Archive for Christ

Megyn Kelly and Fox News, Republicans and their Trolls spend their night and day, casting blame on President Obama for the world that was turned upside down by Bush and Cheney.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 29, 2014 by sheriffali

George W Bush and Dick Cheney capsized the stability of the world and it is going to take a decade or two before the world is again, right side up!


Megyn Kelly, Fox News and Republicans Preaching Jesus and claiming to be Patriots while being bankrupt of both! Spending their night and day, yes, night and day, blaming President Obama for all that ails America, while claiming that they are not racists, they just seem to have a different standard for a 50% Black President.


Obama by no means is a perfect man, but then again, we are all fallible and imperfect, however, as a person who is the CEO of an International Company that operates in over a dozen countries, I can attest to the fact that we in America are a long way from the doom and gloom we were tossed into by the previous Administration.


The American people on the other hand are justified in their majority reluctance to be involved with any war, but then at the same time they too blame Obama for the instability of the World. We must not fail to forget that a great majority of the American people are just plain uninformed, brainwashed or are divided by Political Party, Ideology and frankly, just plain ignorant. 83% didn’t have a clue where Ukraine is located, many thought it was within one of the States inside of America, imagine that for a moment.


We are the only country in the world where Six [6] major Corporations own the 1,500 News Papers; 1,100 Magazines; 9,000 Radio Stations; 1,500 Television Stations and the 2,400 Publishers.


News Anchors and News Hosts no longer have a mind of their own, they bow to their Corporate Masters, some bend all the way and others bend a little less. Nevertheless, the News, be it Television, Print or Radio they are about creating commotion, pitting one against the other to increase viewership that enhances their advertising and their Corporate Bosses laugh all the way to the Bank, while 98% of Americans are killing each other verbally out of just plain stupidity.


Twitter @sheriffali





Roger Mahony robbed the dead; Robert Van Handel molested 17 boys; The Pope turned a blind eye! Why do people follow any religion?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , on February 12, 2013 by sheriffali

As the scandals continued to rock the Vatican, Pope Benedict turned a blind eye and now he has decided to resign, blaming it on his age. Well is it his age?


A Roman Catholic former Priest, Robert Van Handel gave a chilling confession, detailing how he molested seventeen innocent boys!


Pressed to come up with hundreds of millions of dollars to settle lawsuits for “clergy sex,” Cardinal Roger M. Mahony turned to the Catholics whose faith could not be shaken; “The Dead.” The Archdiocese of Los Angeles took ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN MILLION DOLLARS [$115,000,000.00] from its cemeteries’ maintenance fund to settle claims without informing the relatives of the deceased.


The Papacy!


The Pope the head of the Catholic Church, for far too long, this religion seemed to have embraced the coronation of the Pope as being greater than “all” men which is a fallacy.


For after all, the Pope, Ministers, Preachers, Imams, Pundits and the likes, they are neither God nor Christ; “in the final analysis they are just men, fallible and imperfect.”


These people and by whatever manner one identifies with them, they are derived from religion; something created by men and hence, since men are fallible, so is religion.


I have traveled much across this vast world we live in and I must say that the Catholic Missions are a great assistance to humanity, irrespective of the people, race or class.


However, for the Pope and others in the Catholic religion to advocate that their Priests can’t get married is just insane. Some men are born eunuchs from their mother’s wombs and others become eunuchs from a sincere desire to be eunuchs. But, not all men can be made into eunuchs.


My absolute frustration with the Papacy has been and continues to be, their advocacy of demanding their followers not use any form of contraceptive and that they should keep having children, even if they have no viable means to take care of the many children they bring into this world.


And of course the other is, from the Pope and everyone under him who have participated in the cover-up of innocent children, who has been molested by people that these children were taught to trust, this is not just evil, it is beyond evil.


Perhaps, with the Pope’s resignation the Vatican can anoint a more practical person as their new Pope, and allow that person to work within the Church to implement practical rules that would benefit their Church members and society as a whole.


This may be highly improbable for the Vatican but it is not impossible, if they would only consider the amount of children’s lives they have destroyed with their absolute and profound nonsense of forcing men to be hypocritical eunuchs!