Archive for Compassion

President Obama A Man Of Passion And Compassion Will Rename Mount McKinley In Alaska To Its Original Native American Name “Denali” – “The Great One”

Posted in American History, Native Americans, Obama's Compassion, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , on August 31, 2015 by sheriffali

[NYT] President Obama announced on Sunday thatMount McKinley was being renamed Denali, using his executive power to restore an Alaska Native name with deep cultural significance to the tallest mountain in North America.


The move came on the eve of Mr. Obama’s trip to Alaska, where he will spend three days promoting aggressive action to combat climate change, and is part of a series of steps he will make there meant to address the concerns of Alaska Native tribes.


It is the latest bid by the president to fulfill his 2008 campaign promise to improve relations between the federal government and the nation’s Native American tribes, an important political constituency that has a long history of grievances against the government.


Denali’s name has long been seen as one such slight, regarded as an example of cultural imperialism in which a Native American name with historical roots was replaced by an American one having little to do with the place.


The central Alaska mountain has officially been called Mount McKinley for almost a century. In announcing that Sally Jewell, the secretary of the interior, had used her power to rename it, Mr. Obama was paying tribute to the state’s Native population, which has referred to the site for generations as Denali, meaning “the high one” or “the great one.”


The peak, at more than 20,000 feet, plays a central role in the creation story of the Koyukon Athabascans, a group that has lived in Alaska for thousands of years.


Mr. Obama, freed from the political constraints of an impending election in the latter half of his second term, was also moving to put to rest a yearslong fight over the name of the mountain that has pit Alaska against electorally powerful Ohio, the birthplace of President William McKinley, for whom it was christened in 1896.


The government formally recognized the name in 1917, and efforts to reverse the move began in Alaska in 1975. In an awkward compromise struck in 1980, the national park surrounding it was named Denali National Park and Preserve, but the mountain continued to be called Mount McKinley.


Senator Lisa Murkowski, Republican of Alaska, introduced legislation in January to rename the peak, but Ohio lawmakers sought to block the move. In June, an Interior Department official said in testimony before Congress that the administration had “no objection” to Ms. Murkowski’s proposed change.


In a video released on Sunday, Ms. Murkowski cheered Mr. Obama’s decision.


{For the Obama Critics, remember that American was founded on two monumental crimes – The Genocide Of 120 Million Native Americans; And The Enslavement Of Africans}.


Twitter @sheriffali


Evil Can’t See It But President Barack Obama Is Our North Star!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 15, 2014 by sheriffali

President Obama embodies Hope, Encouragement, Love, Compassion, Wisdom, Strength, Balance, Resolute, Spirit, And Yes He is Our North Star.


The words of Republican Legislator Frederick Douglass on September 25, 1883, couldn’t be any more precise than it is today. Mr. Douglass said of the colored man, in this case, President Obama;


 “If he comes in ignorance, rags and wretchedness he conforms to the popular belief of his character, and in that character he is welcome; but if he shall come as a Gentleman, a Scholar and a Statesman, he is hailed as a contradiction to the national faith concerning his race, and his coming is resented as impudence.” [Republican Frederick Douglass, September 25 1883]


Even though when President Obama took Office on January 20, 2009, America was upside-down from the previous administration and millions had lost their homes and those that managed to keep their homes, it was under water. More than a thousand banks had failed wiping out Depositors that had more than $250,000.00 on deposit. Jobs were falling at the rate of 8,000 per month in the last half of 2008 to the point where unemployment stood at 10.2%


The Stock Market had hit severe lows and our financial system was on the verge of collapse. Due to lack of Regulations by Republicans, Crooks, Liars and Thieves had literally pick-pocketed the American people and let us not forget, we had two wars spinning out of control at a cost of 5.1 trillion dollars that was unpaid. We had a 1.1 trillion dollar unpaid bill for two tax cuts for the rich, and the country was hopeless and in despair.


We still have a long way to go, but Mr. Obama has placed the country back on track, irrespective of what the Pollsters, News Media and the disingenuous Republicans try to tell you. Result; 10 Million jobs and unemployment stands at 6.1%; The Banks are stable and so is our financial system; The Housing Market has rebounded; The Stock Market is at all time highs and yet, uninformed, uneducated, ignorant and brainwashed Americans, propelled by the untruths of the Republicans and their Mouth Piece, Fox News, there is a very visible disdain for Mr. Obama.


The chaos in the Middle-East is the direct result of Bush and Cheney’s reckless invasion of Iraq, that took the lives of 4,500 soldiers; wounded 50,000 plus and left 75,000 plus with severe mental problems.


And despite all the good that President Obama has done, he has been treated with the utmost disrespect; obstructed every step of the way by the Do Nothing Republican Congress.


What is amazing about our North Star is he lives up to his calling, because despite the people that totally trashes him in Public, Mr. Obama has never repaid them with evil. People are annoyed with Obama because he is never angered, even in the most difficult of circumstances. President Obama is no contradiction; He is what He is; A Statesman; A Gentleman and a Scholar.


Twitter @sheriffali


Virtues of Women! Dedicated to Malala Yousafzai

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , on October 12, 2013 by sheriffali

“There is something in a woman beyond all human delights: a magnetic virtue, a charming quality, and occult and powerful motive of love and caring.


A beautiful woman is the perfect workmanship of God and the sole wonder of the world. When I see the elaborate study and ingenuity displayed by women in the pursuit of trifles, I feel no doubt of their herculean undertakings.


Man’s sin is that he has not had enough humility; woman’s that she has had too much of it. It is as if, by letting women carry the burden of being humble and pious for them, men have got rid of any need to appropriate these virtues for themselves and so have felt free to visit aggression on the world.”