Archive for CON MAN TRUMP

Wisconsin ID Law Suppressed 200,000 Votes, Trump won by 22,748 – The Nation Magazine: Con Man Trump claims he is like Abraham Lincoln – Newsweek Magazine: Republicans and Trump Trillion Dollar Deficit placed America on a path of fiscal ruin – USA Today:

Posted in Republican Legislators with tags , , , , , , , , , on September 13, 2018 by sheriffali

 Wisconsin ID Law suppressed 200,000 Votes in 2016. Trump won Wisconsin by 22,748 Votes. Republicans and Trump are fraudulent Anti-Democracy and Russian Puppets.




 Donald Trump, you are no Abraham Lincoln, you’re a pathetic, lying, thieving, racist pig. And you’re a Putin/Russian Puppet.



 Crooked Donald Trump and Fraudulent Republicans Trillion Dollar deficit have placed America on the path to ruin. That’s what happens when you hire corrupt crooks to run the Country.

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Republican Legislators In Congress And Other GOP Office Holders That Are Still Supporting Donald Trump Are Traitors To America And The Constitution

Posted in Politics, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 24, 2017 by sheriffali

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From All That Is Known Thus Far, Trump Is A Treasonous, Corrupt To The Core, Literally Decimating America’s Democracy, Electoral Process, US 17 Intelligence Agencies And Americans Freedom And Liberty. Republicans Are Enabling In All Of These Egregious Machinations Against America And Its People.



The Base Supporters of Donald Trump and the Republican Party are perhaps mostly just common folks that are uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and most likely, brainwashed, and they are Voting and Supporting their emotions as Dictated to them by Republicans and Trump.



Settling the fierce academic debate over whether or not a president can pardon himself would probably require a president to pardon himself for certain federal crimes and then, presumably after his term, challenge efforts to try him for those crimes, his self-pardon notwithstanding. The mere fact that the current president is putting the question to his lawyers, though, speaks volumes not just about his culpability, but about where his priorities lie.



The pardon power stems from the Constitution’s stipulation that the president “shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.” While the legal question would turn on whether a “grant” can be directed inward or only outward, the act itself would concede to the commission of “offenses against the United States.” By pardoning himself, Trump wouldn’t be inoculating himself against political jeopardy, only attempting to keep himself out of prison.



A president who claimed to be a tribune for law and order is mulling ways to immunize himself from prosecution for crimes, while showing no comparable mercy to anyone outside his immediate family or circle of conspirators. The Justice Department’s investigation of Russian influence in the 2016 election—and of the Trump campaign’s assistance in those efforts—is exposing as a sham Trump’s claim to loyalty to anyone other than himself.



Trump’s famously ghoulish campaign trail boast that he “could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and [not] lose any voters” was a slight exaggeration, but it spoke to something true and profound. The GOP base’s indifference to Russian election interference, and to Trump’s complicity with it, shows the strength of the bond Trump forged with a certain segment of the electorate through his unconventionally nasty and dishonest style on the stump. 



Twitter @sheriffali



Full Article By New Republic

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White House Staffers Are Discussing When [Not If] Donald Trump Would Resign. If Trump Resigns This May Not Be A Good Thing Because Mike Pence May Very Well Pardon Everyone As George Herbert Walker Bush Did In January 1993, Hours Before Turning Over The Presidency To Bill Clinton.

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 19, 2017 by sheriffali

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[Palmer Report] “Donald Trump is holed up in Camp David this week, a place he hates, and is reportedly refusing to meet or speak with anyone on his staff. This comes at the end of a week in which he was exposed as being under criminal investigation, and responded by exploding on Twitter in self incriminating fashion. Now comes word that Trump’s staffers are expecting him to resign.


That’s the word from political insider Jon Cooper, who has shared the following: “WH source: Alarmed Trump staffers are starting to talk about WHEN (not if) Trump will resign. Wondering if Pence will be forced out, too.” No specific timetable is known to have been discussed. Rather, by framing it in terms of when and not if, White House staffers are expressing their expectation that Trump’s resignation is now inevitable (keep in mind that inevitable does not mean imminent).


This raises the question of why some of Donald Trump’s staffers are now expecting him to resign, rather than merely expecting that he’ll be ousted through impeachment or the 25th Amendment. His staff has been working closely with him on a daily basis for half a year, and they may now be interpreting his latest words or behavior as a sign that he knows it’s time to bail out before things get worse. Or they may have heard him say as much. It’s also notable that the White House staff thinks Mike Pence may also be a goner.


Pence recently hired an attorney to personally represent him in the Russia probe. He’s also launched a fundraising PAC which appears aimed at paying his legal bills, suggesting that he expects to be a central target of the investigation in prolonged manner which will result in massive attorney’s fees. Former FBI Director James Comey confirmed during his recent testimony that Pence knew early on that Michael Flynn was dirty, suggesting that he may have been in on the cover up.”


Twitter @sheriffali

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Donald Trump Is Being Investigated For “Obstruction Of Justice,” Not The Firing Of FBI Director James Comey

Posted in Politics, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 16, 2017 by sheriffali

Donald  Trump’s own words, verbal and written, his behavior and intent, he Trump may have very well convicted himself; as defined in the omnibus clause of 18 U.S.C. § 1503


“Obstruction of justice is defined in the omnibus clause of 18 U.S.C. § 1503, which provides that “whoever . . . . corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice, shall be (guilty of an offense).” Persons are charged under this statute based on allegations that a defendant intended to interfere with an official proceeding, by doing things such as destroying evidence, or interfering with the duties of jurors or court officers.


A person obstructs justice when they have a specific intent to obstruct or interfere with a judicial proceeding. For a person to be convicted of obstructing justice, they must not only have the specific intent to obstruct the proceeding, but the person must know (1) that a proceeding was actually pending at the time; and (2) there must be a nexus between the defendant’s endeavor to obstruct justice and the proceeding, and the defendant must have knowledge of this nexus.


  • 1503 applies only to federal judicial proceedings. Under § 1505, however, a defendant can be convicted of obstruction of justice by obstructing a pending proceeding before Congress or a federal agency. A pending proceeding could include an informal investigation by an executive agency.” [Legal Information Institute]


Twitter @sheriffali

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70-Year-Old Trump Claims He Invented A 78-Year-Old Economic Theory – “Priming The Pump.” If You Are Not Ashamed Of Donald Trump, Then You Have No Shame At All!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 12, 2017 by sheriffali

Egbert Ray Nichols [1884-1958] created the Theory “Priming The Pump In 1939’ – Pump Priming Theory Of Government Spending.” Yet America’s most illegitimate and fraudulent Treasonous President, just can’t seem to help himself when it comes to lying, conning, fraud, and taking credit for things this 70 year old unintelligent “Child-Man” is incapable of doing.


It is rather amazing how swiftly America has fallen from the most Admired Country in the World to the most questionable, solely because in the 112 days of this illegitimate Presidency, Donald Trump has told so many lies than the Fact-Checkers simply just cannot keep up with. Trump’s Executive Orders of purely “Internecine Policies,” have done more damage to the United States, since its inception in 1776.


However, worst than Donald Trump are the “Fraudulent Republicans that are enabling Trump’s Treason, they too have become Traitors To The Union.” Just reveled sources in the past days suggest than GOP Leaders that includes Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are part of a massive Russian Money Scandal.


Perhaps, just perhaps, the ray of hope in this very dark-grey dawn is that the Republican Voters are beginning to awaken as to what Donald Trump and Republicans are doing to America and the American people. Republicans are running away from their Town Halls because their Constituents are drilling them very harshly for their recklessness in blindly supporting Trump. At one Republican Town Hall earlier this week, a GOP Voter got up and shouted to his Senator; “When are you going to stop being a Politician and be an American First?” [Very Powerful Question To Every Politician, Democratic or Republican]


This is the Esquire Magazine Link where Donald Trump Took Credit during an Interview for the “Priming The Pump Theory”


Let us all continue to do our part and be hopeful that America will awaken to brighter and better tomorrows, not just for America, but for the entire world.


Twitter @sheriffali

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In Rare Unity, Hospitals, Doctors and Insurers Criticize Health Bill. GOP TAHCA Takes Away One Trillion Dollars From Health Care And Gives It To The Rich!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , on May 5, 2017 by sheriffali

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Republicans and Donald Trump have spent 104 days from January 20, 2017 to May 04, 2017 working around the clock to destroy the lives of Millions of Americans by repealing Obamacare and implementing [TAHCA] “The American Health Care Act,” which takes away One Trillion Dollars from Health Care and give it to Corporations and the Rich. However, we must never forget the 7 years 2010-2016 the GOP Controlled Congress voted 62 times to repeal Obamacare. And yes, it is millions of uninformed, ignorant, mostly uneducated and brainwashed Americans that vote these people into Office and vote to keep them in Office. Amazing isn’t it?


[NYT] “It is a rare unifying moment. Hospitals, doctors, health insurers and some consumer groups, with few exceptions, are speaking with one voice and urging significant changes to the Republican health care legislation that passed the House on Thursday.


The bill’s impact is wide-ranging, potentially affecting not only the millions who could lose coverage through deep cuts in Medicaid or no longer be able to afford to buy coverage in the state marketplaces. With states allowed to seek waivers from providing certain benefits, employers big and small could scale back what they pay for each year or reimpose lifetime limits on coverage. In particular, small businesses, some of which were strongly opposed to the Affordable Care Act, could be free to drop coverage with no penalty.


The prospect of millions of people unable to afford coverage led to an outcry from the health care industry as well as consumer groups. They found an uncommon ally in some insurers, who rely heavily on Medicaid and Medicare as mainstays of their business and hope the Senate will be more receptive to their concerns.


“The American Health Care Act needs important improvements to better protect low- and moderate-income families who rely on Medicaid or buy their own coverage,” Marilyn B. Tavenner, the chief executive of America’s Health Insurance Plans, the industry’s trade group, said in a strongly worded statement.” Open NYT For Full Article:


Twitter @sheriffali

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Donald Trump and Family are bleeding the Treasury dry with no complaints from Republicans, however, Right-Wingers are complaining because President Obama will be paid $400 Thousand Dollars for delivering a Speech at a Health Care Conference.

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 27, 2017 by sheriffali



[NYT] “President Obama will cash a $400,000 check from Cantor Fitzgerald when he delivers a speech in September at a health care conference run by Cantor Fitzgerald, a trading and investment firm.


On Wednesday, Mr. Obama’s spokesman defended the former president’s coming speech, saying Mr. Obama decided to give it because health care changes were important to him. The spokesman, Eric Schultz, noted that Cantor Fitzgerald is a Wall Street firm but pointed out in a statement that as a presidential candidate, Mr. Obama raised money from Wall Street and went on to aggressively regulate it.


Mr. Obama will spend most of his post-presidency, Mr. Schultz said, “training and elevating a new generation of political leaders in America.”




As for me personally, I unequivocally support former

President Obama to speak wherever and whenever he

chooses to do so. Mr. Obama has proven to be one of the

most ethical and scandal free President in modern day

Politics. The former President has a right to make the best

out of life for him and his family.


          Twitter @sheriffali

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Donald Trump Proposes Biggest Tax Cut In US History; Trillions For Corporations And The Wealthy; Pennies For The 98%

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , on April 26, 2017 by sheriffali

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Republicans, literally all of them are “Serious White-Collar Criminals,” preying on America’s vulnerable while they use the United States Treasury as their slush Fund to give to the Rich while stifling the poor.


Just imagine, Donald Trump and Republicans shamelessly ends “Meals On Wheels;” defunds Planned Parenthood that provides medical services for women and men and at the same time, Trump and the GOP are working Overtime to kill Obamcare [ACA] that would take away Health Insurance for 24 Million Americans.


The devastation that is ongoing will hit hard on the very same Voters that elected Donald Trump and kept Republicans in control of the House and Senate.


America has a big problem, “stupid” people suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome – “Voting Against Their Own Best Interest.”


[The Hill] “President Trump’s forthcoming tax plan will be the “biggest” tax cut in history, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Wednesday at an event hosted by The Hill.


Mnuchin provided several clues as to what will be in the package, which will be unveiled later in the day.


He confirmed that the proposal would cut tax rates for businesses to 15 percent. That rate would apply to both corporations and owner-operated businesses known as “pass-throughs.”


The 15 percent rate was also part of Trump’s campaign plan. Mnuchin said that Trump thinks that’s “absolutely critical” for driving economic growth.


He also said that the administration wants to simplify the personal tax system and that most Americans should be able to file their taxes on a large postcard.


“The average American should have simple taxes,” Mnuchin said, adding that many people won’t end up paying any taxes under the administration’s plan.”


Twitter @sheriffali

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Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 11, 2017 by sheriffali

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[TYLER ROGOWAY] “Shortly before two US Navy destroyers let 59 Tomahawk missiles fly, I wrote in detail about why striking Syrian dictator Bashar al Assad’s forces now, in revenge for gassing his own people, was a terrible idea. After a picture of last night’s missile attack on Shayrat Air Base has become clearer, I can tell you that this operation wasn’t only counter-productive, it was a sham. 



In an age where BS seems to comes first, and “alternative facts” have been weaponized for mass consumption on an unprecedented scale, the decision to toss $100 million worth of cruise missiles at a token target and claim doing so was a measured response for the throngs killed or hurt by Assad’s heinous gas is not surprising. But the fact that so many of our leaders are playing it off as some incredible act—and so many cable news pundit generals seems just giddy to see some action to talk about—is downright troublesome. 


When considering any military action, one has to weigh the many dimensions of cost versus benefits, both near and short term. Simple questions like “does this act have a true military purpose? Does this act make America more secure? Does this act bring America closer to achieving its overall goals in a region? Will this act further endanger our soldiers?” are just a few questions among many that have to be considered carefully. The attack on Shayrat Air Base fails the vast majority of these tests glaringly.”

Open Link For Full Article:


 Twitter @sheriffali

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Donald Trump Enabled By Republicans Publicity Stunts Aren’t Policy, They Are Extremely Dangerous To America

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 10, 2017 by sheriffali

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Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell And Paul Ryan, Are More Dangerous To America Than All Countries And Every Terrorists Group Combined, Because These Four Are Dismantling America From The Inside.



[NYT] “In other words, showy actions that win a news cycle or two are no substitute for actual, coherent policies. Indeed, their main lasting effect can be to squander a government’s credibility. Which brings us to last week’s missile strike on Syria.


 The attack instantly transformed news coverage of the Trump administration. Suddenly stories about infighting and dysfunction were replaced with screaming headlines about the president’s toughness and footage of Tomahawk launches.


But outside its effect on the news cycle, how much did the strike actually accomplish? A few hours after the attack, Syrian warplanes were taking off from the same airfield, and airstrikes resumed on the town where use of poison gas provoked Mr. Trump into action. No doubt the Assad forces took some real losses, but there’s no reason to believe that a one-time action will have any effect on the course of Syria’s civil war.


In fact, if last week’s action was the end of the story, the eventual effect may well be to strengthen the Assad regime — Look, they stood up to a superpower! — and weaken American credibility. To achieve any lasting result, Mr. Trump would have to get involved on a sustained basis in Syria.


Does anyone still remember the Carrier deal? Back in December President-elect Donald Trump announced, triumphantly, that he had reached a deal with the air-conditioner manufacturer to keep 1,100 jobs in America rather than moving them to Mexico. And the media spent days celebrating the achievement.


Actually, the number of jobs involved was more like 700, but who’s counting? Around 75,000 U.S. workers are laid off or fired every working day, so a few hundred here or there hardly matter for the overall picture.


Whatever Mr. Trump did or didn’t achieve with Carrier, the real question was whether he would take steps to make a lasting difference.


So far, he hasn’t; there isn’t even the vague outline of a real Trumpist jobs policy. And corporations and investors seem to have decided that the Carrier deal was all show, no substance, that for all his protectionist rhetoric Mr. Trump is a paper tiger in practice. After pausing briefly, the ongoing move of manufacturing to Mexico has resumed, while the Mexican peso, whose value is a barometer of expected U.S. trade policy, has recovered almost all its post-November losses. Open NYT Link For Full Article”


Twitter @sheriffali

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