Archive for Blaming Obama

Kelly, O’Reilly And Hannity, Fox News Whores Selling Lies And Hate For The Two Pimps That Own Fox News; Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal and Australian Rupert Murdoch.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 1, 2014 by sheriffali

Megyn Kelly latest Post reads; Obama Miserable Failure and of course you will find the same dysfunction on the Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Chris Wallace, Mike Huckabee, Britt Bair and any Fox Misnomer News Program, except Shepherd Smith.


Obama saw that Military Power alone couldn’t not rectify Iraq’s problem. President Obama made it clear that the Iraqi Prime Minister Nour al-Maliki that squandered the opportunity given to Iraq by America’s sacrifice, he had to go. John McCain came out blasting Obama by saying it would take years for Maliki to go and for a New Government to be formed. McCain was wrong and Obama was right.


The President of Iraq appointed a New Prime Minister and despite two days of posturing by Maliki, he resigned. The New Government of Iraq would be fully in place in a matter of a week to 10 days. Once that was established, Obama ordered Air Strikes on ISIS and rescued the Iraqi Yazidis that were stuck on the Mountain. We used Air Strikes and the Kurds and other factions of the Iraqi Military were the ground force. ISIS had taken the largest Dam in Iraq. Same result. Obama ordered Air Strikes and the Iraqi Soldiers recaptured the Dam and took control of it. Over the past week the Iraqi Amrelis that were under siege by ISIS, Obama ordered aid dropped and Air Strikes and the Iraqi ground forces rescued the Amrelis and ended the siege.


Solely, because President Obama has refused to listen to the Republicans War Drum Beat and have focused on a permanent solution, critics of Obama including some in the Media, not just Fox News, have been pouncing on the President. But, one thing is for certain and that is, Obama doesn’t capitulate under pressure; he knows who he is and his well thought out objective. Had he listened to John McCain, Lindsay Graham, Mike Rogers and all of the other talking heads, we would have been in at least a dozen Moslem Countries and perhaps, just perhaps, started World War 111 with Russia. Ukraine cannot win a War against Russia, it is going to take the Europeans and the United States, to impose further and devastating sanctions on Russia and that would bring about the solution that is needed.   


99% of Fox News Guests are all Bush and Cheney’s lunatics that got us into Iraq; squandered the lives of our Soldiers, 4,500 dead; 52,000 plus, severely wounded; 75,000 plus with severe Mental Problems; killed hundreds of thousands of Civilian Iraqis and all for the bargain cost of 1.7 Trillion Dollars.


What was it all about? Well, the New Provinces since the fall and death of Saddam; ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron, British Petroleum and others. Apart from dozens in the Bush Administration that made Billions, Dick Cheney alone, his Company Halliburton made 39.5 Billion Dollars from the tragedy George W Bush, Dick Cheney and their cronies inflicted on America, Iraq and essentially, the world.


As for Iraq, what did we accomplish? We captured and killed a Sunni Dictator, Saddam Hussein and replaced him with a Shiite Dictator that was exiled in Iran, Nour Al-Maliki. Maliki turned out to be even worse than Saddam, because under Saddam, Iraq had no Al Qaeda and there was no ISIS or other terrorist cells in Iraq. On top of that, Saddam kept the lid on Iran.


George W Bush signed an agreement in 2008 clearly stating that “all” American Forces would be withdrawn from Iraq by December 31, 2011. Months before December 31, 2011 the Obama Administration sought to get Iraqi Prime Minister Nour al-Maliki to sign a Status of Forces Agreement in order for us to leave a residual force of 10,000 Soldiers. Maliki refused because he no longer had to take orders from the United States, his Orders came directly from Iran, where he was exiled for 20 years.


But, Fox News and the Republicans have and continue to promulgate misinformation to the uninformed Americans that somehow, the chaos you see in Iraq and the Middle-East is President Obama’s fault. The difference between Obama and Bush is that, Obama value the lives of the American Soldiers and do not send them in the Middle of other people’s Religious Wars and Civil Conflicts. On the other hand, Bush and Cheney saw and used the United States Military as dispensable and used the Military to satisfy their own GREED and Machismo.


I have asked myself time and time again, why can’t the American People that are so dedicated to the Republican Party and Fox News, see the truth? After much thought the only answer I am able to devise is;


“When you are dead, you don’t know you are dead, others do, but you don’t. Using the same philosophy, the same applies to “stupidity.”


With all certainty, this is the objective of Republican Politicians and Fox News;


Republicans: By keeping their base stupid that is how they remain in Office!


Fox News: By keeping their base stupid that is how they maintain their audience!


If your comment is based in fact and intellect I will leave your comment and even respond, however, if you just another Troll, I will not only delete you but block you!


Twitter @sheriffali   


Bonnie and Clyde Internecine Polices Implemented by Bush, Wrecked America but the GOP continues to beat the Benghazi and Obamacare Drum!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 19, 2014 by sheriffali

President Obama has brought us a long way from the dark days of 2008, but the GOP and their right-wing followers with Fox News as their mouth piece, castigates Obama every day because the damage done to America by Bush and Cheney wiping out 235 years of goodwill and good fortune, hasn’t all been restored in the five years Obama has been President.


George W. Bush [Raymond Hamilton], Clyde Barrow [Dick Cheney] and Bonnie Parker [Condoleezza Rice] – “Bonnie and Clyde” 2001 – 2008


Dick Cheney used the Iraq War to help himself to No-Bid Contracts to enhance his Wealth through his Halliburton Company, making billions at the cost of American lives; Tax Payers Money and yet, this morally bankrupt Vulture, has the nerve to assign blame to Hillary Clinton and President Obama. In the final analysis, Iraq war was a “cash-cow” for pernicious Cheney and former President George W. Bush, bears the responsibility for all of this “evil,” because after all, he was President for eight [8] years.


Bush’s Policies Vis a Vis Bonnie and Clyde “killed” 6,781 American Soldiers; wounded in excess of 55,000 and left 75,000 with severe Mental Problems, at a financial cost to America’s Tax Payers of 4.1 Trillion Dollars and counting. The Republican Trolls should at least include “facts” rather than phantasmagoric rationales and internecine narcissism, in their 24/7, brainwashed, uninformed and ignorant “rant.”  


Bonnie [Condoleezza Rice] and Clyde Barrow [Dick Cheney] Polices that were implemented by former President George W. Bush, [Raymond Hamilton] has been the worst in the “entire” History of America. For Fox News, Bonnie, Clyde, Hamilton and the outrageous Republicans that are still harping on Benghazi, even though we have had 13 Hearings and a Criminal Investigation by former Republican Ambassador Thomas Pickering and Retired Republican Admiral Michael Mullen, whose “written” report found no malfeasance, is self evident of the moral bankruptcy by Repugnant Republican Reprobates, as they continue to use the tragic deaths of the four Americans, to raise money in their attempt to win the November 2014 Mid-Term Elections and the White House in 2016.



Twitter @sheriffali