Archive for Carly Fiorina

GOP – Grand Old Party Bankrupt Of Shame: Running For President – Trump Bankruptcy Swindler; Carson Deranged; Kasich Lost Cause; Bush Loser; Rubio Hypocrite; Cruz Homophobic; Fiorina Pathological Liar; Paul Martian!

Posted in 2016 Presidency, GOP HOPEFULS, Hillary Clinton For POTUS with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on November 10, 2015 by sheriffali


It is amazing to witness what has happened to the Party of Abraham Lincoln and Dwight Eisenhower.

After losing Congress in 2006 and the White House in 2008, John Boehner and Mitch McConnell embraced the extreme Right-Wingers in 2010 and recaptured the House of Representatives. Then in 2014, Democrats that do not vote in the Off-Year Election gave the Senate to McConnell.

Then, Congress being run by Boehner and McConnell joined with the extreme binge of the Republican Party and decided to become “The Do Nothing Congress”, obstructing everything and producing Internecine Bills that didn’t in any way whatsoever, helped the American people, not even the Republican Voters that are still suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome, that keeps voting against their own best interest.

Majority of the Bills passed in the House and some in the Senate were a complete and utter waste of time; there were in excess of 400 Bills and each and everyone had to do with taking away Women’s Rights. Republicans have gone after Women’s Rights in such a manner that one would think these people don’t have a mother, Wife, Daughter or Niece!

In addition Republicans have and continue to go after Social Security, Food Stamps, and any and all Government Assistance to help the less fortunate, but they remain hell-bent on giving more and more to the 1%.

The Affordable Care Act has caused the Uninsured Rate to drop as low as 9%, but Republicans even after making 62 Attempts to literally kill the ACA [Obamacare] that failed, they are still focused on defunding Health Care for those that need it most.

Since 2016, John Boehner never brought to the Floor any Bills for; Immigration Reform, Jobs Bill, Infrastructure, Education or anything productive.

So, ask yourself, why do we even have a Republican Party? Democrats are not perfect, but they do favor America’s 99%. Perhaps, just perhaps, the speed of which the Republicans are imploding, we may be fortunate and do create a Third Party that would eventually replace the GOP!

Twitter @sheriffali

CNN Tabloid News, Fox Of Course And Other Media Outlets Are Already Romancing The Female Version Of Donald Trump – Carly Fiorina. Fiorina Wants To Do For America What She Did For Hewlett Packard. She Fired 18,000 Employees, Outsourced To Asia Thousands Of Jobs, Mired In Scandal And Failure, Hewlett Packard Fired Carly Fiorina.

Posted in 2016 Presidential Election, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , on August 8, 2015 by sheriffali

Carly Fiorina ran for the US Senate Seat in California in 2010, she lost badly and to this day, she owes campaign workers over $500,000.00. But now she wants to be President! Remarkably and Heartwarming!


Carly Fiorina has “one” target on her mind, Hillary Clinton and she follows Mrs. Clinton around as though Mrs. Clinton stole Fiorina’s Dog. Every News show she goes on she calls Mrs. Clinton a Liar. On MSNBC Hardball Chris Matthews asked Fiorina to name one thing Mrs. Clinton lied about; Fiorina constant answer – BENGHAZI!


But we shouldn’t be surprised because Fiorina being a Repugnant Republican Reprobate totally bankrupt of shame, she follows in the footsteps of John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz and the other Republican Despots that wouldn’t investigate George W Bush and Dick Cheney for Billions of Dollars that are unaccounted for; Iraq’s illegal invasion; torture and sitting on their behinds for 9 months with information available to them about Al Qaeda and allowed 9/11 tragedy to occur. Under George W Bush we had 7 attacks that killed 53 people at our foreign Embassies and to this date, there isn’t one question about that.


However, after 13 investigations and more than 57 million dollars spent, Republicans are at it again. And let us not forget what Carly Fiorina and the other Republican Reprobates want to do on the first day in Office is to Repeal Obamacare with no plans for the 16 million plus people.


The Middle Class and the Poor that vote Republican have a serious case of the Stockholm Syndrome and their Party Leaders prey on them because they are uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and brainwashed.


Twitter @sheriffali


Two prominent Americans — an Eminent Social Scientist and the President of the United States — decided to answer the question: How have America’s churches failed the poor? Americans give to Religion 82.5 Billion Dollars Annually.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 18, 2015 by sheriffali

Their answer was one deeply congenial to the progressive mind:


 “They’ve been too obsessed with the culture war.”


“Over the last 30 years,” Harvard’s Robert Putnam told The Washington Post, “most organized religion has focused on issues regarding sexual morality, such as abortion, gay marriage, all of those. I’m not saying if that’s good or bad, but that’s what they’ve been using all their resources for … It’s been entirely focused on issues of homosexuality and contraception and not at all focused on issues of poverty.”


President Obama’s version, delivered when he shared a stage with Putnam at Georgetown University, was nuanced but similar in thrust: “Despite great caring and concern,” the president remarked, when churches pick “the defining issue” that’s “really going to capture the essence of who we are as Christians,” fighting poverty is often seen as merely “nice to have” compared to “an issue like abortion.”


It would be too kind to call these comments wrong; they were ridiculous. Not only because (as Putnam acknowledged) believers personally give abundantly to charity, but because institutionally the churches of America use “all their resources” in ways that completely belie the idea that they’re obsessed with culture war.


As Mark Hemingway of The Weekly Standard pointed out, “Even the most generous estimates of the resources devoted to pro-life causes and organizations defending traditional marriage are just a few hundred million dollars.” Whereas the budgets of American religious charities and schools and hospitals and other nonprofits are tabulated in the tens of billions. (Indeed, as Bloomberg View’s Megan McArdle noted, some of that money — from Catholic sources — paid Obama’s first community-organizer salary.)


Twitter @sheriffali



Open New York Times Link For Full Article:


By The Skillful And Sustained Use Of Propaganda, One Can Make A People See Even Heaven As Hell Or An Extremely Wretched Life As Paradise. Adolf Hitler, And That Is What The Republicans Have Been Doing;

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 10, 2015 by sheriffali

Republicans Manifesto: More Religion, More Guns, More Wars, More Tax Cuts For The Rich And Nothing For The Middle-Class, Students And The Poor.


Agenda, Increase The Age To 70 For Social Security Benefits, Privatize Medicaid And Medicaid, Repeal Obamacare, Cut Food Stamps And Other Social Services For The Needy. Why Do Middle Class And Poor People Vote Republican?




Jeb Bush delivered a forceful defense of religious freedom from a secular government during a speech at an evangelical university on Saturday, deploring the rise of “coercive federal power” under President Obama that he said was seeking to impose progressive dogma on the country’s faithful.


But in an intriguing omission at a school known for its long-time opposition to same-sex unions, Mr. Bush did not mention the raging debate over the legalization of gay marriage, or express his opposition to it, even as he touched on the environment, sex trafficking and abortion.



In his commencement address to students at Liberty University, a Virginia school well known for hosting Republican presidents and presidential candidates, Mr. Bush bemoaned that “federal authorities are demanding obedience, in complete disregard of religious conscience — and in a free society, the answer is no.”



Mr. Bush suggested that, were he to return to office as an elected official, his Christian faith would be an inevitable force in his decision-making.


“It can be a touchy subject, and I am asked sometimes whether I would ever allow my decisions in government to be influenced by my Christian faith,” he told the students. “Whenever I hear this, I know what they want me to say. The simple and safe reply is, ‘No. Never. Of course not.’ If the game is political correctness, that’s the answer that moves you to the next round.”


But Mr. Bush called that flawed thinking. “The mistake is to confuse points of theology with moral principles that are knowable to reason as well as by faith,” he said.


He deplored a “false narrative that casts religious Americans as intolerant scolds, running around trying to impose their views on everyone.”


His speech made a pointed but affirmative case for Christianity as a positive force for freedom and compassion. There is, he said, “no more powerful or liberating influence” and praised its “most dynamic, inclusive and joyful message.”


Mr. Bush spoke against the “hostile caricature” of Christians and seemed to implore the audience to treat him as an ambassador to skeptical outsiders who are misinformed about the faithful.


Intriguingly, Mr. Bush made no reference to his own Catholicism. He converted to the faith from Episcopalianism in the 1990s.


The Bush family has a long history with Liberty University. Both his father and brother — presidents both — have spoken there. The current president of the university, Jerry Falwell Jr., made light of that tradition on Saturday.


“Please tell your mother,” he told Mr. Bush, “I still don’t believe we’ve had enough Bushes speak here at Liberty.”


Mr. Bush came armed with a joke of his own. Mr. Falwell’s brother Jonathan, who attended the speech and spoke with Mr. Bush on Saturday, shares a distinction with Mr. Bush: Both his father and brother are presidents (albeit of a university).


“Somehow,” quipped Mr. Bush, “I don’t know what it was –  we really hit it off.”


Twitter @sheriffali