Archive for Crimea

“The Ukraine Cease-Fire Will Fall Apart Because There Are Three Charlatans That Are Chameleons In The Midst With Self Interest; Vladimir Putin, Francois Hollande And Angela Merkel.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 12, 2015 by sheriffali

Vladimir Putin wants the Ukrainian Eastern Land Border to buttress Crimea’s waterfront with Ukraine; Francois Hollande built two Air Craft Carries for Russia at a total cost exceeding 1.6 Billion US Dollars. France hasn’t been able to deliver the First Carrier that has been completed since the end of last year due to the ongoing Sanctions against Russia; and, Angela Merkel has always been in a conspiracy with Putin dating back prior to Putin annexing Crimea.


The Only true protector Ukraine has is the United States and that is fact because we want nothing from Ukraine, except for the Ukrainian people to be a Democratic Country having the freedom to live out their God given lives. [Sheriff Ali]”


“MINSK, Belarus — A new cease-fire and an overall compact to end the war in eastern Ukraine was announced here on Thursday by the leaders of France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine after marathon overnight bargaining that threatened to derail the attempt. Even as the agreement was announced, it appeared fragile, with officials on all sides saying that there was more work to be done.


The cease-fire is scheduled to take effect at midnight on Saturday, but the fact that the leaders used three separate news conferences to announce the accord suggested a lack of unity. Still, after such a concentrated effort, all the leaders chose to accent the idea that there was at least a chance that the yearlong war could be quieted.


The negotiations “consisted of a long night and a long morning, but we have arrived at an accord on a cease-fire and a global end to the conflict,” President François Hollande of France said. “It is a relief for Europe.”


Mr. Hollande said a broader agreement on ending the war would ultimately hinge on border control and the resolution of questions like the withdrawal of heavy weapons. [New York Times]


Twitter @sheriffali



Open New York Times Link For Full NYT Article.




The Republicans are all mouth and no brain!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 16, 2014 by sheriffali


For Republicans to be whining about President Obama misreading Putin, they should reflect on their own guy, The Great George W. Bush who saw Putin’s Soul! I think the truth of the matter is the past Presidents that have dealt with Putin and Obama who is now dealing with Putin; they can’t be faulted for what they saw in Chameleon Putin!

Putin seems a little deranged and also possibly enraged over the collapse of the USSR. On top of that the information Edward Snowden stole and gave to Putin has America’s Defense Plan in the unlikely event of war. Putin who must have examined what Snowden gave him then realized that he “badly needed” a buffer zone and hence the reason he annexed Crimea, however, Russia’s entry into Crimea is “only” by air or Sea.  On the Eastern Part of Ukraine, Russia “land” borders with Ukraine and that may be Putin’s next goal.

The right wing who seems always hell bent on war can criticize Obama all they want, but, war seems like the most unlikely option. Economic Sanctions on the other hand, especially “targeting” Russia’s Central Bank would collapse Russia’s already devastated economy. But, even so, Obama has to be mindful of our European Allies. The Republicans are all mouth and no brain!

Follow me on Twitter @sheriffali


President Obama and President Putin can rectify the present indifferences without starting a war, but, the demagogues must stop their vacuousness!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 30, 2014 by sheriffali

In the final analysis, President Obama and President Putin can resolve the indifferences over the annexation of Crimea. Mr. Obama using measured sanctions against Russia, while leaving Mr. Putin enough room to extricate himself, represents Obama’s intelligence over ego. It seems that Putin is not a crazy man but he is definitely a proud man! Putin initiating a call to Obama on Friday, is a sign that this brisk but dysfunctional period can end without each side killing the other!


If we step back for a moment and without ignoring the lives lost or the humongous number of injured soldiers, the trillions of dollars spent on both the Afghanistan and Iraq wars; we could have rebuilt all the damaged schools; repair our badly needed infrastructure; invest into retraining American Workers and do more to efficiently educate America’s Children.


What did we get for the thousands of lives lost and the trillions of dollars spent?


Iraq! After eight years all we did was replace a Sunni Dictator with a Shiite Dictator that cast his lot with Iran. I am no defender of Saddam Hussein, but Iraq is far worst today than when we unintelligently and arrogantly invaded that sovereign country.


Afghanistan! After thirteen years; the Obama Administration did finally kill Osama Bin Laden in 2011 and during the course over the past years, we captured some bad people. However, had we remained focused when we attacked Afghanistan, our Soldiers perhaps could have captured the bad people and we would have been out of there in a matter of two to three years.


John McCain and some Republicans that never saw a war they didn’t like should give heed to the words of the wise and the humble;


“I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can; only as one who has seen its brutality, its stupidity.” DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER


“All wars represent a failure of diplomacy.” TONY BENN


“There never was a good war or a bad peace.” BENJAMIN FRANKLIN


“As long as war is regarded as wicked, it will always have its fascination; when it is looked upon as vulgar, it will cease to be popular.” OSCAR WILDE


“War may sometimes be a necessary evil, but no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other’s children.” JIMMY CARTER


Imagine the irony! Jeb Bush, the man who “shop-lifted” the State of Florida that propelled his brother, George W. Bush to the Presidency, attacked President Obama for “America’s Passivity.” People can agree or disagree, but it is the opinion of many that George W. Bush erased 225 years of America’s credibility by his futile and inept war expeditions. Bush started a war on “terror” in Afghanistan that became an Orwellian never ending war on “terror,” solely because Bush truncated Afghanistan in order to invade Iraq, for which the end results for both wars were; thousands of dead soldiers; tens of thousands injured; one hundred thousand plus dead innocent Iraqi’s that was caught in what is deemed as collateral damage and trillions of dollars spent.


If the Polls are correct majority of Americans are presently giving President Obama a failing grade and within the same Poll, predictions are that Republicans will win over the Senate. To think of the terrible state America was in at the end of 2008 and compare it with where we are today, it is positively shocking that so many people can believe wantonness by the Republicans over reality!


Is it hate or Obama’s race that make him prey to the many whites? Gallup just released a Poll for which the results reflected that “more whites” are more inclined to the Republican Party since Obama became President. 






Everybody is an “expert!” The Right-Wing blames Obama for not intervening enough while the Left-Wing claim Obama is intervening too much – Ukraine – Crimea – Russia.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 18, 2014 by sheriffali


Unlike President Obama or any other United States President that are subject to the Constitution, Congress, The U S Supreme Court and the American people, Vladimir Putin answers to no one except Mr. Putin. All the Dog and Pony show coming out of Putin’s Russia with claims that the Russian Parliament voted for this or for that, “it is just a farce.”



Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Russia’s billionaire that opposed Putin’s Dictator-Ship was imprisoned for ten years; all of his assets seized and just before the Sochi Olympics, Putin had him released. Mr. Khodorkovsky is presently living in Germany. Putin used Mr. Khodorkovsky’s assets and created one of the world largest Oil Companies, Rosneft. Prior to Rosneft, Exxon Mobile was the largest Oil Company.


However, Exxon Mobile and Rosneft executed an agreement in December 2013 that together, the collaboration of the project is approximately 500 Billion Dollars for the Arctic Research Centre (ARC). With companies like Exxon Mobile and others tied into Putin’s Russia, Vladimir knows that he is playing with a marked deck in his favor. With such leverage and the great Political Divide in America, Putin’s challenges would be fast and furious. Most of the talking heads in the Media and the self indulgent Politicians do not stop to think, much less see that “everything is not just black and white.”


It’s been interesting to observe the large numbers of people who suddenly think they’re experts on the ongoing crisis in Ukraine-both those on the left who blame it on Obama for intervening too much and those on the right who blame it on Obama for not intervening enough.


On the right, you have political figures claiming that Obama’s supposed “weakness” somehow emboldened Moscow to engage in aggressive moves against Crimea. Sarah Palin, for example, claims that Obama’s failure to respond forcefully to Russia’s bloody incursion into Georgia in 2008 made Russia’s “invasion” possible, despite the fact that Obama wasn’t even president then and therefore couldn’t have done much. Even some Democrats, like Delaware senator Chris Coons, claim that Obama’s failure to attack Syria last fall made the United States look weak.


In reality, there seems to be little correlation between the willingness of Moscow to assert its power in areas within its traditional spheres of influence and who occupies the White House: The Soviets invaded Hungary in 1956 when Eisenhower was president; the Soviets invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968 when Johnson was president; the Soviets successfully pressed for martial law in Poland in 1981 when Reagan was president; the Russians attacked Georgia in 2008 when Bush was president.


In each case, as much as these administrations opposed these actions, it was determined that any military or other aggressive counter-moves would likely do more harm than good. Washington cannot realistically do any more in response to Russian troops seizing Crimea in 2014 in the name of protecting Russian lives and Russian bases than Moscow could do in response to U.S. troops seizing Panama in 1989 in the name of protecting American lives and American bases.


In the final analysis it is self evident that The GOP extreme right-wing megalomaniac torrent is fratricidal to America, both foreign and domestic! Their 24/7 individual and collective outlandish tongues, emboldens the Putins’ of this world! John McCain just returned from Ukraine and one day later, went on Television and said; “Obama is weak and timid.” A tartar may be more at home on Cheapside than the rant against Obama from the “know it all Republicans!”




Republicans vacuous behavior is “aiding the enemy!”

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 7, 2014 by sheriffali

Republicans disdain for President Obama has turned them into Patriots bankrupt of Patriotism! Their overwhelming glee for Vladimir Putin for storming his way into Crimea, some in the GOP and their mouth piece – FOX NEWS have buttressed Putin’s arrogance. Rudy Giuliani stated on Fox News; “Mr. Putin makes a decision and in half a day follows through, but Obama has to think before he acts.”


It could be that if former President George W. Bush didn’t allow the extremists that he surrounded himself with to dictate what he should do, perhaps, just perhaps, Iraq’s error would have never occurred.


It is difficult to understand why the Republicans that are always invoking God and Country, have allowed themselves to be captivated with such debauchery that is not in their country’s best interest, to become part and parcel of their daily lives.


These Congressional Republican demagogues and their rabble-rousers that flock to Fox and other News Outlets like white on rice and advocate such narcissistic, internecine deluge, that is backed up by only phantasmagoric rationales, apparently do not ascertain that their vacuous, sanctimonious repugnant behavior, have turned them into reprobates.


What the Republican Legislators and their followers have proven 100%, are the well thought out factual words of Frederick Douglass on September 25, 1883. Mr. Douglass said;


“Though the colored man is no longer subject to barter and sale, he is surrounded by an adverse settlement which fetters all his movements. In his downward course he meets with no resistance, but his course upward is resented and resisted at every step of his progress.


If he comes in ignorance, rags and wretchedness he conforms to the popular belief of his character, and in that character he is welcome; but if he shall come as a gentleman, a scholar and a statesman, he is hailed as a contradiction to the national faith concerning his race, and his coming is resented as impudence.” [Frederick Douglass, September 25 1883]


I think for some of us that are fortunate to live in the greatest country known to mankind; The United States of America, we should reflect on the words of Jeremy Taylor;


“It is usually not so much the greatness of our trouble as the littleness of our spirit which makes us complain.”


Follow me on Twitter @sheriffali 


John McCain and Lindsay Graham words embolden Putin’s resolve!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 6, 2014 by sheriffali

Subsequent to Russia’s invasion of Crimea, Ukraine, both John McCain and Lindsay Graham have taken to the “airways” and have continued to make disparaging remarks about President Obama.


John McCain, the ultimate “war-monger” and a man who didn’t see a war that he didn’t like, have repeatedly called President Obama – “Feckless.”


McCain’s side-kick Lindsay Graham has been permeating that Benghazi is the reason why Vladimir Putin invaded Crimea, Ukraine. With words like that coming from two of the Republicans top demagogues, why Putin shouldn’t be embolden to continue down the road of perdition.


It is perhaps perplexing to World Leaders such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel and others, that America’s other rabble-rousers like Dick Cheney, John Bolton, Donald Rumsfeld [The Gang that couldn’t shoot straight], why should they the Europeans, whose own interest is at stake, implant their countries into such debauchery.


I think that it is a fact that “History” does repeat itself. According to some accounts it was estimated that the loss of life to stop Hitler at Munich would have been approximately 3,000,000. With such a large number many felt that Hitler would soon come to his senses. But, as we are aware, Hitler had totally lost his mind and by the time Hitler was stopped and World War 11 ended, approximately 63,000,000 people had lost their lives.


Chancellor Merkel in a most recent interview said that she thinks Vladimir Putin is living in a different world and that he is out of touch with reality. Well, so was Hitler! I am not advocating War, but I am advocating that Putin’s problem is the world’s problem and as such, all civilized society should speak with one voice and that is especially true when it comes to America’s self-serving Politicians, seeking to destroy one man’s reputation, President Obama, for self-gain and recognition.  


Putin said in 2005 that the greatest travesty of the 20th Century was the collapse of the Soviet Union. Then in 2008 he invaded Georgia and now he is in complete control of Crimea. For those that do not know, Vladimir Putin’s job with the Kremlin was a “recruiter,” and he was very good at what he did.


Vladimir Putin may not be trying to recreate the USSR, but it sure looks like he is attempting to create The United States of Russia, by brutal force!


Crimea was given to Ukraine by President Nikita Khrushchev of the Soviet Union in 1954!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on March 3, 2014 by sheriffali

However, the Russian military took up residence in the Crimea more than 200 years ago, when Catherine the Great built a naval base at Sevastopol.


After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia and Ukraine tussled repeatedly over dividing up the Black Sea Fleet  based there.


Today, Russia rents its Sevastopol base from Ukraine, where it has a presence better suited to being a Pariah than fighting a real war.


Russia which was the USSR literally incarcerated hundreds of millions of people by annexing countries in Eastern Europe. Their attempt to seize Afghanistan in 1980 and their occupation in Afghanistan that lasted eight years, ended in defeat and they went home with their tails between their legs.


It was the beginning of the end of the Soviet Union. The Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989 and in 1991, the USSR – “UNITED SOVIET SOCIALIST RUSSIA” crumbled financially and ended what was known as the once mighty USSR.


However, for some Russians, namely, Vladimir Putin who was head of the KGB, it was self evident that for him, his Russia was going to be if not what it was as the USSR, but for Putin, Russia was going to eventually flex it so called muscles again, and, Putin utilizing phantasmagoric rationales and internecine self indulgence policies, did so by invading Crimea.


Nikita Khrushchev gave Crimea to Ukraine in February 1954. The transfer merited only a paragraph in Pravda, the official Soviet newspaper, on Feb. 27, 1954. The story was one long sentence and dense with detail. Here’s what it said


“Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet transferring Crimea Province from the Russian Republic to the Ukraine Republic, taking into account the integral character of the economy, the territorial proximity and the close economic ties between Crimea Province and the Ukraine Republic, and approving the joint presentation of the Presidium of the Russian Republic Supreme Soviet and the Presidium of the Ukraine Republic Supreme Soviet on the transfer of Crimea Province from the Russian Republic to the Ukraine Republic.” And with that, a region that had been part of Russia for centuries was “gifted” to Ukraine.


Crimea was given to Ukraine because Khrushchev’s transfer was ostensibly to mark the 300th anniversary of Ukraine’s merger with the Russian empire. And he probably didn’t think the Soviet Union would be gone less than 40 years later.

It may be that the United States and its Allies would have to bring enormous economic pressure on Russia that perhaps wouldn’t halt the possible secession of Crimea to Russia, but, if the economic sanctions has the teeth to bite like a Shark at Putin’s Russia, it would be a lesson to Putin that he wouldn’t attempt any invasion attempts in Ukraine or elsewhere.

If we can succeed with something of the sort without starting a shooting match, Ukraine can then join the European Union and in addition perhaps it can be added to the list of NATO countries, whereby, Ukraine’s sovereignty would be guaranteed by “meaningful” Military Might.

For America, the Politicians, especially Republicans, need to “act” like Americans and speak with one voice. Their disdain for President Obama has much to do with how the world, especially Vladimir Putin, views America and President Obama.

“Together we would aspire; divided we will fall!

Follow me on Twitter @sheriffali