Archive for Embezzler Trump

Donald Trump Proposes Biggest Tax Cut In US History; Trillions For Corporations And The Wealthy; Pennies For The 98%

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , on April 26, 2017 by sheriffali

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Republicans, literally all of them are “Serious White-Collar Criminals,” preying on America’s vulnerable while they use the United States Treasury as their slush Fund to give to the Rich while stifling the poor.


Just imagine, Donald Trump and Republicans shamelessly ends “Meals On Wheels;” defunds Planned Parenthood that provides medical services for women and men and at the same time, Trump and the GOP are working Overtime to kill Obamcare [ACA] that would take away Health Insurance for 24 Million Americans.


The devastation that is ongoing will hit hard on the very same Voters that elected Donald Trump and kept Republicans in control of the House and Senate.


America has a big problem, “stupid” people suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome – “Voting Against Their Own Best Interest.”


[The Hill] “President Trump’s forthcoming tax plan will be the “biggest” tax cut in history, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Wednesday at an event hosted by The Hill.


Mnuchin provided several clues as to what will be in the package, which will be unveiled later in the day.


He confirmed that the proposal would cut tax rates for businesses to 15 percent. That rate would apply to both corporations and owner-operated businesses known as “pass-throughs.”


The 15 percent rate was also part of Trump’s campaign plan. Mnuchin said that Trump thinks that’s “absolutely critical” for driving economic growth.


He also said that the administration wants to simplify the personal tax system and that most Americans should be able to file their taxes on a large postcard.


“The average American should have simple taxes,” Mnuchin said, adding that many people won’t end up paying any taxes under the administration’s plan.”


Twitter @sheriffali

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Attempting Blackmail Trump Threatens To Prosecute Hillary Clinton If She Pursues An Election Recount; Hillary Clinton Stood Her Ground And Didn’t Back Down!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , on November 29, 2016 by sheriffali


By Jason Easley on Sun, Nov 27th, 2016 at 2:44 pm

Trump Senior Adviser Kellyanne Conway delivered a threat to prosecute Hillary Clinton if she pursues the recount during an interview on CNN’s State Of The Union.


Full transcript via CNN’s State Of The Union:


“And so he said he wouldn’t rule it out. He said it’s just not his focus right now. I think he’s being quite magnanimous and at the same time he’s not undercutting at all the authority and the autonomy of the Department of Justice, of the FBI, of the House Committees, who knows where the evidence may lead if, in fact, it were — if the investigation were re-opened somewhere.


But this is the president-elect’s position right now and I would say he has been incredibly gracious and magnanimous to Secretary Clinton at a time when for whatever reason her folks are saying they will join in a recount to try to somehow undo the 70 plus electoral votes that he beat her by. I mean this — you know, I was asked on CNN and elsewhere, goodness a thousand times, will Donald Trump accept the election results? And now you’ve got the Democrats and Jill Stein saying they do not accept the election results. She congratulated him and conceded to him on election night. I was right there. And the idea that we are going to drag this out now where the president-elect has been incredible y magnanimous to the Clintons and to the Obamas is incredible.


The president doesn’t make decisions on who gets prosecuted and who doesn’t. That is not how our system works. Secondly, Donald Trump isn’t the president yet, so he has no say on what happens. What comes out of Kellyanne Conway’s mouth is usually a direct message from Trump Tower.


Conway was issuing a not so thinly veiled threat to Hillary Clinton. If Clinton’s team continues to assist with the recount, the former Secretary of State may face prosecution. The incoming administration is expressing their willingness to punish anyone who questions or expresses dissent.


If Trump is so confident in the election results, why is he so rattled by this recount?


The overblown reaction coming from Trump and his staff towards the recount might lead one to suspect that they are not as confident in the election results as is being projected publicly. Incoming presidents do not use their staff to issue veiled threats against their political opponents on national television.


Trump’s reaction to the recount and threat to prosecute Hillary Clinton is not normal, and a sign that the incoming administration has an expansive and authoritarian view of executive powers that could represent a grave danger to the civil liberties and freedoms of the American people.”

Twitter @sheriffali


Kellyanne ConwayrecountTrump threat to prosecute Hillary ClintonTrump threatens to lock Hillary Clinton up if she pursues recount

