Archive for Condoleezza Rice

George W Bush And Dick Cheney Used Private Emails And A Private Server Owned By the Republican National Committee And Karl Rove In 2007 Erased 22 Million Emails.

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 23, 2016 by sheriffali


Colin Powell And Condoleezza Rice Used Private Emails, However, Republicans And The Media Have Gone Only After Hillary Clinton; WHY?


Isn’t it amazing, we have Two War Criminals, George W Bush, Dick Cheney having done even worse than what the Republicans have been trashing Hillary Clinton for in regards to Benghazi. The Bush Administration ignored nine months of pre-warning that allowed September 11, 2001 tragedy to occur. And if that wasn’t bad enough these criminals then turned around and invaded Iraq, killing thousands of our Soldiers, injuring hundreds of thousands and costing the lives of more than 250 Million Iraqis, costing the Tax Payers in excess of [2] Two Trillion Dollars.


George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld and others in the Bush Administration should be imprisoned, but Congressional Republicans have never blinked an eye when it comes to their own.


However, Republicans have hounded the Obama Administration and specifically, Hillary Clinton over the tragedy in Benghazi that took the lives of four great Americans. But apart from that, look at the time and money Republicans have wasted in investigating Hillary Clinton’s Email, when Bush, Cheney and Rove are guilty by Republican Standards for their participation in the Bush Administration Email Scandal.


President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have spent their entire lives working for America, the American people and the world; they have never been arrested, indicted or are there any facts of guilt against the Clintons, except gossip, lies and innuendos by Republicans and the twisted Media.


Now the Republican Party have decimated America by Nominating a Certified Serial Liar, Con Man, Bankruptcy Swindler, Bigot, Fascist, Racist, a Bona Fide Crook and one of the world’s nastiest people, Donald Trump to run for the Presidency.


Support Hillary Clinton for President and Vote for a Democratic Controlled Senate and House of Representatives.


Twitter @sheriffali





Saddam Hussein’s Elite Force “The Republican Guards,” Is ISIS!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 6, 2014 by sheriffali

When Bush And Cheney Blindly Invaded Iraq And Toppled Saddam Hussein, They Fired Hussein’s Entire Army Including Iraq’s Highly Trained Republican Guards And The Fiasco You See Today, Is The Result Of The Bush Administration Illegal Invasion Of Iraq, And Bad Decisions By The Right Wing Neocons, RWNJ!


George W Bush, Dick Cheney and his Band of Right-Wing-Nutt-Jobs, Republican Neocons; their unintelligent, ignorant, arrogant phantasmagoric rationales and internecine Policies, have and will continue to haunt us for years to come.


Immediately after toppling Saddam Hussein the Neocons lead by Paul Bremer, Bush appointed Administrator/Envoy, fired the hundreds of thousands of Iraq’s Military in 2003, including Iraq’s best fighting force, Hussein’s Republican Guards. Did the Bush Administration have a functioning brain within their decision making? Did they think that hundreds of thousands of Troops with no other jobs but Military would just somehow vanish into thin air?


The Republican Guards knows the lay of the Iraq Land better than anyone in the world and unless we remained in Iraq as a permanent Occupier, Iraq’s Elite Force was going to wait their turn to take revenge and they certainly have in the Form Of ISIS. The lighting speed for which they have and continue to seize territory inside Iraq is no mystery. After all, Saddam Hussein ruled Iraq from 1979 until he was captured in December 2003. For 24 years the Republican Guards received tremendous benefits from Hussein and their only job was to protect Saddam from any uprising within Iraq for which they lived a very comfortable life.  


This is not a defense of Saddam Hussein but to his credit when he Governed Iraq there was no Terrorist Groups of any kind inside of Iraq. In addition Hussein kept Iran in check because he fought a land war with Iran from 1980 to 1988 and Hussein was the Victor.


President Obama and his Military Advisors are correct in their thinking and that is, Military Action can only delay consequences but it is no apothecary for a long term solution. For any sanity to prevail in Iraq, the Iraqis are going to have to come to a balanced Political solution, whereby, all Iraqis would have a vested interest in their country and in so doing, they wouldn’t only expel the perpetrators, ISIS, Al Qaeda and the likes, they would keep them out from returning.


This is an article Paul Bremer wrote in the Wall Street Journal earlier this year;


 Bremer penned an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal under the headline “Only America Can Prevent a Disaster in Iraq,” in which he argued for some form of U.S. troops on the ground there. After 4,490 American lives lost and $1.7 trillion spent, Erin Burnett asked him, “How can you advocate any more people, any more lives going to risk for that country?”



“Because it’s in our interest,” Bremer responded matter-of-factly, going to elaborate that the U.S. cannot allow Iraq to become a home base for terrorists like those that constitute the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.


Taking on the role of the skeptical viewers, Burnett asked Bremer, “Aren’t you the one who got us into this mess?” She confronted Bremer with video from 2003 of him heralding Iraq’s “hopeful” future after the fall of Saddam Hussein.


Bremer defended his words and the actions the Bush administration took to bring democracy to Iraq, instead blaming the Obama administration for presiding over the deterioration of those gains over the last few years.


“We won don’t you know. And if we’d just ignored the status of forces agreement and said we were going to stay there forever whether the Iraqis wanted us there or not, we could have proven it. These guys need to go slither back into the holes they crawled out of.”


The people that have advocated that United States Military remain permanently in Iraq, do you see, can you find, their sons and daughters being part of that occupation. As a matter of fact, the instigators of re-invading Iraq, 97% of them are “Draft Dodgers.”


Twitter @sheriffali


Wake up America! George W Bush and his Administration damage to America will take two decades plus to repair; Obama is doing his best, but he is not GOD! Bush and Cheney Blood Oil Money!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 11, 2014 by sheriffali

Cheney’s Company Halliburton benefitted 39.5 Billion from the Iraq War and many others in the Bush Administration are benefactors of the death and destruction we created in 2003 to this present day. All of the money made by the parasitic plagues that eats away at society is BLOOD MONEY.  They should all remember; Karma works both ways; it can be a blessing or a curse. You reap what you sow!


In the photograph attached with this blog you would see the Provinces of Iraq; ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron, British Petroleum and Total. Yes, deny it to your heart’s content, but Bush and Cheney invaded Iraq for OIL!


4,500 American Soldiers lost their lives; over 50,000 severely injured; tens of thousands suffer with mental problems; we have spent 1.7 trillion dollars thus far; we killed 100,000 plus Iraqis and yes, George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, John Bolton, Condoleezza Rice and others in the Bush Administration committed War Crimes against Americans and against Iraqis.


But, when America or Israel commits crimes, there is an automatic exemption for the Criminals. I am no defender of Vladimir Putin and what he did in Crimea is wrong, but so are we. I am also no defender of any terrorists or terror group, but the Palestinians are fighting to break a 47 year siege by Israel of their Air, Land and Sea Border. And yes, America has the power to force Israel to lift the siege and allow the Palestinians to live out their God given dreams and aspirations, but, 47 years later, Israel is still killing the people, committing genocide and there isn’t any outburst in America, rather, not all, but many Americans applaud what Israel has done and is doing.


President Obama inherited the worst situation than any other American President in the past 70 years; he managed to stop the hemorrhaging of Unemployment, Housing, Our Financial System; More than doubled the Stock Market; kept us out of Wars and where is the gratitude? By a margin of 60%, if the Polls are correct, Americans are dissatisfied with the Job Obama is doing.  


All of the Media, Television, Radio, News Papers, Magazines and Publishers are owned by six [6] Corporations and yes, the Media is complicit in all of this debauchery. Look at CNN or FOX, both continually have the War Criminals as guests, lambasting Obama for the disaster they created and they are treated by the Hosts of these two Television Stations with the utmost respect. However, every opportunity natural or forced, the Media in general, tramples over President Obama.


More often than not, I wonder just how Mr. Obama feels about how he is treated and the words of Frederick Douglass is a stalk reminder, as how accurately Mr. Douglass articulated the Republican Legislators behavior towards the African American. Mr. Douglass said;


“Though the colored man is no longer subject to barter and sale, he is surrounded by an adverse settlement which fetters all his movements. In his downward course he meets with no resistance, but his course upward is resented and resisted at every step of his progress.


If he comes in ignorance, rags and wretchedness he conforms to the popular belief of his character, and in that character he is welcome; but if he shall come as a gentleman, a scholar and a statesman, he is hailed as a contradiction to the national faith concerning his race, and his coming is resented as impudence.” [Republican Frederick Douglass, September 25 1883]


Twitter @sheriffali



Dick Cheney and daughter, Liz, in The WSJ writes about Obama: “Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many.”

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 18, 2014 by sheriffali

“I know that we as Americans have short attention spans, but most of us don’t suffer from amnesia. The Bush administration created this mess, and the Obama administration now has to clean it up.


The Cheneys wrote: “This president is willfully blind to the impact of his policies,” Mr. Cheney seemingly oblivious to the irony.


George W. Bush may well have been a disaster of a president (in a 2010 Siena College Research Institute survey, 238 presidential scholars ranked Bush among the five “worst ever” presidents in American history), but at least he has the dignity and grace — or shame and humility — to recede from public life with his family and his painting, and not chide and meddle with the current administration as it tries to right his wrong.


Mr. Cheney, meanwhile, is still trying to bend history toward an exoneration of his guilt and an expunging of his record. But history, on this, is stiff, and his record is written in blood.


This, from the man who helped lead us into this trumped-up war, searching for nonexistent weapons of mass destruction, a war in which some 4,500 members of the American military were killed, many thousands more injured, and that is running a tab of trillions of dollars.


During the lead-up to the war, Mr. Cheney said to Tim Russet: “I really do believe that we will be greeted as liberators.” Nothing could have been further from the truth.


Even if it were indeed rare to be “so wrong,” as Mr. Cheney puts it, he was vice president in an administration that was much more tragically wrong. His whole legacy is wrapped in wrong.


At one point in the article, the Cheneys state:


“Iraq is at risk of falling to a radical Islamic terror group and Mr. Obama is talking climate change. Terrorists take control of more territory and resources than ever before in history, and he goes golfing.”


Mr. Cheney must think that we have all forgotten the scene from “Fahrenheit 9/11,” Michael Moore’s 2004 documentary, in which President George W. Bush, brandishing a club on a golf course, looks into the camera and says,


“I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers. Thank you.”


That is quickly followed by, “Now, watch this drive,” and a shot of Bush swinging at the ball.


In fact, on one of the rare occasions that Mr. Cheney was actually right, in 1994, he warned about the problems that would be created by deposing Saddam Hussein:


“Once you got to Iraq and took it over, and took down Saddam Hussein’s government, then what are you going to put in its place? That’s a very volatile part of the world, and if you take down the central government of Iraq you can easily end up seeing pieces of Iraq fly off. Part of it the Syrians would like to have to the west. Part of eastern Iraq, the Iranians would like to claim, fought over for eight years. In the north you’ve got the Kurds, and if the Kurds spin loose and join with the Kurds in Turkey, then you threaten the territorial integrity of Turkey. It’s a quagmire.”



That was quite prescient. And yet, the Bush administration pushed us into the Iraq war anyway, and the quagmire we now confront.


That’s why it’s so galling to read Mr. Cheney chastising this administration for its handling of the disaster that Mr. Cheney himself foresaw, but ignored.” [NYT – Charles Blow]


Twitter @sheriffali



New York Times, Theocracy in the Middle East is the reason why there is no Democracy!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 12, 2014 by sheriffali

Why do you want Obama to reengage us Militarily in Iraq and supposedly compel these people to stop killing each other. This Shiite Sunni “bad-blood” has existed for thousands of years; didn’t you see enough Americans killed and wounded and Tax Payers money at the tune of 1.7 trillion down the drain and for what?


Bush and Cheney were wrong for breaking Iraq but neither they nor Obama could fix it. George Herbert Walker Bush at the end of the 1991 Iraq conflict left Saddam Hussein in Power for one sole reason; “Saddam Hussein was a secular Leader and Bush 41 had the better sense to know that if Saddam fell, the Shiites would take over and turn Iraq into another Iran Theocracy and that is exactly where we are today.


The New York Times Editorial says; “For lasting success, the United States must compel Iraq’s divisive leadership to pursue government by reconciliation just as vigorously as it pursues battle field victory.” Just how can you compel any Government in the Middle East to do anything? In one of the dumbest things George W. Bush did during his Presidency was to listen to the Vulcans Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld and others, and invade Iraq in the name of Democracy.


We have a host of problems right here in our country between Right Wing and Left Wing, Conservatives and Liberals,  religious extremism from the far right and our own Politicians promulgate the drum beat and throw red-meat to the uninformed, ignorant and brainwashed Americans, for their own self gain on remaining in power and if we can’t fix that, just how do we go about rectifying someone else’s problems!


Iraq was controlled by the Ottoman Empire for decades and the British at the request of the Iraqis spent years ridding Iraq of the Ottomans only to be kicked out shortly thereafter. We spent eight years at a high cost in lives, injury and broke the Treasury trying to force Democracy down the throats of the Iraqis, using over 1,000,000 United States Soldiers and to what end.


The same Iraqi President that refused to sign a “Status of Forces Agreement” that caused us to fully withdraw from Iraq, he is the same one that made the secret request for Obama to use Air Power against the Militants. If Obama places American Troops back into Iraq and even “one” soldier gets killed, the do nothing Republicans would be calling for Obama’s head as they do every day. Obama rescued one POW and we have seen these sanctimonious Politicians on the right and the left, advocating that it was a bad deal to give up five detainees to get our “own” Soldier back.


Twitter @sheriffali


New York Times Editorial:


Satan’s Son Dick Cheney went on Fox Hades and denounced Obama’s Afghan Troop Withdrawal!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 29, 2014 by sheriffali


We lost 6,781 Soldiers and 50,159 were wounded, when George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld were in Office and, Dick Cheney had the nerve to go on Fox News and denounce Obama’s planned troop withdrawal from Afghanistan at the end of 2014. [We have been in Afghanistan for 13 years; lost over 2,000 precious lives; spent trillions and yet, Cheney and the warmongering right wing doesn’t only want to remain in Afghanistan, they want to start wars, almost everywhere. Just listen to John McCain and Lindsay Grahm!]


Cheney should be wearing an Orange Jump Suit with a Number on the back along with the rest of Bush’s Vulcans [gods of fire], for their criminal negligence in truncating the Afghanistan Justified War to Invade Iraq.


Why can’t the followers of these inept people see the truth? The malfeasance of these pernicious people and uselessness of the GOP House and Senate is so self evident, one has to be totally uninformed, ignorant and brainwashed, “to defend what was once called “The Grand Old Party,” the GOP!”


Twitter @sheriffali


Bonnie and Clyde Internecine Polices Implemented by Bush, Wrecked America but the GOP continues to beat the Benghazi and Obamacare Drum!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 19, 2014 by sheriffali

President Obama has brought us a long way from the dark days of 2008, but the GOP and their right-wing followers with Fox News as their mouth piece, castigates Obama every day because the damage done to America by Bush and Cheney wiping out 235 years of goodwill and good fortune, hasn’t all been restored in the five years Obama has been President.


George W. Bush [Raymond Hamilton], Clyde Barrow [Dick Cheney] and Bonnie Parker [Condoleezza Rice] – “Bonnie and Clyde” 2001 – 2008


Dick Cheney used the Iraq War to help himself to No-Bid Contracts to enhance his Wealth through his Halliburton Company, making billions at the cost of American lives; Tax Payers Money and yet, this morally bankrupt Vulture, has the nerve to assign blame to Hillary Clinton and President Obama. In the final analysis, Iraq war was a “cash-cow” for pernicious Cheney and former President George W. Bush, bears the responsibility for all of this “evil,” because after all, he was President for eight [8] years.


Bush’s Policies Vis a Vis Bonnie and Clyde “killed” 6,781 American Soldiers; wounded in excess of 55,000 and left 75,000 with severe Mental Problems, at a financial cost to America’s Tax Payers of 4.1 Trillion Dollars and counting. The Republican Trolls should at least include “facts” rather than phantasmagoric rationales and internecine narcissism, in their 24/7, brainwashed, uninformed and ignorant “rant.”  


Bonnie [Condoleezza Rice] and Clyde Barrow [Dick Cheney] Polices that were implemented by former President George W. Bush, [Raymond Hamilton] has been the worst in the “entire” History of America. For Fox News, Bonnie, Clyde, Hamilton and the outrageous Republicans that are still harping on Benghazi, even though we have had 13 Hearings and a Criminal Investigation by former Republican Ambassador Thomas Pickering and Retired Republican Admiral Michael Mullen, whose “written” report found no malfeasance, is self evident of the moral bankruptcy by Repugnant Republican Reprobates, as they continue to use the tragic deaths of the four Americans, to raise money in their attempt to win the November 2014 Mid-Term Elections and the White House in 2016.



Twitter @sheriffali


George W. Bush Six Vulcans [gods of fire] bears responsibility for our economic predicament and the bifurcated world, due to their visionless truncated internecine Policies!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 14, 2014 by sheriffali

When George W. Bush campaigned for the Presidency in 2001 he never flinched or made excuses for his lack of knowledge on International Affairs. He empathetically stated time and time again, that his lack of International knowledge wasn’t necessary, because if elected, he would appoint people that had experience and vast knowledge in determining Policies.


Irrespective of whether or not Bush legitimately won the 2000 election or his coronation was that of the William H. Rehnquist United States Supreme Court, Bush became President-Elect. He had already chosen Dick Cheney as his Vice President and Bush kept to his word and apart from Dick Cheney, Bush appointed five additional Vulcans. Some of the six dated back to the Richard Nixon era; Gerald Ford; Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.


To make up for Bush’s lack of International Experience, Bush sought to bring together a team to convey intrepid; fearless, unafraid, undaunted, unflinching, unshrinking, bold, daring, gallant, heroic, indomitable and the likes, because in the past decades, Republicans were always seen by many as the Party that was better at foreign policy than Democrats. Of course such predictions turned out to be very wrong, because this group of Bush’s Policy Makers were so self-centered and conceited; they were visionless about how the world really functions.


Completely ignoring economics, Bush’s Vulcans set out to enact Policies solely based on America’s Military Might. Their arrogance got the better of them and they adopted a much more confrontational approach and completely ignoring our European Allies they pressed forward with missile defense that brought about uneasiness within the world community. They completely ignored international treaties and agreements that the Vulcans thought wasn’t in our country’s interest. What was most astonishing is that the Vulcans abandoned the fundamental tenets of the cold war by disavowing deterrence and containment, solely because they believed that America’s Military Power was so awesome, no one would challenge us and to make matters worse, subsequent to 9/11, the Vulcans new approach was to promote Polices of “go it alone” with preemptive strike.


Bush’s Vulcans totally abandoned our working relationship with the Middle East with countries such as Saudi Arabia; they openly promulgated the cause of democracy and America’s role in transforming the region by forcing democracy through the barrel of a gun. As you can see, the Invasion of Iraq was not a spontaneous one, this came about from Bush’s Vulcans and since George W. Bush had no foreign affairs experience, whatever the Vulcans handed him, he sanctioned it.


In hind-sight one can see how it was easy for Bush to minimize our Afghanistan’s effort that was supported by the world and invade Iraq with the Vulcans shortsightedness of really weighing what is the true meaning of “democracy.” Democracy according to Webster is’ “to respect others even when you disagree with them,” the Bush Administration totally ignored that we are a government by the people and for the people. They also forgot that despite being the most awesome military in the world, we are entwined and intertwined with the world and despite our being ahead on every front, without being engaged with the rest of the world, “alone, we would splinter and fall!” No man or woman lives or dies to themselves and neither is any Nation, whether big or small!”


[Not because former President George W. Bush is no longer President since January 20, 2009 can we simply ignore the damage that was done to The United States by The Bush Administration. Policies and Decisions that were made by Bush’s Vulcans that George W. Bush sanctioned, affected us economically, domestically, internationally, militarily, and within every facet of our lives. To undo the damage caused by the George W. Bush Administration, it is going to take the remainder of President Obama’s Presidency and perhaps, just perhaps, the entire first and perhaps the second term of whomever the next President is in 2017]


[Partisanship and Party Affiliation, Republicans or Democrats,  Liberals and Conservatives and our lack of “real facts” has left most of the American people uninformed, ignorant, brainwashed or otherwise,  and it is going to cause us to self-destruct, unless or until, we stop trying to rip each other throats out, not because of hate, but surely, because of ignorance.]


Twitter @sheriffali


The Drunken Pirate and his one-eyed myrmidons!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 6, 2014 by sheriffali

President Obama is calculating some very serious odds with very serious consequences. He’s done alright navigating the shoals of Iraq and Afghanistan despite being handed the tiller by a drunken pirate and his one-eyed henchmen.


However, it is amazing to see on a daily basis Polls after Polls the low ratings Obama receives from majority of the American people. One must ask, what is the reason behind those low numbers? Despite Obama having stabilized the country financially, militarily and otherwise, Obama inherited a job market where the previous occupant of the White House lost over ten million jobs and handed the range to the new President with an unemployment rate that exceeded 10%, today the unemployment rate is the lowest since 2008 and stands at 6.3%. But, his critics’ complaints are that these are not high paying jobs. Irrespective of where the jobs fall in the pay scale, it is better to have 9,200,000 people working than sitting at home in desperation with the out of control Republican House of Congress, refusing to bring to the floor a vote to reinstate the unemployment insurance that expired since last December, that would most certainly help those that have suffered and is still suffering.


On two other fronts, the housing market that totally crashed under Bush due to lack of oversight and or regulations, have rebounded. The stock market where the Dow fell to 6,500 under Bush, it stands today above 16,000. The S & P that fell under Bush to 730 wiping people’s 401K Plans by 50% or more have rebounded to over 1,850, regaining 100% of the 401K Plans value and then some.


Any fool can start wars and that was the case with the drunken Pirate and his one-eyed myrmidons that was running an Ochlocracy. Obama is wise enough and intelligent enough to see the futility into dragging us into another war. And because Obama is smarter than the “warmongers” of the failed Bush Administration and the all mouth and no brain Republicans, they say he is weak. Being humble and prudent is the resilience of strength; being arrogant and capricious is the “hallmark” of true weakness.


Bush’s lackadaisical attitude towards the August 6, 2001 National Security Daily Briefing that was titled; “Al Qaeda determined to strike within the continental United States, using Air Crafts as lethal weapons,” one month and five days later led to the 9/11 devastation that killed over 3,000 Americans and people from other Nations. The direct cost for the 9/11 attack was 1.5 trillion and the subsequent cost for the two wars Bush got us into is well over 4 trillion dollars.


However, you didn’t hear the Republicans and Fox Misnomer News calling for Bush’s impeachment; cover-up or resignation, but the one unfortunate attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans, they claim is far worse than Watergate. Under Bush there were 13 attacks to our facilities abroad that killed 60, but again, there was no outcry.


Twitter @sheriffali