Archive for Faced 11 years in Prison

Disgraced Allen West, War Criminal who resigned from the Army to avoid Court Martial, on Fox News, told Soldiers to disobey President Obama.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 27, 2014 by sheriffali

West, the War Criminal, former Congressman and Tea Bagger can only spout this narcissistic deluge on no other but Fox, The Obama Hater Misnomer Television News.


Allen West, the war criminal who has been peddling feverish McCarthyism about President Obama is self evident of his envy for our President. This Teabagger and war criminal somehow believes that the Military is made up of repugnant reprobates like him. His hate, ignorance and arrogance just do not now allow him to see how wrong he is and what a fool he is. But of course Fox embraces people like West and anyone who would run over President Obama.



It is equally deplorable of Fox News to encourage this type of behavior especially when the sanctimonious folks at Fox, are always promulgating their substandard version of Patriotism.


Twitter @sheriffali