Archive for Egregious Republicans

The Disingenuous Media! Criticizes Hillary Clinton For Too Few Interviews, But When Secretary Clinton Does, The Media Bashes The Tired Email Story And The Clinton Foundation That Save Millions Of Lives Suffering From – HIV/AIDS!

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, Bill Clinton, Blacks, Children, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, Politics, Politics 2016, Poverty, President Obama, President Obama's Accomplishments, Republican Scam, Republicans, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States, Violence, Vote Hillary, Women, Women's Rights with tags , , , , on September 2, 2016 by sheriffali

At the same time the Television Media Covers Con Man Donald Trump every disgusting word he utters out of his Charlatan Mouth and the Print Media, such as The Washington Post, New York Times and Others, Writes 10 to 15 Articles with a positive spin, about America’s biggest embarrassment, pathological liar, bankruptcy swindler, bigot, fascist, misogynist and racist in America, GOP Nominee, Donald Trump.


Hillary Clinton is doing just fine and we will continue to support her for a Landslide Victory on November 8, 2016 that will transfer control from the Do Nothing Republicans to a Democratic Controlled Senate and House.


Hillary Clinton has the support of Democrats, many Republicans and Independents, but we must be vigilant in our defense of Secretary Clinton against the Anti Hillary Clinton Media and the egregious machinations of Donald Trump and the Republicans, that are hell bent on throwing mud at Hillary and Bill Clinton for the past 25 years.


Please continue to support Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine and the Democratic Down Tickets, for better tomorrows for all Americans.


Twitter @sheriffali

