Archive for F-18’w

President Obama Critics Wrong Again; Middle Eastern Allies, ISIS, Syria, Iraq!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 23, 2014 by sheriffali

It takes more courage for an American President to use restraint rather than be capricious with the use of Military Force. Obama is cautious and for some too cautious, however, looking back at how former President George W Bush recklessly use the Military and the consequences that follow us to this day, Americans should be proud that the man that presently sits in the White House, are careful with America’s most precious commodity; “The Men and Women in Uniform. “


Critics and those with disdain for President Obama literally questioned as to whether or not the Obama Administration could assemble powerful Allies to take down the ISIS Psychopaths! However, looking at some of these same critics on Television since the inception of the Air Strikes inside of Syria, they grudgingly give the Obama Administration credit for being able to have “only” Middle Eastern Allies to attack inside of Syria. Obama’s hesitancy seems to have always been, “he didn’t want the people of the Middle East to think; there goes the West again attacking another Moslem Country.” For any meaningful resolve, military action is necessary, however, the people of the Middle East working together to resolve their own indifferences, is truly the answer to slow down the terror madness.


The United States with Five Middle Eastern Allies; Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, Bahrain and The United Arab Emirates launch massive military Air Strikes against the ISIS Psychopaths inside of Syria.


With the use of F -16’s F -18’s F-22’s Tomahawk Cruise Missiles, Drones, The US Carrier George W H Bush and other Navy Vessels, The US Military and its Middle Eastern Allies attacked ISIS in Syria and The US also attacked Al Qaeda in Syria.


Twitter @sheriffali