Archive for Fascist

When The Time Comes Does Trump Have The Nerve To Blow His Brains Out Like Hitler, Or Whine Like His Tweets And Cry During His Treason Trial? Donald Reckoning Is Imminent!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 14, 2017 by sheriffali


Donald Trump, Most Government Workers Including The US Military Are Honest Hard Working Patriots, Not Everyone Is Like Traitor James Comey And The Likes. Your Day Of Reckoning Is Coming Sooner Rather Than Later!


Trump, You Will Be Exposed For Your Treasonous Acts And Election Fraud. Question Is; “Would You Face The Music Or Take Hitler’s Route And Blow Out Your Brains? Think Carefully For It Is Treason Trial Or Hitler’s Way!



{Huffington Post Published An Interesting Article As To What Is Coming For Trump and His Henchmen}


[Huffington Post] “As President Trump begins his historic détente with Vladimir Putin, it seems a good time to check in with five other men who, along with Trump and Putin, were mentioned in the explosive “Steele Dossier” that hit U.S. media several weeks ago and has since been largely forgotten. The dossier, which accuses Mr. Trump and members of his campaign staff of treason against the United States, was compiled by Christopher Steele, a former high-ranking agent for Britain’s MI6 intelligence service—and the head of that service’s Russia desk.


Intelligence agencies on both sides of the Atlantic say Steele is highly competent and thoroughly credible.


More recently, Business Insider has reported that “the timeline of Trump’s ties with Russia lines up with the allegations of conspiracy and misconduct” contained in the Steele dossier.


Reviewing the fates of the five men below, we find that, since their alleged involvement in the activities detailed in the Steele dossier, one of these men was fired from his job, while another was promoted. A third man was found dead in the back of his car the day after Christmas, while the whereabouts of a fourth are unknown—as he’s gone into hiding for fear of his own and his family’s safety.


As President Trump begins his historic détente with Vladimir Putin, it seems a good time to check in with five other men who, along with Trump and Putin, were mentioned in the explosive “Steele Dossier” that hit U.S. media several weeks ago and has since been largely forgotten. The dossier, which accuses Mr. Trump and members of his campaign staff of treason against the United States, was compiled by Christopher Steele, a former high-ranking agent for Britain’s MI6 intelligence service—and the head of that service’s Russia desk.


Intelligence agencies on both sides of the Atlantic say Steele is highly competent and thoroughly credible.


More recently, Business Insider has reported that “the timeline of Trump’s ties with Russia lines up with the allegations of conspiracy and misconduct” contained in the Steele dossier.


Reviewing the fates of the five men below, we find that, since their alleged involvement in the activities detailed in the Steele dossier, one of these men was fired from his job, while another was promoted. A third man was found dead in the back of his car the day after Christmas, while the whereabouts of a fourth are unknown—as he’s gone into hiding for fear of his own and his family’s safety.


A fifth met with Vladimir Putin as recently as two weeks ago.


This list of five men does not include former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, who was mysteriously pushed out by Trump after reports emerged that Manafort indirectly assisted Russia’s invasion of the Crimean Peninsula in Ukraine—the very international crime the Trump administration now opposes leveling sanctions to punish. Prior to his departure in August, it was widely reported that Manafort had also been behind the Trump campaign’s efforts, at the Republican convention in July, to amend the party’s platform to adopt a more favorable view of Russia’s annexation of Crimea.


Carter Page. On March 21, 2016, then-presidential candidate Donald Trump told the editorial board of The Washington Post that Carter Page was a key member of his foreign policy team. To be clear, Trump cited Page, unprompted, by name—indeed, Page’s was one of the very first names Mr. Trump could think of in offering up his roster of foreign policy advisers. Four months later, Page travelled to Moscow to give a speech at the Higher Economic School. It was at this point, according to the Steele dossier, that the CEO of Russia’s national oil company, Igor Sechin, offered Page brokerage of a 19 percent stake in the oil company if he would convince Mr. Trump to lift U.S. sanctions on Russian oil.”



Twitter @sheriffali


Open Huffington Post Link For Full Article:



America’s Decaying 305 Lbs Sausage, Donald Trump, Self-Righteous Mike Spence And The Fraudulent Republican Congress Are Selling America And Its People To The Highest Bidder And Literally Wrecking 240 Years Of Sacrifices.

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on February 7, 2017 by sheriffali


Today February 7, 2017, Donald Trump, Mike Spence and 50 Republican Senators sold America’s Children and Education System to Betsy DeVos in exchange for the millions of dollars DeVos has given to Republican Politicians including Donald Trump.


It is self evident that trump and Republicans do not care about educating the American Children because, the more uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and brainwashed voters are, the more certain Republicans are of holding on to their Positions and winning Elections.


Educated and Uneducated Voters are like “Water and Oil.” Shake it all you can but be sure and know that it would never mix!


It is clear that the Democrats do not have the votes in the House or the Senate to stop the Republicans and Trump, but what we do have is the “Resistance Movements” against Donald Trump and Republicans phantasmagoric rationales and internecine Policies.


“When Illegality Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty.” Thomas Jefferson.


“The Constitution Is Not A Document For Government To Restrain The People; It is An Instrument For People To Restrain The Government.” Paul Henry


Do not ever surrender your rights to America’s Con Man, Liar and King Of Larceny, Donald Trump or the fraudulent Republicans hiding behind Congressional Protection.


Twitter @sheriffali



Donald Trump: Thug Talking Gibberish; Lies; Cheats; Has Issues With Women; Lazy; Limited And Has The Attention Span Of A Nanosecond!

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Bill Clinton, Blacks, Christianity, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, HIllaryClinton2016, Kathy Perry, Media, Planned Parenthood, POLITICIANS AND THE NRA, Politics 2016, Poverty, Republicans, Rush Limbaugh, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States, White House 2016, Whites, Women, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , , , on October 3, 2016 by sheriffali


[NYT] “Donald Trump is a thug. He’s a thug who talks gibberish, and lies, and cheats, and has issues, to put it mildly, with women. He’s lazy and limited and he has an attention span of a nanosecond. He’s a “gene believer” who thinks he has “great genes” and considers the German blood, of which he is proud, “great stuff.” Mexicans and Muslims, by contrast, don’t make the cut.


He’s managed to bring penis size and menstrual cycles and the eating habits of a former Miss Universe into debates for the highest office in the land. He’s mocked and mimicked the handicapped and the pneumonia-induced malaise of Hillary Clinton. His intellectual interests would not fill a safe-deposit box at Trump Tower. There’s more ingenuity to his hairstyle than any of his rambling pronouncements. His political hero is Vladimir Putin, who has perfected what John le Carré once called the “classic, timeless, all-Russian, bare-faced whopping lie.”


This is a man who likes to strut and gloat. He’s such a great businessman he declared a loss of $916 million on his 1995 Tax Return, a loss so huge the tax software program used by his accountant choked at the amount, which had to be added manually. His cohorts, including the former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, reckon this makes Trump a “genius” because he could offset the loss against many millions of dollars of income for years afterward and perhaps pay not a dime in taxes. All of which did a lot of good for the United States of America and all the working stiffs who did not know that losing about a billion dollars is a financial masterstroke.



And this man, with the support of tens of millions of Americans, is a hairbreadth from the Oval Office.


I am shocked — yes, shocked! — Trump’s burbling about the Iran nuclear deal in the first presidential debate has received little attention. He called it “the worst deal I think I’ve ever seen negotiated,” before suggesting “Iran has power over North Korea” and should use it, before saying Iran had been given $400 million and then $1.7 billion and then $150 billion, before saying “this is one of the worst deals ever made by any country in history!”


Of course, Trump has no idea what is in the agreement, since that would require reading it, and so he would not have an inkling that it has slashed and ring-fenced Iran’s nuclear capacity until 2030, reversing the Islamic Republic’s steady accumulation of centrifuges, and has also opened the way for Boeing to sell Iran 80 commercial passenger aircraft — just the sort of job-creating deal Trump professes to like.


And this man, whose meanness and petulance and childlike inadequacies have been on display for more than a year now, may become president next month.”


Unite, Support And Vote Blue – Hillary Clinton President And Elect A Democratic Controlled House And Senate!


Twitter @sheriffali




New York Times Article:

Trump is sorry. Trump is humble. Trump is scared. Trump doesn’t want to get crushed.

Posted in 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on August 21, 2016 by sheriffali


[NYT] “So if I have offended anyone, or because I have offended everyone, I’m sorry.


I’m sorry that I realized too late that all the great put-downs that helped me put away the 16 dwarfs don’t translate well to the general election.


I’m sorry that I’m causing the Republicans to lose control of the Senate and I’m sorry they wish I’d never been born.


I’m really not that sorry to be causing trouble for Paul Ryan, who’s going to lose seats in the House. He’s a prig and I wish he had lost his primary to that tattooed guy who likes me.


I’m sorry I pretended I was going to release my tax returns. Of course I didn’t pay any taxes. I have the all-time greatest real estate deductions and depreciations.


I’m sorry I asked African-Americans “What do you have to lose by supporting me?” in front of a crowd of white people. I’m sorry I can never find my African-American.


I’m sorry I continue lying about my wild gesticulations mocking a disabled reporter at the failing New York Times. And I’m really sorry that Hillary’s super PAC used it in an ad and made me look like an oaf.


I’m sorry I have to sacrifice so much to make America great again. No one would believe the hatred spewed at me on Twitter. It’s amazing how much super-nasty stuff can be packed into 140 characters. Cyberbullying stinks. I’m sorry Al Gore invented the internet.


I’m sorry, given how horribly I’m doing with women, that I need Roger Ailes to help me with the debates and my post-campaign media company. Many people are saying we should call it the “We Only Hire Foxes” network.


I’m sorry I didn’t Google Paul Manafort and see that he had more shady Russian connections than a James Bond villain. I’m also sorry I had to cut him loose. He had a lot of experience propping up dictators. But Paul didn’t know how to play the Trumpet. He had these old-fashioned ideas that when I bravely took on the Khans and that rude baby at the rally that I was punching below my weight. And he didn’t appreciate the genius of my taco bowl tweet.”


Twitter @sheriffali



Open Link For Full Article Maureen Down NYT