Archive for Economics

Historians Drop A Truth Bomb On CNN: Obama Has Already Built His Legacy

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 1, 2014 by sheriffali

CNN for quite a while has become Tabloid News and they no longer report the News, they Manufacture garbage and have been trying to pass it off as News. They have insulted the intelligence of their Viewers, many of whom have since moved away from CNN like they have ignored Fox Misnomer Hate News.


The major Culprits at CNN are; Wolf Blitzer, Candy Crowley, John King, Gloria Borger and most recently, David Gergen, one of many CNN Consultants. It is self evident that their Viewership are so low, which accounts for why CNN Hosts, most of them have become rambunctious, lying, shameless hypocrites.


Prior to the Mid-Term Elections CNN 24/7 beat the drums of a world that was ending because of Terrorists like ISIS and others; Ebola that was killing Americans; Russia was going to start World War 111 and blaming it all on President Obama’s ineffective Presidency. Have you noticed that since the very night of the Mid Term Election Returns, CNN has dropped the “world ending fear,” and if they do speak about it, it is five minutes or less?


The idea that Barack Obama has not been a successful president is myth that was created by his Republican opponents, and embraced by a bitter mainstream media like CNN and others.


This president has been very successful, and history will regard his accomplishments kindly even if the media will never give him his fair due.


CNN’s Candy Crowley tried to spin Obama as an unpopular president coming down the homestretch of his second term, but she was quickly straightened out by a panel of historians who discussed the fact that the president still has plenty of juice left.


CROWLEY: So, he said in jest, sort of. Here is a man who, for six years, has made no secret about the fact that he doesn’t like either the rhythms or the rituals of Washington, D.C. So, he has two years left. Can a man who doesn’t like the rituals or the rhythms of Washington, D.C., make good on those last two years? Put it first – put it into history for me. Who has made good?


DOUGLAS BRINKLEY, PRESIDENTIAL HISTORIAN: A lot of presidents made good on their second term when you think about. Look at Ronald Reagan had the Iran-contra problem, but then he was able to do some incredible diplomacy with Mikhail Gorbachev, helping to end the cold war in its last years. I mean, Bill Clinton, his second term I was able to keep driving on that idea of getting a budget surplus, getting rid of our deficit and by the end of his term, he wasn’t (ph) very popular, Al Gore wanted to be seen with him but nevertheless he had an accomplishment there.


So, in foreign affairs, it’s wide open and then you always have executive power, and you’ve seen a president now using the Clean Air Act of 1970, the provisions in it, to lay down executive orders on climate change, on stopping coal emissions or reducing them. So, there’s an environmental legacy and they all sign these big national monuments on their way out. Greater (ph) (INAUDIBLE) –


CROWLEY: Like post offices on a much higher level, right?


BRINKLEY: Yes. I mean, it’s still (INAUDIBLE) we just saw with the executive order on immigration, he still has a lot of juice left in him.




And Karen, what does he care whether — this is a man in his, percentage wise, in the 43, 44, 45 percent. Does he care about that or just take the executive order route and moving on?


KAREN TUMULTY, WASHINGTON POST, NATIONAL POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: I think he is very much looking toward his legacy at this point.


He came to Washington to sort of change the way it worked. I think he’s given up on that idea. So yes, he’s going to use his executive power. It’s a – it’s going to be a gigantic job just to implement the laws that passed in the first couple years of his term.


And finally you talk to people at the White House and they say that it is very important to the president before he leaves office to use the bully pulpit to sort of change the terms of engagement, so that no future presidential candidate could ever run as opposing gay marriage or as opposed immigration reform. Essentially he wants to leave behind a national conversation that has changed because he was here.


CROWLEY: Richard Norton Smith?


RICHARD NORTON SMITH, PRESIDENTIAL HISTORIAN: That’s a lot harder to do. I would agree with Karen. In effect, he created his legacy early. He created his legacy with the Health Care Act, and now he’s going to make sure that it is defended, well-defended and almost invulnerable to the next president, whoever it might be.


That said, you know, we’re not talking about our fathers, let alone our grandfather’s presidency. This is a dynamic office. This is not T.R.’s bully pulpit or FDR’s fireside chats. In many ways a president’s — Harry Truman was the first president to pardon a White House turkey and I guarantee — and he went out of office with a whole lot lower popular approval ratings than this president has at the moment, but in the end it doesn’t matter what the popular approval rating is on the last day in office because guess what? We are the folks who are going to be the ultimate electoral jury…




SMITH: …the historians who decided that Harry Truman wasn’t near (ph) a (ph) great president.


CROWLEY: (INAUDIBLE) George H. W. Bush about that, too, out of office with that.


Candy Crowley’s comments were another example of Beltway media running down President Obama because he doesn’t like Washington. Chuck Todd wrote a book that is based around the premise that Obama is not a good president because he never played the games that the press that cover the president require in order to have their egos properly soothed.


It isn’t that Obama hasn’t done anything. If anything, the president has been a victim of his own early successes in office. As Rachel Maddow pointed out nearly four years ago, President Obama accomplished 85% of his entire first-term agenda in two years.


In 2010, Maddow listed what the president had done in his first two years, “The fair pay act for women, expanding children’s health insurance, new hate crimes legislation they said could not be done, tobacco regulation, credit card reform, student loan reform, the stimulus — which in addition to helping pull this country back from the brink of a great depression, was also the largest tax cut ever, the largest investment in clean energy ever, the largest investment in education in our country ever. There was also a little thing you may have heard of called health reform. Also, Wall Street reform, the improvements to the new G.I. Bill, the most expansive food SAFETY BILL SINCE THE 1930s. And tomorrow, President Obama will officially sign a repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”


Twitter @sheriffali









If we just focus on Jobs, why would anyone in the 98% category Vote Republican?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 4, 2014 by sheriffali

President Obama irrespective of the obstacles by the Do Nothing Republican Congress, his policies have produced over 10,000,000 plus Jobs. Just imagine if the President had any assistance from the GOP, the number of jobs created could have vastly expanded.


Republicans cannot take any credit for the 10,000,000 plus Jobs created over the past 55 months. The factual record is crystal clear. To be more frank the GOP has been [MIA] Missing In Action not only on Jobs, but every economic policy that is supposed to help America’s 98%!


Twitter @sheriffali


President Obama is the best Economic President in Modern Times [Forbes]

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 10, 2014 by sheriffali

Outperforming Reagan on Jobs, Growth and Investing; best Jobs Creation in American History


The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) today issued America’s latest jobs report covering August.  And it’s a disappointment.  The economy created an additional 142,000 jobs last month. After six consecutive months over 200,000, most pundits expected the string to continue, including ADP which just yesterday said 204,000 jobs were created in August.



One month variation does not change a trend


Even though the plus-200,000 monthly string was broken (unless revised upward at a future date,) unemployment did continue to decline and is now reported at only 6.1%.  Jobless claims were just over 300,000; lowest since 2007.  Despite the lower than expected August jobs number, America will create about 2.5 million new jobs in 2014.


And that is great news.

Back in May, 2013 (15 months ago) the Dow was out of its recession doldrums and hitting new highs. I asked readers if Obama could, economically, be the best modern President?  Through discussion of that question, the number one issue raised by readers was whether the stock market was a good economic barometer for judging “best.”  Many complained that the measure they were watching was jobs – and that too many people were still looking for work.



To put this week’s jobs report in economic perspective I reached out to Bob Deitrick, CEO of Polaris Financial Partners and author of Bulls, Bears and the Ballot Box (which I profiled in October, 2012 just before the election) for some explanation.  Since then Polaris’ investor newsletters have consistently been the best predictor of economic performance. Better than all the major investment houses.



This is the best private sector jobs creation performance in American history



Bob Deitrick: ”President Reagan has long been considered the best modern economic President.  So we compared his performance dealing with the oil-induced recession of the 1980s with that of President Obama and his performance during this ‘Great Recession.’ 



“As this unemployment chart shows, President Obama’s job creation kept unemployment from peaking at as high a level as President Reagan, and promoted people into the workforce faster than President Reagan.



“President Obama has achieved a 6.1% unemployment rate in his sixth year, fully one year faster than President Reagan did.  At this point in his presidency, President Reagan was still struggling with 7.1% unemployment, and he did not reach into the mid-low 6% range for another full year.  So, despite today’s number, the Obama administration has still done considerably better at job creating and reducing unemployment than did the Reagan administration.



“We forecast unemployment will fall to around 5.4% by summer, 2015.  A rate President Reagan was unable to achieve during his two terms.”



What about the Labor Participation Rate?



Much has been made about the poor results of the labor participation rate, which has shown more stubborn recalcitrance as this rate remains higher even as jobs have grown.


Twitter @sheriffali




George W. Bush Six Vulcans [gods of fire] bears responsibility for our economic predicament and the bifurcated world, due to their visionless truncated internecine Policies!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 14, 2014 by sheriffali

When George W. Bush campaigned for the Presidency in 2001 he never flinched or made excuses for his lack of knowledge on International Affairs. He empathetically stated time and time again, that his lack of International knowledge wasn’t necessary, because if elected, he would appoint people that had experience and vast knowledge in determining Policies.


Irrespective of whether or not Bush legitimately won the 2000 election or his coronation was that of the William H. Rehnquist United States Supreme Court, Bush became President-Elect. He had already chosen Dick Cheney as his Vice President and Bush kept to his word and apart from Dick Cheney, Bush appointed five additional Vulcans. Some of the six dated back to the Richard Nixon era; Gerald Ford; Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.


To make up for Bush’s lack of International Experience, Bush sought to bring together a team to convey intrepid; fearless, unafraid, undaunted, unflinching, unshrinking, bold, daring, gallant, heroic, indomitable and the likes, because in the past decades, Republicans were always seen by many as the Party that was better at foreign policy than Democrats. Of course such predictions turned out to be very wrong, because this group of Bush’s Policy Makers were so self-centered and conceited; they were visionless about how the world really functions.


Completely ignoring economics, Bush’s Vulcans set out to enact Policies solely based on America’s Military Might. Their arrogance got the better of them and they adopted a much more confrontational approach and completely ignoring our European Allies they pressed forward with missile defense that brought about uneasiness within the world community. They completely ignored international treaties and agreements that the Vulcans thought wasn’t in our country’s interest. What was most astonishing is that the Vulcans abandoned the fundamental tenets of the cold war by disavowing deterrence and containment, solely because they believed that America’s Military Power was so awesome, no one would challenge us and to make matters worse, subsequent to 9/11, the Vulcans new approach was to promote Polices of “go it alone” with preemptive strike.


Bush’s Vulcans totally abandoned our working relationship with the Middle East with countries such as Saudi Arabia; they openly promulgated the cause of democracy and America’s role in transforming the region by forcing democracy through the barrel of a gun. As you can see, the Invasion of Iraq was not a spontaneous one, this came about from Bush’s Vulcans and since George W. Bush had no foreign affairs experience, whatever the Vulcans handed him, he sanctioned it.


In hind-sight one can see how it was easy for Bush to minimize our Afghanistan’s effort that was supported by the world and invade Iraq with the Vulcans shortsightedness of really weighing what is the true meaning of “democracy.” Democracy according to Webster is’ “to respect others even when you disagree with them,” the Bush Administration totally ignored that we are a government by the people and for the people. They also forgot that despite being the most awesome military in the world, we are entwined and intertwined with the world and despite our being ahead on every front, without being engaged with the rest of the world, “alone, we would splinter and fall!” No man or woman lives or dies to themselves and neither is any Nation, whether big or small!”


[Not because former President George W. Bush is no longer President since January 20, 2009 can we simply ignore the damage that was done to The United States by The Bush Administration. Policies and Decisions that were made by Bush’s Vulcans that George W. Bush sanctioned, affected us economically, domestically, internationally, militarily, and within every facet of our lives. To undo the damage caused by the George W. Bush Administration, it is going to take the remainder of President Obama’s Presidency and perhaps, just perhaps, the entire first and perhaps the second term of whomever the next President is in 2017]


[Partisanship and Party Affiliation, Republicans or Democrats,  Liberals and Conservatives and our lack of “real facts” has left most of the American people uninformed, ignorant, brainwashed or otherwise,  and it is going to cause us to self-destruct, unless or until, we stop trying to rip each other throats out, not because of hate, but surely, because of ignorance.]


Twitter @sheriffali


Bush and Cheney did wreck the Country and Obama OWNS the blame! Look at Gallup!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 8, 2014 by sheriffali

Looking at the Gallup Tracking Poll Data, only 10% of Republicans support President Obama even though, their two Lunatics and the Republican Congress did the damage with Wars and Tax Cuts for the Rich that have exceeded over five [5] trillion dollars.


At the end of 2008, our financial situation was in deep and unforgiving waters; unemployment was at 10% plus; over ten million people had lost their jobs; the stock market had plunged to its lowest levels in ten years; millions lost their homes and others went under water, due to the lack of regulations for Big Banks and the Crooks on Wall Street; two wars that were totally out of control and factually, we were not sure if we were going to come apart like Russia did in 1991.


If people can just be honest with themselves, we still have a long way to go, but, we are far away from where we were in 2008. And yet, the do nothing Republican House and Senate and the brainwashed followers of this deranged party, they pounce on Obama 24/7 that somehow, he, Obama is responsible for their plight in life.


The Republicans know that this is how you win elections! Gather the uninformed; the ignorant; the brainwashed and tell them that their suffering is because of the President and their troubles are only going to get worse, unless they control the Senate come November as they do in the house, so that they can stop the socialist Obama, from making their lives more miserable. They preach this on every Television Show they can access; preach it to the News Papers; make claim how much they the Republicans love God and Country and that Obama is a Moslem, born in Kenya and has sold out America, and yes, the desperate, uninformed and ignorant, feeds off this garbage with such anger, they get on the Social Media and communicate with each other, as to just how bad of a person and President, Obama is!


If you are so brain dead as not to notice that since 2010 after the Republicans took control of the House of Representatives, “they haven’t done anything for anyone except the richest in our Society, and they have literally stood in the way of any progress. If that is your belief, then put them in charge of the Senate and in 2016 put them back in the White House and see, whether or not, another Republican Controlled House and Senate with a Republican President and a majority right wing Supreme Court, would supersede Bush and Cheney’s wreckage and garage sale!


Twitter @sheriffali



The Drunken Pirate and his one-eyed myrmidons!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 6, 2014 by sheriffali

President Obama is calculating some very serious odds with very serious consequences. He’s done alright navigating the shoals of Iraq and Afghanistan despite being handed the tiller by a drunken pirate and his one-eyed henchmen.


However, it is amazing to see on a daily basis Polls after Polls the low ratings Obama receives from majority of the American people. One must ask, what is the reason behind those low numbers? Despite Obama having stabilized the country financially, militarily and otherwise, Obama inherited a job market where the previous occupant of the White House lost over ten million jobs and handed the range to the new President with an unemployment rate that exceeded 10%, today the unemployment rate is the lowest since 2008 and stands at 6.3%. But, his critics’ complaints are that these are not high paying jobs. Irrespective of where the jobs fall in the pay scale, it is better to have 9,200,000 people working than sitting at home in desperation with the out of control Republican House of Congress, refusing to bring to the floor a vote to reinstate the unemployment insurance that expired since last December, that would most certainly help those that have suffered and is still suffering.


On two other fronts, the housing market that totally crashed under Bush due to lack of oversight and or regulations, have rebounded. The stock market where the Dow fell to 6,500 under Bush, it stands today above 16,000. The S & P that fell under Bush to 730 wiping people’s 401K Plans by 50% or more have rebounded to over 1,850, regaining 100% of the 401K Plans value and then some.


Any fool can start wars and that was the case with the drunken Pirate and his one-eyed myrmidons that was running an Ochlocracy. Obama is wise enough and intelligent enough to see the futility into dragging us into another war. And because Obama is smarter than the “warmongers” of the failed Bush Administration and the all mouth and no brain Republicans, they say he is weak. Being humble and prudent is the resilience of strength; being arrogant and capricious is the “hallmark” of true weakness.


Bush’s lackadaisical attitude towards the August 6, 2001 National Security Daily Briefing that was titled; “Al Qaeda determined to strike within the continental United States, using Air Crafts as lethal weapons,” one month and five days later led to the 9/11 devastation that killed over 3,000 Americans and people from other Nations. The direct cost for the 9/11 attack was 1.5 trillion and the subsequent cost for the two wars Bush got us into is well over 4 trillion dollars.


However, you didn’t hear the Republicans and Fox Misnomer News calling for Bush’s impeachment; cover-up or resignation, but the one unfortunate attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans, they claim is far worse than Watergate. Under Bush there were 13 attacks to our facilities abroad that killed 60, but again, there was no outcry.


Twitter @sheriffali



Critics of President Obama’s Policies: Phantasmagoric rationales and internecine narcissism are not facts! JOBS!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 2, 2014 by sheriffali

Every day and night, GOP right-wing Radio, TV and Print News and their followers are always trashing President Obama with assertions that Obama has or is destroying the country. These people are perhaps most of the time just willfully pernicious, or they are uninformed, ignorant or brainwashed from the Politicians that are using them.

Notice of how the Republicans are always running down the Federal Government, but at the same time they lie, cheat, steal and are most unethical, making every attempt to get elected or keeping their jobs with the Federal Government. As for the GOP Party, they use every method to gain control of the White House, Senate, House of Representatives and appoint extremist Judges like Clarence Thomas and Antonia Scalia to uphold their irrational agenda.

Red States controlled by Republicans are the poorest in the nation and rather than implement laws and pass bills to help better educate the children; help the poor and better their States, they pass outrageous Gun Laws hiding behind the Second Amendment to the Constitution. In those States people are ignorant and even with the little money they have; they go out and purchase more Guns. There isn’t anything wrong with sane people owning Guns, but to spend money you cannot afford to purchase Guns, you have got to be dumber than the door nails in your homes!

Twitter @sheriffali