts in a setting where the burden of proof is much higher than the probable-cause standard of the grand jury. [Dana Milbank Washington Post]


Twitter @sheriffali


Open link for full article:


White Man’s Justice Is Black Man’s Curse! If All Of The Chairs In Your Home Are Filled This Thanksgiving, Please Remember The Thousands Of Families That Have An Empty Chair, Due To Police Violence And America’s Injustice System Against Minorities.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 27, 2014 by sheriffali

“Pain for which we cannot forget falls drop by drop unto the heart; and in our despondency and against our will, come wisdom through the awesome grace of God.”


“Pain breaks not the calm of the sweet twilight of age, for strength made perfect in weakness bears up with patience under it all. Ripe fruits of choice experience are gathered as the rare repast of life’s evening, and the soul prepares itself for rest.


The Lord’s people shall also enjoy light in the hour of death. Unbelief laments; the shadows fall, the night is coming, existence is ending. Ah no, crieth faith, the night is far spent, the true day is at hand. Light is come, the light of immortality, the light of a Father’s countenance. Gather up thy feet in thy bed; see the waiting bands of spirits!


Angeles waft thee away. Farewell, beloved one, thou art gone, thou wavest thine hand. Ah, now it is light. The pearly gates are open, the golden streets shine in the jasper light. We cover our eyes, but thou beholdest the unseen, adieu, beloved, thou hast light at even-tide, such as we have not yet! AMEN!”



Twitter @sheriffali


Darren Wilson, Police that shot Michael Brown six times was previously fired from the Jennings Police Department, miles away from Ferguson

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 25, 2014 by sheriffali

So much for that spotless record. Darren Wilson, along with 44 other cops, was fired because of serious misconduct, excessive force and rampant corruption. Why is that not on his record?



According to the Washington Post, up until three years ago Darren Wilson worked for the Jennings Police Department, located not far from from the city of Ferguson. The Jennings police department was also made up of mostly white officers, who were supposed to be protecting and serving a mostly black community. Instead, there were so many problems between the police and residents of the town, that the entire 45 person police force was fired. Wilson was one of the officers who lost his job, when the Jennings police force was disbanded.



The city of Jennings has a population of only 14,000 residents, 89 percent of those citizens are black. The racial make-up of the city’s police force, on the other hand, was something like 43 white officers to two black officers. Much like Ferguson, the poverty rate is high and full time employment is scarce. Rodney Epps, one of the Jennings city council members who voted to disband the entire police force, told the Washington Post that the city was plagued racial tension.


Epps said during an interview, published on August 23.




After a string of lawsuits over unnecessary force, including accusations of police beating and attacking residents without cause, along with federal and state investigations that revealed fraud and corruption inside the Jennings police department, the city council realized that the entire force was a liability, instead of an asset.


The council voted 6-1 to shut down the Jennings police department, fire all 45 officers who belonged to it, and start over.


While there are no specific reports about Darren Wilson at this time, Lt. Jeff Fuestang, who was appointed to run the city’s new police department described conditions in Jennings at the time the that Wilson was fired:



“There was a disconnect between the community and the police department. There were just too many instances of police tactics which put the credibility of the police department in jeopardy. Complaints against officers. There was a communication breakdown between the police and the community. There were allegations involving use of force that raised questions.”


Twitter @sheriffali




We highlight other people’s crimes to take the moral high ground as a pretext to ignore the real issues! The issue of Race in America!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 21, 2014 by sheriffali

“America was built on two monumental crimes: The Genocide of the Native Americans and the Enslavement of Africans. The tendency of Official America is to memorialize other people’s crimes and to forget its own in order to seek a high moral ground as a pretext to ignore real issues.”


Two [2] Blacks are killed every week with impunity by White Police. This is a National and International disgrace and one that is never given any attention by Republicans. Between Republicans and Fox Misnomer News, it is self evident that the White Police was more than justified in shooting Michael Brown, the 18 year old teenager six [6] times.


This shouldn’t be a surprise to any sane person because if you look at the reality surrounding President Obama, a man who took over as President under circumstances that no other President had to deal with in the past 50 years.


Bush and Cheney reaped havoc on America and the world, they left everything upside down and threw us in deep and unforgiving waters. Obama came along and anyone that says we are worst off today than when President Obama took Office, are being deceptive, uninformed, ignorant and or, so brainwashed that to them, the 50% Black Man is the cause of all that ails America.


Earlier today Gallup released another Poll and Obama’s rating fell even lower, it is down to 35%. Why? The Dow was 7,200 when he took office and on Wednesday it closed at 16,979. The NASDQ closed at a 14 year high. Job opening in June stood at 4.6 million, the largest in 13 years. The Housing Market that collapsed by Wall Street Greed and perpetuated by the lack of regulations, bankrupted millions; millions lost their homes and those that manage to keep their homes, they did so with their mortgage under water. And yes, the Housing Market has rebounded. Unemployment that was over 10% with jobs being lost at the rate of 800,000 per month under Bush, job gains since Obama took Office is 10,000,000. Based on recent surveys, 75 of the jobs are high-wage jobs, not minimum wage.


The News Media reported that 33% of Americans wanted Obama impeached and one has to wonder why the news couldn’t be, 66% doesn’t want the President impeached. I will tell you why. The 1,500 Television Stations; 9,000 Radio Stations; the 1,500 News Paper; the 3,000 Magazines and the 2,400 Publishers are owned by six [6] Corporations and big Corporations aren’t friends with Obama. So, the Public no longer hear the News, they hear Opinions, Opinions as directed by the Corporate Owners to their Employees. Today, Americans are more uninformed about the difference between facts and fiction.


“WASHINGTON — Nearly two times a week in the United States, a white police officer killed a black person during a seven-year period ending in 2012, according to the most recent accounts of justifiable homicide reported to the FBI.


On average, there were 96 such incidents among at least 400 police killings each year that were reported to the FBI by local police. The numbers appear to show that the shooting of a black teenager in Ferguson, Mo., last Saturday was not an isolated event in American policing.


The reports show that 18% of the blacks killed during those seven years were under age 21, compared to 8.7% of whites. The victim in Ferguson was 18-year-old Michael Brown.


While the racial analysis is striking, the database it’s based on has been long considered flawed and largely incomplete. The killings are self-reported by law enforcement and not all police departments participate so the database undercounts the actual number of deaths. Plus, the numbers are not audited after they are submitted to the FBI and the statistics on “justifiable” homicides have conflicted with independent measures of fatalities at the hands of police. [Partly USA Today]


Twitter @sheriffali



Tear Gas [CS] that is prohibited in warfare by the Chemical Weapons Convention that was signed in 1993 by many countries including the United States is still legal Domestically and used against its Citizens

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 19, 2014 by sheriffali


Tear Gas was prohibited for us in warfare by the Chemical Weapons Convention that was signed by many countries including the United States in 1993. It is classified as a chemical warfare agent. However, despite CS [Tear Gas] being considered a chemical warfare agent and prohibited in warfare, it does not apply to domestic use and it is used by Police legally in many countries, including the United States.


In many instances where harassing agent have been used, negotiations and dialogue could have pursued. Often, public order might be better served if riot Police are not called immediately to duty. It is the hallmark of repressive regimes to equate the voicing of dissent with disorder and to deny opponents the freedom of assembly and speech, right guaranteed universally among signatories to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


How it works


The effects of CS can vary widely and are dependent on the dosage received, duration exposed, and whether the chemical is packaged as a volatile solution or used as an aerosol. “Tear gases are nerve gases that specifically activate pain-sensing nerves,” explained scientist Sven-Eric Jordt, who studies the effects of tear gas and other chemicals at Yale University School of Medicine, in an interview with National Geographic last year. Though this sounds extreme, medical professionals have concluded that CS gas poses little danger when used appropriately. “No consistent adverse effects from acute exposure have been documented, nor has excessive or unfounded use been a problem, “says, research director for the Department of Emergency Medicine and Clinical Toxicology at the University of Tennessee.



After exposure, the effects of CS are generally felt within 60 seconds. The most immediate effects are irritation of the eyes, skin and mucous membranes, leading to burning sensations, tearing, coughing, and, if swallowed, vomiting. Burning of the skin, excessive fluid production in the eyes, nose and throat, disorientation and dizziness are common. Most of these subside within an hour if the exposed individual is removed from the scene into a well-ventilated area and removes clothing contaminated by the chemical. However, severe reactions to the chemical have occurred, and include blistering, irreversible damage to the eyes, heart and liver damage, respiratory distress, and heart failure. People with asthma or otherwise weakened respiratory systems are particularly at risk of life-threatening complications. While there are no confirmed fatalities from CS exposure, tear gasses in general have had lethal effects, and CS specifically has been implicated in at least one death during an aggravated arrest.


Medical opinion on its use


Not all professionals agree that CS is safe enough for domestic use. “Tear gas under the Geneva Convention is characterized as a chemical warfare agent, and so it is precluded for use in warfare,” explains Jordt, “but it is used very frequently against civilians. That’s very illogical.”


“The possibility of long-term health consequences such as tumor formation, reproductive effects and pulmonary disease is especially disturbing in view of the multiple exposures sustained by demonstrators and non-demonstrators alike in some areas of civil unrest” wrote Howard Hu and five other medical doctors in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1989. “The evidence already assembled regarding the pattern of use of tear gas as well as its toxicology raises the question of whether its further use can be condoned under any conditions.” The doctors came down hard on current police use of the substance: [Discover Magazine]


Twitter @sheriffali


As depicted in the Photo, America’s innocence into tragedy derived from right-wing insanity of their affinity with Guns; Police being armed Military Style waging War against Americans rather than protecting its people; Journalists being arrested; we have hit a new low!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 19, 2014 by sheriffali

Republicans, The NRA and Media Imposter such as Fox News, purposefully misuse the Constitution, hate, prejudice, bigotry and everything that is negative, to maintain their base that has turned America from its “innocence to the madness” we are witnessing today.


African Americans are killed more frequently in the present time without any repercussion to the Police that are supposed to protect them and even when White Non-Authorities such as Zimmerman provoked a confrontation and shot the 17 year old to death, the Corrupt Judicial System allows him to walk free.


Darren Wilson murdered Michael Brown in Ferguson and the State went as far as brining out the National Guard and are running huge tabs for all the Police that are employed day and night to quell the unrest. When it fact, this problem could be solved in a moment; arrest the Officer because there isn’t any doubt that he willfully killed Michael Brown. What kind of Police we have that shoots an 18 year old 6 times? Even charging Darren Wilson he would still have the privilege of being defended and that is more than he granted to the Michael Wilson.


If the table were turned and it was a Black Officer that had shot a White teenager he would be locked up and there would be no protection for him as they are providing for Darren Wilson. Americans, not all, have become envious of people that are non-white and do well. You live your whole life here; you worked 18 hours per day and become very wealthy, but if a White Police sees you driving a $100,000.00 plus car, he pulls you over and the first thing out of his mouth, “you are one of those that come to my country and live of Government Assistance.” When he sees on your License where you live and if it reads Beverly Hills or Palos Verdes, he manufactures some story about the vehicle seem to be swerving and ask if you were drinking. Never put a drop of Alcohol in your mouth, and then he says, well, take it easy. Reason; “he smells Law Suit and the possible loss of his job.”


When racial White people claims you playing the race card when in fact they are the racists, it makes you wonder, with another White Republican President; a Republican Majority in the US Supreme Court and Congress which has 273 Republicans and only “one” happens to be Black and he didn’t win an election he was appointed Senator when Jim DeMint resign to go and create more havoc. Where are we going? I wonder?


Twitter @sheriffali  


Autopsy by Dr. Michael Baden Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at Least 6 Times, twice to the Head…….

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 18, 2014 by sheriffali

FERGUSON, Mo. — Michael Brown, the unarmed black teenager who was killed by a police officer, sparking protests around the nation, was shot at least six times, including twice in the head, a preliminary private autopsy performed on Sunday found.


One of the bullets entered the top of Mr. Brown’s skull, suggesting his head was bent forward when it struck him and caused a fatal injury, according to Dr. Michael M. Baden, the former chief medical examiner for the City of New York, who flew to Missouri on Sunday at the family’s request to conduct the separate autopsy. It was likely the last of bullets to hit him, he said.


Mr. Brown, 18, was also shot four times in the right arm, he said,


The bullets did not appear to have been shot from very close range because no gunpowder was present on his body. However, that determination could change if it turns out that there is gunshot residue on Mr. Brown’s clothing, to which Dr. Baden did not have access.



Ferguson Police: This is not Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea or some far off land. This is the United States of America! Killing an unarmed Teenager, it is Murder!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 14, 2014 by sheriffali

Michael Brown is just one of the many African American Teenagers killed by trigger happy White Police. The Police kill with impunity because they have a sense that their act as barbaric and criminal as it is would have no consequences.


Michael Brown was killed in broad-daylight and there are witnesses. Five days later and the Police Chief of Ferguson still have refused to release the name of the Officer that killed Mike Brown.


See the writing on the wall. The Police Chief remarks on Thursday that the Officer suffered bruises to his face and was taken to the Hospital, seems to be another George Zimmerman type of defense scheme that is being “cooked up.”


The Ferguson Police Department has no business with the Military Type Equipment in the way of Vehicles, Guns and other Munitions. Perhaps, just perhaps, Ferguson Police Officers are watching too many Rambo and Die Hard Movies! Stop them now or the price of African teenager’s lives would surely be much more compromised.


Twitter @sheriffali