Archive for bush and cheney

Fox Freak Show Tonight, Where Bigots, Racists, Chicken Hawk Warmongers, Bankruptcy Shyster, Religious Fanatics, Homophobes, Liars And Crooks Gather Together To Beat-Up On The 50/50 White African American President That Saved America!

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 6, 2015 by sheriffali

Yes Sir, this performance tonight is to find out who can say the dumbest of things; tell the biggest lies; promulgate the most racism and be the extreme obnoxious person that may end up being the Republican Nominee, For President Of The United States.

They wouldn’t have any difficulty because Republicans and Fox News cater to the uninformed, ignorant, and uneducated and the brainwashed, that loyally and consistently vote against their own interest.

Tonight Performers are all educated, so they are not espousing stupidity because they are foolish people, no sir, they do this because of the audience, their loyal voters would be watching and they the Republican Voters, well, they are suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome.

Twitter @sheriffali

FOX FREAKS - 3FOX NEWS - REPUBLICAN GOD - DUGGARSBUSH CHENEY 12 BILLION THEFTBARRY GOLDWATER - REPUBLICAN - WARNING11846183_619721581502555_584594109_n11846740_615541361921417_2939483243661503112_nGOP - 2016 HOPEFULS EMBARASSING AMERICA - 2

Jeb Bush Declares His Brother’s Failures Irrelevant! But, Hell No, George W Bush And Dick Cheney Wrecked The Country And The World!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 20, 2015 by sheriffali

Two months ago, Jeb Bush was asked about some of his brother’s foreign policy decisions. “I won’t talk about the past,” the Republican said, adding his unannounced presidential campaign is “not about re-litigating anything in the past.”


The Washington Post reported over the weekend that the former governor’s position hasn’t improved much since.


…Bush dodged reporter’s questions about how he might govern differently than his father or brother or whether his views on foreign policy differ from them…. Bush has previously said that the intelligence used to justify the start of the Iraq war was flawed, but he pushed back against a question Friday about whether his brother had made any other mistakes with his foreign policy.


“I’m not going to get into that,” he said. “That’s not particularly relevant in a world of deep insecurity, focusing on the past is not really relevant. What’s relevant is what’s the role of America going forward?”


The comments were, of course, caught on tape.


The obvious problem with Bush’s position is that it’s factually wrong. If there’s “deep insecurity” in the world, much of it is the direct result of some of his brother’s decisions – most notably a disastrous and unnecessary war in the Middle East that destabilized the region.


If the Florida Republican genuinely believes his brother’s wars aren’t “relevant” to today’s national security challenges, Bush is badly confused about the basics of current events. Indeed, Americans deserve to know whether the former governor has learned any lessons from his brother’s devastating failure; “I’m not going to get into that” isn’t a satisfactory reply.


The less obvious problem is that Bush has already surrounded himself with the Bush family’s team of foreign-policy advisers. In the context of his 2016 candidacy, few things are as relevant as this basic truth.


Jeb Bush believes his foreign policy beliefs should be guided by his brother’s staff, but at the same time, Jeb Bush believes his brother’s foreign policy decisions aren’t relevant to his presidential ambitions. If he sees this as a coherent argument, he’s mistaken.


Finally, let’s not brush past the contradiction at the heart of Bush’s talking points: he insists that “focusing on the past is not really relevant,” while at the same time, he’s eager to condemn President Obama’s handling of international affairs. Last week, the GOP candidate told an audience that Obama “believes that America’s power is not appropriate and America’s presence is not a force for good,” which is both demonstrably ridiculous and an obvious attempt to focus on the past.


There’s still plenty of time for Bush to come up with a more lucid response to these questions, though I’ll confess to being hard pressed to imagine what those answers might look like. The results of his brother’s foreign policies – and to a very real degree, Jeb Bush’s advisers’ foreign policies – were catastrophic. He doesn’t want to endorse failure; he doesn’t want to condemn his brother; and he can’t simply take a pass on the legitimate questions. It’s not a recipe for long-term success.


Twitter @sheriffali


America must prosecute War Criminals George W Bush and Dick Cheney for Torture, Lies, Deception and Murder

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 15, 2014 by sheriffali




Dick Cheney War Crimes Felon should be in Prison and not allowed on Television as an expert on Iraq!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 10, 2014 by sheriffali

George W Bush, Dick Cheney and their Myrmidons are responsible for the chaos in Iraq and the Terrorist Groups that are operating inside of Iraq. Prior to Bush and Cheney’s Oil Invasion of Iraq, there weren’t any terrorists groups in Iraq. Apart from the illegal invasion Bush and Cheney fired the entire Iraqi Army which included Saddam Hussein’s Elite Republican Guards, and those are the same people that comprise of the brutal terrorists group, ISIS.


What we are witnessing at the present time is the result of Bush and Cheney toppling Saddam Hussein, a Sunni and replacing him with Nour al-Maliki, a Shiite. At the cost of 4,500 American lives; 50,000 plus severely wounded; tens of thousands with serious mental problem; 1.7 trillion dollars spent and 100,000 plus non-combatant Iraqis killed, all that came out of Bush and Cheney’s egregiousness is that we replaced a Sunni Dictator with a Shiite Dictator. Mr. Maliki, the Prime Minister Bush and Cheney installed, even when he lost the first election he refused to step down. Had President Obama move to help Iraq with Nour al-Maliki still being Prime Minister, he would have never resigned. It is easy to make a mess of things such as in the case of Bush and Cheney, but, it is another story cleaning up someone else’s garbage.


Irrespective of the naysayers about Obama’s Policies, Iraq does have a new Government and with their cooperation, perhaps, just perhaps, with our assistance from the Air and the Iraqis on the ground, we may be able to turn around the chaos that presently exist. We have already seen tremendous results from the Air-Strikes we have provided. Some in the News Media, especially Fox Misnomer News are siding with the War Crimes Criminal just to pounce on Obama.


Dick Cheney, the Criminal that made 39.5 Billion Dollars from the Iraqi Oil Invasion gave a speech earlier today, literally criticizing and condemning Obama’s foreign Policy on Iraq and ISIS.


This man that used and abused American Soldiers in the name of “Oil,” should be in Prison and not on Television giving speeches and not allotted air-time by the capricious Media.

Twitter @sheriffali



David Cameron You broke off your vacation and returned to your Office and on August 29, 2014 you raised Britain’s Threat-Level! Why? You haven’t lifted a finger to help, Why? You are a Wuss!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 30, 2014 by sheriffali


Prime Minister David Cameron I Respectfully Disrespect You By Calling You A Moran And A Wuss For Raising Britain’s Threat Level. Bush and Cheney used the same scheme every time the going got rough and the American people bought into the nonsense. So, please Tell The World How Many Times You Refused To Help President Obama And Why!


The four criminals in the photo with you, one of them is yours, so since your previous Prime Minister helped to create the chaos that are presently transpiring and you haven’t helped, so the question is, are you going to even try.


President Obama on the other hand he gets the blame for the relentless chaos all over the Middle-East, even though he is the only person that has done anything thus far. A crisis developed with the Iraqi’s Yazidis on the Mountain and Obama gave orders for the US Military to use Air Strikes, drop off rations and rather quickly we got the Yazidis off the Mountain.


ISIS had taken the largest and most important Dam in Iraq. As soon as the Criminal Bush and Cheney installed as Prime Minister, Nour al-Maliki was replaced, again, Obama ordered US Military Air Strikes and the Iraqis regain control of the Dam.


Amazing enough Mr. Cameron, President Obama has and is the only Leader that is doing anything about the situation in Iraq, but here in America, his countrymen, a small percentage of Whites and selective Media Outlets, they pounce on the President 24/7. On the other hand you came out and lifted the threat level and social media Trolls, or should I say the Obama Haters, thought of you as a “real leader,” while denouncing Obama as chopped-up, spoiled liver.


Mr. Obama held a News Conference on Thursday and in order not to show his cards in this game of life and death Poker, he said: “we do not have a plan as yet as to how we are going to deal with ISIS in Syria.” It is 04:57 AM Eastern Time in the United States and Obama is still being slashed and burned over that statement, even though, it was the right statement to make.


If you have ever engaged in Ware-Fare you would know that you do not fight the enemy on their terms; you do not divulge anything that would given a hint as to what your plans are; you allow the enemy to come to believe that they are invincible by not being egotistical and bearing the brunt of criticism from the people you took an oath to protect.


In the final analysis what I am really permeating is that this 50% White 50% Black Man has done so much for America, but, so many refuse to say a good word about him, much less give him any credit for preventing us from becoming a Banana Republic, subsequent to George W Bush and Dick Cheney, reaping havoc on us and leaving us for dead. Did you know that Dick Cheney profited 39.5 Billion Dollars from the Death and Destruction they and your guy, Tony Blair, invasion of Iraq caused?


Hence, I ask you this one simple question and that is Britain has always been a friend and ally with America, so, naturally, I want to know why haven’t you done anything to support Mr. Obama? Is it the 50/50 business of Black and White? Please tell us….


Twitter @sheriffali





To Stop ISIS We Must Embrace Our Prodigal Sons Iran And Syria. Jihadists Don’t Fight For Democracy, They Fight For Religious Superiority. Comingling Religion And State Is Most Dangerous To Society As A Whole. We Are Witnessing That Fact Presently.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 26, 2014 by sheriffali

Since we didn’t learn that invading Vietnam was a bad idea that didn’t accomplish anything but a decade plus years of death, destruction and misery, for both the United States and Vietnam, and repeated the same mistake with Bush and Cheney Invading Iraq, we cannot invade Countries unless we intend on creating a 51st State and or more States for every country we invade.


The Gulf States, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and the others are not going to assist us in getting rid of the despicable group ISIS and others like them. We can provide Intelligence and Air Cover and both Iran and Syria, respectively, can assist with the ground operations. As bad as we may see the Governments of Syria and Iran, nothing turned out to be worst than ISIS. And, neither Syria nor Iran want or desire any further encroachment in Iraq by ISIS or any other country, most of all their own.


More often than not it has been said that “It is better to deal with the Devil you know than the unknown Satanic Force that may prevail by taking down the known Devil.” Three good examples; as bad as we may have seen Saddam Hussein he was always a secular Government and never a Religious Government. And, despite Saddam’s egregiousness, there was no Al Qaeda in Iraq when Dictator Saddam was President. The same can be said for Libya, Egypt and several other countries.


If we listen to Republicans like John McCain, Lindsay Graham and other Republicans, they would have us start a new war every week. The GOP apart from being there for the very Rich, they don’t do anything to help domestically, the Americans people. If we were to get involved with unrest especially in the Middle-Eastern Countries, we are going to have to remain in those countries in perpetuity. In doing so, we are going to drain our Treasury Dry just like Bush and Cheney did; incur  the loss of tremendous amount of precious lives in our Military; suffer horrific injuries to our Soldiers and sooner rather than later, we would collapse just like The Soviet Union [Russia] did.


ISIS is a major problem at the moment, but, they are not unstoppable. ISIS can only continue to prevail if we remain capricious. Whatever decision President Obama makes, he has to be very mindful of the Republicans phantasmagoric rationales and internecine policies. Bush, Cheney and the other Republican Neocons Orwellian attitude is what has turned the world upside down. They can cheat, lie, misrepresent and continue to blame President Obama for the upside down world, but, factually, they are the reason, irrespective of how much they try to deny that fact.


Twitter @sheriffali  


The 2003 Shock and Awe Gang that got us into Iraq are obsessed with refighting the war!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 16, 2014 by sheriffali

Haven’t we lost enough of our most valuable assets in Iraq? In excess of 4,500 Deaths; 50,000 Wounded; over 1.7 trillion spent and the same people that got us into this unbelievable tragedy through lies and deception are all over the Television Stations telling us even bigger lies than in 2003, to convince us to do it again!



The War Mongers in Congress, John McCain, Lindsay Graham, John Boehner, and the other Republicans blocked the 21 Billion Dollar Veterans Bill; Slashed Food Stamps that  help to subsidize our Veterans Income; Refused to extend the Unemployment Insurance that are badly needed by our returning Veterans, and yes, they want to create more Veterans.



Iraq War is Bush, Cheney and the Gang that couldn’t shoot straight travesty, and as long as the Middle East remains chaotic, it will always be their fault. Press your memory’s rewind button and honestly see if prior to the Iraqi Invasion, the Middle-East was this upside down. There were always problems there for decades but it got severely worst subsequent to Bush’s unintelligent invasion of Iraq.



“On this week’s five Sunday news shows (CNN’s State of the Union, ABC’s This Week, NBC’s Meet the Press, CBS’ Face the Nation andFox News Sunday) almost all of the guests that were brought on for interviews were white Republican males. When the APreleased the Sunday show guest lineups on Saturday, of the 15 guest slots, only three were filled by Democrats, two of whom are minorities and only one being a woman. However, when the shows were actually broadcast, all three Democrats were relegated to panels. Face the Nation did book another Democrat, former National Security Adviser Tom Donilon, for an interview. Bob Schieffer also had on attorneys David Boies and Ted Olson to discuss their book. Boies is a known Democrat while Olson worked with President George W. Bush.



Outside of those two exceptions, the rest of the guests featured on Sunday’s shows are all white Republican men. On Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace interviewed Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI), who made the most appearances on Sunday shows in 2013 and is on pace to be 2014′s top guest, Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR) and Rep. Tom Price (R-GA). OVer on NBC, the majority of the program was dedicated to an interview with the loser of the 2012 Presidential election, Mitt Romney. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) was listed as a featured guest, but he was instead part of a panel discussion.



Meanwhile, over on CNN, Dana Bash, filling in for Candy Crowley, interviewed Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), like Rogers, a constant fixture on Sunday shows, and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), who lost to Tea Party challenger David Brat in Tuesday’s Republican primary. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) was listed as a guest by the AP, but ended up being part of a panel. ABC’s This Week also had Cantor on, along with Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX). The show was also hosted by Republican toad Jonathan Karl, rather than normal host George Stephanopoulos Meanwhile, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), another person listed as a guest by the AP, was merely part of the panel. CBS, besides the guests listed above, also featured interviews with Graham and RNC Chairman Reince Priebus.” []


Twitter @sheriffali



Republicans opposition to Obama shouldn’t be a mystery since 277 GOP Congressional Members are Whites and only one is African American, appointed by SC Governor.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 15, 2014 by sheriffali

Before delving into the GOP’s latest escapade about Iraq, Frederick Douglass gave us a good guide on September 25, 1883 as to what will happen if the Colored Man should rise upwards. Frederick Douglass a Republican Legislator said;


“Though the colored man is no longer subject to barter and sale, he is surrounded by an adverse settlement which fetters all his movements. In his downward course he meets with no resistance, but his course upward is resented and resisted at every step of his progress.


If he comes in ignorance, rags and wretchedness he conforms to the popular belief of his character, and in that character he is welcome; but if he shall come as a gentleman, a scholar and a statesman, he is hailed as a contradiction to the national faith concerning his race, and his coming is resented as impudence.” [Republican Frederick Douglass, September 25 1883]



“It is too bad Republicans lack any semblance of a memory dating back to before America invaded and conquered Iraq because the Bush administration saw an opportunity to enrich Dick Cheney’s company and kill Muslims. If they did, they would see a relatively stable region where Iran was not the dominant force in the area, radical Muslims were not attempting to overthrow Syria, Iraqi Sunni and Shia Muslims lived in peace in the same neighborhoods, and the idea of an Iraqi civil war was remote. However, Republicans can hardly remember what they lied about yesterday much less what Bush did thirteen years ago, so it is typical that they find no issue blaming the current situation in Iraq on President Obama.



What any of the Republicans blaming Obama for pulling American troops out of Iraq in 2011 should remember is that in October 2008 George W. Bush was president when the Status of Forces Agreement was drafted and ratified by Iraqi lawmakers a month later in November 2008. The pertinent part of the agreement that President Obama honored was that, “All the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory no later than December 31, 2011.” Still, Republicans are assailing the President for abandoning Iraq they were fully prepared to continue occupying in perpetuity, and forget that besides Bush, an ill-advised strategy by former Republican man-god General David Patraeus mishandling of the so-called “surge” that created the militant insurgency threatening to completely tear Iraq apart and finish completely destabilizing the region Bush’s invasion started eleven years ago.



The sectarian war raging in Iraq today is the result of America’s allegedly successful effort to contain sectarian violence in Iraq through the so-called “surge” that is the reason for what is becoming a devastating and uncontrollable civil war in Iraq. It is important to remember that part and parcel of General David Patraeus’ strategy in the “surge” was arming and paying Iraqi Sunnis to assist Americans on the one hand, and the other allowing Iraqi Shias to cleanse entire neighborhoods of Sunnis who are now waging an insurgent war against government forces. Some of the arms the insurgency is using are holdover “gifts” Patraeus showered on them that were used in Syria and now Iraq. There is a reason Iran supports Iraq’s government forces and called on Shias to fight with Iraq’s national army and put down former Iraqi Sunnis who were attacked viciously by the majority Iraqi Shias during the American occupation. It is true that some of the blame clearly falls on Iraqi leader Maliki for religious sectarianism targeting Sunnis since before the insurgency began in earnest, and now the entire nation is paying a heavy price.]” []  


Twitter @sheriffali



New York Times, Theocracy in the Middle East is the reason why there is no Democracy!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 12, 2014 by sheriffali

Why do you want Obama to reengage us Militarily in Iraq and supposedly compel these people to stop killing each other. This Shiite Sunni “bad-blood” has existed for thousands of years; didn’t you see enough Americans killed and wounded and Tax Payers money at the tune of 1.7 trillion down the drain and for what?


Bush and Cheney were wrong for breaking Iraq but neither they nor Obama could fix it. George Herbert Walker Bush at the end of the 1991 Iraq conflict left Saddam Hussein in Power for one sole reason; “Saddam Hussein was a secular Leader and Bush 41 had the better sense to know that if Saddam fell, the Shiites would take over and turn Iraq into another Iran Theocracy and that is exactly where we are today.


The New York Times Editorial says; “For lasting success, the United States must compel Iraq’s divisive leadership to pursue government by reconciliation just as vigorously as it pursues battle field victory.” Just how can you compel any Government in the Middle East to do anything? In one of the dumbest things George W. Bush did during his Presidency was to listen to the Vulcans Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld and others, and invade Iraq in the name of Democracy.


We have a host of problems right here in our country between Right Wing and Left Wing, Conservatives and Liberals,  religious extremism from the far right and our own Politicians promulgate the drum beat and throw red-meat to the uninformed, ignorant and brainwashed Americans, for their own self gain on remaining in power and if we can’t fix that, just how do we go about rectifying someone else’s problems!


Iraq was controlled by the Ottoman Empire for decades and the British at the request of the Iraqis spent years ridding Iraq of the Ottomans only to be kicked out shortly thereafter. We spent eight years at a high cost in lives, injury and broke the Treasury trying to force Democracy down the throats of the Iraqis, using over 1,000,000 United States Soldiers and to what end.


The same Iraqi President that refused to sign a “Status of Forces Agreement” that caused us to fully withdraw from Iraq, he is the same one that made the secret request for Obama to use Air Power against the Militants. If Obama places American Troops back into Iraq and even “one” soldier gets killed, the do nothing Republicans would be calling for Obama’s head as they do every day. Obama rescued one POW and we have seen these sanctimonious Politicians on the right and the left, advocating that it was a bad deal to give up five detainees to get our “own” Soldier back.


Twitter @sheriffali


New York Times Editorial:


Bonnie and Clyde Internecine Polices Implemented by Bush, Wrecked America but the GOP continues to beat the Benghazi and Obamacare Drum!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 19, 2014 by sheriffali

President Obama has brought us a long way from the dark days of 2008, but the GOP and their right-wing followers with Fox News as their mouth piece, castigates Obama every day because the damage done to America by Bush and Cheney wiping out 235 years of goodwill and good fortune, hasn’t all been restored in the five years Obama has been President.


George W. Bush [Raymond Hamilton], Clyde Barrow [Dick Cheney] and Bonnie Parker [Condoleezza Rice] – “Bonnie and Clyde” 2001 – 2008


Dick Cheney used the Iraq War to help himself to No-Bid Contracts to enhance his Wealth through his Halliburton Company, making billions at the cost of American lives; Tax Payers Money and yet, this morally bankrupt Vulture, has the nerve to assign blame to Hillary Clinton and President Obama. In the final analysis, Iraq war was a “cash-cow” for pernicious Cheney and former President George W. Bush, bears the responsibility for all of this “evil,” because after all, he was President for eight [8] years.


Bush’s Policies Vis a Vis Bonnie and Clyde “killed” 6,781 American Soldiers; wounded in excess of 55,000 and left 75,000 with severe Mental Problems, at a financial cost to America’s Tax Payers of 4.1 Trillion Dollars and counting. The Republican Trolls should at least include “facts” rather than phantasmagoric rationales and internecine narcissism, in their 24/7, brainwashed, uninformed and ignorant “rant.”  


Bonnie [Condoleezza Rice] and Clyde Barrow [Dick Cheney] Polices that were implemented by former President George W. Bush, [Raymond Hamilton] has been the worst in the “entire” History of America. For Fox News, Bonnie, Clyde, Hamilton and the outrageous Republicans that are still harping on Benghazi, even though we have had 13 Hearings and a Criminal Investigation by former Republican Ambassador Thomas Pickering and Retired Republican Admiral Michael Mullen, whose “written” report found no malfeasance, is self evident of the moral bankruptcy by Repugnant Republican Reprobates, as they continue to use the tragic deaths of the four Americans, to raise money in their attempt to win the November 2014 Mid-Term Elections and the White House in 2016.



Twitter @sheriffali